e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 466 Ai Rou Can't Even Take on the Newcomer Yu Xingchen's Play

Chapter 466 Ai Rou Can't Even Take on the Newcomer Yu Xingchen's Play
What's even more damning is that in order to make Yu Xingshen roll on the ground a few more times, he even used the self-destructive excuse of "Director, I suddenly have a urgency to urinate, and I need to go to the toilet".

So Yu Xingchen was outside in January at less than ten degrees, wearing a layer of fabric, and kept repeating the scene of wrestling and rolling in circles, which lasted for almost 10 minutes.

Even Director Wang secretly scolded Ai Rou for being a fine upper body in his heart, but he didn't want to tear his face.

In case Ai Rou whispers in the ear of the sponsor, once the sponsor withdraws the funding, it will delay the filming time of the entire crew.

Director Wang saw that Yu Xing had rolled on the asphalt ground for almost ten laps, and he couldn't bear it, so he said to her, "Take a break, don't worry about it, I'll call your substitute tomorrow."

Yu Xingchen looked at the complacent Ai Rou and sneered: "It's okay, I can handle it, let's take a few more."

The joints were also painful, but Yu Xingchen still didn't call to stop, and called the makeup artist to come over to touch up the makeup and pat the ashes, stood up again, hopped and flexed his muscles, and gestured for Director Wang to continue.

It was probably Yu Xingchen's look at Ai Rou, the irritable chill in his eyes was so obvious that Ai Rou felt a little guilty, so he didn't embarrass Yu Xingchen in the next one, and just passed it.

In the next scene, Ning Wan injured her foot and couldn't stand up, but knowing who pushed her, she looked at Zhuang Chuqing and said in a cold voice, "I have a grudge against you?"

Yu Xingchen had a playful smile all day long and seemed to have no temper, but once she got angry, it was something that even Gu Xishen would be afraid of.

Because of the constant NG just now, Yu Xingchen's voice was originally filled with cold anger, and he acted in this part with his true colors.

As soon as the lines were finished, Ning Wan stared at Yu Xing like ice balls, and the lines that had been blurted out suddenly stuck in her throat.

Director Wang: "Cut, start again, start with Yu Xingshen's line, and start over."

Ai Rou didn't expect that she could be killed by Yu Xing's eyes, she cursed secretly, a little annoyed, and quickly adjusted her expression.

Yu Xingchen maintained the state just now, and read the lines again, every word seemed to be rubbed with coldness, the pair of eyes that were looking at Ai Rou narrowed slightly, and the dark eyes gave Ai Rou a strong feeling pressure.

Ai Rou stammered: "I, I..."

Director Wang: "Kakaka, what's the matter with you, Airou! Can't even handle a rookie scene?"

Director Wang's mouth is poisonous for a day or two.

Ai Rou, who debuted as a child star, has more than ten years of acting experience, but even Yu Xingchen, a newcomer who has only filmed for one day, can't compare with her.

Isn't that just slapping Ai Rou in the face?

The staff members who watched the theater were discussing, "Yu Xingchen's acting skills are really good..."

"It's just that I didn't expect that even Ai Rou couldn't catch her scene. That look just now really made me angry."

"Ai Rou's acting skills are half-baked. Even if there is a financial backer behind her, she still won't be popular after so many years, she just doesn't have the strength."

Those sentences drilled into Ai Rou's ears word by word like the ear-piercing magic sound, which made Ai Rou's face turn pale in an instant, but she still had to apologize to Director Wang in a good voice: "My fault, my fault, my fault. Brewing and brewing..."

Director Wang: "No need, let's go straight to the next scene. It's time for lunch, so don't waste everyone's time." He went to greet Qin Bianche: "Come here, Qin Bianche is ready, after filming the next scene, go to eat."

(End of this chapter)

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