e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 467 Qin Bianche helps Yu Xing vent his anger

Chapter 467 Qin Bianche helps Yu Xing vent his anger

Qin Bianche stood up from the stool, took off his coat and handed it to Xiao Liu to help him carry it, and stood under the camera.

The main role of this scene is on Yu Xingchen and Qin Bianche, there is no need for Ai Rou to speak, all she needs to do is show her face.

Director Wang originally thought that this scene would definitely be easier to film, but when Qin Bianche lifted Yu Xingchen up from the ground and looked at Ai Rou, the director stood up from the surveillance screen, "Kakaka, Ai Rou Your expression should be mainly jealousy and panic, you are panicking with a hammer!"

Ai Rou stammered: "I, I am..."

In this scene, Qin Bianche only needs to look at Ai Rou, but just this one glance, after Ai Rou sees Qin Bianche's and Yu Xingchen's identical eyes, the lines in her mind are involuntarily scared back.

Qin Bianche: "If you can't do it, forget it, come back after dinner."

As soon as Qin Bianche had spoken, Ai Rou immediately said: "Brother Qin, give me another chance."

Originally, it was something that could be filmed by showing her face, but Ai Rou dragged it on for half an hour, and the crew wailed for a while.

But this really has nothing to do with her!

Qin Bianche seemed to be targeting her specially. In that scene, Qin Bianche's aura of movie king was fully on display, completely overwhelming Ai Rou.

The Zhuang Chuqing in the play, she pushed the girl Xu Yi liked to the ground, Xu Yi hugged Ning Wan, and looked at Zhuang Chuqing with eternal coolness.

So Ai Rou's gaze should have been fearful and jealous.

But when she met Qin Bianche's eyes, Ai Rou felt guilty inexplicably, as if he had already noticed that she deliberately targeted Yu Xingchen just now.

This can't help but make Ai Rou terrified, and she has been out of shape.

I really can't shoot this one, Director Wang also convinced Ai Rou, and stood up from the stool, "Come again in the afternoon, let's have dinner first."

Director Wang muttered after saying this sentence, "The money paid is so little, and all the messy people are stuffed into the crew."

Isn't this just mocking Ai Rou's funder for his low investment.

As expected of Director Wang, he dared to say such things.

Seeing that Ai Rou's face was getting more and more ugly, Assistant Director Zhang quickly stood up as a peacemaker, "Okay, okay, everyone has worked hard in the morning, let's go eat first, let's add another meal to the lunch box today."

Only then did Lin Anan take out a long coat and wrap it around Yu Xingchen.

Yu Xing huddled in his coat, and sneezed loudly, even speaking in a trembling tone, "It's so cold, it's so cold, acting is really not something people do, Qin Bianche, I admire you too Yes, it can last for so many years."

Qin Bianche's eyes shifted back from the back of Ai Rou who turned away, and returned to Yu Xingchen's familiar half-baked look, "I can rely on my face for a living, but I rely on my talent."

Yu Xingchen rolled her eyes with Qin Bianche behind her back, "Yes, yes, yes..." Her tone paused, "But thank you for what happened just now."

Having known Qin Bianche for so many years, he can tell at a glance that Qin Bianche just made things difficult for Ai Rou to vent her anger.

Qin Bianche: "Hey, it's very polite to say thank you, what's the relationship between us? There's no need for this, just call me Dad."

Yu Xingchen: "..."

Sure enough, the slight touch just now was a fucking illusion, she knew that Qin Bianche, a dog, was not worthy of her thank you.

The image of any romantic and noble son outside is deceiving, and he is still cheap in essence.

(End of this chapter)

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