e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 468 It is said that there are extra meals in the lunch box, don't be vegetarian chicken

Chapter 468 It is said that there are extra meals in the lunch box, don't be vegetarian chicken again
Yu Xingchen was still thinking about beating up the film king in public, Qin Bianche sensed the danger, and immediately walked forward with a haha, "It is said that there is an extra meal in the lunch box today, don't be a vegetarian again, Director Wang is stingy .”

Director Wang, who was eating boxed lunches with the production team over there, had sharp ears, and immediately heard Qin Bianche's words, and immediately said furiously: "I'm a stingy guy! It's not because of your salary! You think I don't want to be famous Spicy?!"

For a while, the crew laughed out loud, and the atmosphere was extremely harmonious.

In order to prevent the students from sneaking in to watch, the entire production crew contracted a teaching building to film the movie. Before work started, Yu Xingchen wanted to be lazy after dinner, so he wanted to go to the dressing room to lie down for a while.

It is said to be a dressing room, but it is actually a temporary construction by removing the tables and chairs.

Yu Xingchen thought there was no one there, and walked in foolishly, only to find that there was a staff member inside.

With a "creak" when the door was pushed open, the staff girl seemed to be frightened, and suddenly withdrew her hand from the table.

Yu Xingchen thought it was nothing at first, but after seeing her move, he paused slightly.

This girl, Yu Xingchen, was also familiar to her. She was assigned to Qin Bianche by the crew, and she was always in charge of Qin Bianche's affairs.

Seeing Yu Xingshen coming in, the girl twitched the corners of her mouth, and said hello politely: "Hi sister Yu."

Yu Xingshen let out a "huh", "Didn't you go to eat?"

Girl: "I'm not hungry... I, I'm going to get busy first."

As she spoke, she withdrew her hand, and in that short second, a touch of silver appeared from between the girl's fingers.

Then she put her left hand in her pocket, walked out of the dressing room with her head down, not forgetting to close the door for Yu Xingchen.

Yu Xingchen sat down on the chair, leaning against the back of the chair, looking at the door panel, thoughtful.

The afternoon session was a rivalry between Yu Xingchen and Qin Bianche.

——Xu Yi sent Ning Wan to the infirmary, the black earring on his left ear made his cold face more attractive.

The white shirt representing innocence was worn on Xu Yi's body, the button below his Adam's apple was unbuttoned, and the neckline was turned up, but there was a flirtatious flair in it.

Like the shining red plums in the white snow.

Ning Wan said, "Thank you."

Xu Yi pulled up a stool and sat beside Ning Wan, watching the doctor apply medicine to Ning Wan's ankle.

He crossed Erlang's legs and said: "It's okay, just invite me to dinner again then."

"..." Ning Wan, "Didn't I invite you yesterday?"

"Oh." Xu Yi casually said, "It's not too much whoring for nothing."

Seeing Ning Wan's expression was very dazed, as if he didn't know why Xu Yi, who was rumored to be so cold and unfeminine, would take the initiative.

Even the two female students in the infirmary who came to get the medicine looked at Xu Yi dumbfounded when they heard Xu Yi's words.

Xu Yi had a smile on his lips, "You think I eat too much and don't want to invite you anymore? Then I can invite you too."

Anyway, it was Xu Yi who sent her to the infirmary, and Ning Wan didn't have the nerve to refuse: "...I'll please."

After finishing speaking, Ning Wan was silent for a while, but she still couldn't hold back her curiosity, and asked him, "Are you always so enthusiastic about everyone?"

"It's not." Xu Yi changed his sitting position, still very loose, with his left elbow resting on the back of the chair, looking at Ning Wan from the side, with sharp and ostentatious lines on his side face, "It's just for you, you don't feel it What's coming out?"

(End of this chapter)

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