e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 470 Bald, Can't Think of a Title

Chapter 470 Bald, Can't Think of a Title
An illegitimate fan is a more terrifying existence in the fan circle than a Du Wei fan.

It is even serious enough to be directly removed from the fan status.

The illegitimate fan's behavior is extreme and his style is also crazy. He is not like ordinary fans chasing stars, but likes to invade the private life of stars.

Stalking, peeping, and secretly filming are the most common.

Yu Xingchen felt that the girl was sneaky today, and her behavior was a little abnormal, and what she was afraid of was the most terrifying kind of illegitimate meal that used her position to satisfy her selfish desires.

Even Qin Bianche stopped what he was doing when he heard the words "illegitimate meal", and looked at Yu Xingchen questioningly.

Before Yu Xingchen could speak, that girl walked over just now.

Yu Xingchen shut up and didn't speak yet.

The staff member took Qin Bianche's cup away, made another cup of coffee for Qin Bianche, took it back, and asked him, "Brother Qin, how about this brand of coffee?"

Qin Bianche: "It's okay, is it President?"

The joy on the girl's face couldn't be concealed, she beamed and said, "Yes, yes, I knew Brother Qin liked to drink this brand."

Qin Bianche asked seemingly unintentionally: "Is this provided by the crew? It's quite expensive. Director Wang is willing to spend this money?"

Girl: "Yes, I brought it myself."

Qin Bianche's obsidian-like eyes fell on the girl, and the peach-blossom eyes brought a natural blush to the end of his eyes. Even such a slight glance seemed to be gazing affectionately.

But in terms of eyes, Qin Bianche's facial expression was alienated and emotionless, "Thanks for your hard work, I won't have to spend any money in the future. Now I don't really like the brand of President."

The fascination in the depths of the girl's pupils faded away visible to the naked eye, and her expression changed from joy to stupefaction. Because the expression changed so quickly, there was even a ridiculous twist in her facial expression.

The girl opened her mouth and stammered, "...why, why...you've been drinking this brand of coffee for two or three years..."

Over there, Xiao Chen came back and saw that the girl was there, so he paused and said, "Brother Qin, it's settled."

Qin Bianche nodded slightly, and Xiao Chen said politely to the girl again: "Xiao Yu, the director over there told you to do something urgent, you go first."

As soon as she heard that there was something urgent, Xiao Yu came back to her senses, said in a low voice, "I'm leaving first", and hurried to find the director.

Qin Bianche was leaning on the recliner, suddenly thought of something, and said "uh", "Go and tidy up the things I put in the dressing room."

Xiao Chen: "OK."

Just as Xiao Chen turned around and left, Xiao Yu over there seemed to have a conflict with Director Wang. His voice was a bit fierce, but because of the distance, he could only vaguely hear "Why did you transfer me?" did something wrong?"

Qin Bianche's brows were rarely tinged with boredom, he didn't speak, he covered the script on his face, and warmed up the heating sun.

Yu Xingchen also knew that he had unintentionally singled out an illegitimate child for Qin Bianche, and knew that Qin Bianche was upset, so he didn't say anything.

After a while, Xiao Chen packed Qin Bianche's things and came out, and said to Qin Bianche: "Brother Qin, did you take away the necklace you used to wear?"

Qin Bianche pulled down the script, showing cold and irritable eyes: "I didn't take it, it's on the table in the dressing room, didn't you find it?"
I want to count how many people like the pair of Ning Wan and Xu Yi in the script, then I can write a short story of about [-] words!

(End of this chapter)

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