Chapter 469

Ning Wan: "What do you feel..."

Xu Yi: "I want to tease you."

Ning Wan was dumbfounded.

Even though the school doctor is a married aunt in her 40s, and she is not the protagonist of the confession, she is still shaken by the straightforward words of the young handsome guy.

Ning Wan immediately hissed in pain.

The school doctor coughed embarrassingly, and put down the tools in his hand, "The medicine has been prescribed, so don't exercise recently, and be careful when walking."

Ning Wan: "Okay, please excuse me, teacher."

Seeing that Ning Wan wanted to go to the ground, Xu Yi immediately stepped forward and wanted to hug Ning Wan horizontally.

Ning Wan extended her hand to decline, "No thanks, I just called my roommate to come, so I won't bother you."

Xu Yi: "Is it so cold?"

Ning Wan: "Not familiar, thank you."

After saying that, Ning Wan's roommate came, Xu Yi watched Ning Wan get out of bed stubbornly, was supported by her roommate and jumped out of the infirmary stubbornly, gave an inexplicable "huh" and murmured: "In the game, the master of the Great God is so affectionate, but in reality, he is more cold than me in the game."

The sound of the slate sounded, and then Director Wang said: "Come on, the two protagonists have worked hard."

Yu Xingchen jumped out of the play, immediately put away the lame posture of padded feet, said hard work to the actors next to him, sat back on the chair, and a makeup artist came to remove the imitation makeup from Yu Xingchen's ankles. sprain.

In the script, the personalities of the two protagonists in the game world and the real world are completely reversed.

For example, Ning Wan's attitude towards Xu Yi is opposite in the game and in reality. In reality, she is very cold towards Xu Yi.

In the game, as soon as Xu Yi started the game, he immediately called "Master~" cutely, very clingy.

On the contrary, in the game world, Xu Yi is a very cold and cold game master. As the commander of the faction, he leads thousands of players, and at the same time he is the number one leader in the arena. Even his cold personality can't stop the flood of love , the popularity is super high.

Although Xu Yi is aloof and despises Ning Wan as a rookie, he still dotes on her very much.

Last time after Xu Yi and his guild beat up Ning Wan who was guarding Shi Ning Wan until they retired and disbanded, on this server, everyone knew that the camp commander of Evilman Valley had an unprofessional apprentice.

It is under the plot of sweet pets that the reversed personalities of the two protagonists make the readers of this book hooked.

Especially when in reality Liningwan knew that Xu Yi, who had been chasing her all this time, was her master who had been secretly in love with her for a long time, the climax of the whole novel started from here.

Through the reaction of book fans, one can fully imagine how much heat this drama will cause if it is launched.

After the make-up artist helped Yu Xingchen remove the special effect makeup on his feet, Yu Xingchen put on the shoes and suddenly thought of the staff girl he met in the dressing room at noon today.

Yu Xingchen said to Qin Bianche: "I remembered something, the girl assigned to you by the crew, be careful."

Qin Bianche didn't ask why, and readily agreed, and gave some instructions to his assistant Xiao Liu, who agreed, and then went to find Director Wang.

Yu Xingchen: "You don't even ask me why?"

Qin Bianche raised his head and took a sip of water, his Adam's apple moved slightly, "Since you said it so sincerely, then I'll ask the question reluctantly."

Yu Xingchen squeezed his fist again and again, wanting to punch Qin Bianche's flat face very much.

But Qin Bianche was a film king after all, he had to save face, and if he wanted to beat him up, he had to beat him up privately.

Yu Xingchen rolled his eyes, didn't hide anything, and said directly: "That girl might be an illegitimate fan."

(End of this chapter)

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