e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 472 Who took the necklace

Chapter 472 Who took the necklace

Xiao Yu's heart suddenly skipped a beat, and his face became flustered.

She did take Qin Bianche's cross necklace, but that necklace was not expensive at first glance.

She just thought that this was Qin Bianche's personal belongings, so she couldn't help feeling jealous, especially since there was no one in the dressing room, so she acted boldly.

She thought about Qin Bianche's first-line celebrity, this necklace is at most an ordinary decoration, if you lose it, you will lose it, and you will definitely not be held accountable.

But how could she have thought that this broken necklace could make Qin Bianche go to war!
Director Wang asked: "After Li Ya (the makeup artist) left, has anyone ever entered the dressing room?"

Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads, "I haven't been in before."

"Never entered."

"Basically, only the actors and makeup artists who are here today will go to the dressing room, and no one in the crew needs to do makeup."


The makeup artist thought for a while, then suddenly thought of something and said: "When I was going to eat, I saw Xiao Yu walking towards the dressing room." The makeup artist stretched out her head to look for Xiao Yu's position, and finally saw her in the crowd , "Hey Xiao Yu, have you entered the dressing room? Did you notice a necklace on the table."

Xiao Yu suddenly grabbed the cross necklace hidden in her pocket, and the sharp horns of the cross made her palm hurt, making her strong and calm and said: "I didn't pay attention."

Makeup artist: "Then who else has been in the makeup room?"

Xiao Yu lowered her gaze, not daring to look directly at others, "Yu, Sister Yu went in to rest after eating."

Director Wang immediately shouted at the top of his voice, "Xiao Yu!"

Yu Xingchen walked over from one side, "What's the matter, Director Wang?"

Director Wang: "Well, Xiao Yu said you went into the dressing room?"

Yu Xingchen coughed embarrassingly: "Go in and steal for a while."

Director Wang glared at Yu Xingchen, and didn't want to talk about her being lazy, so he asked, "Have you seen Qin Bianche's necklace?"

Yu Xingchen: "No."

The makeup artist over there was also a little confused, "Then sister Yu, when did you leave the dressing room? I locked the door at two o'clock in the afternoon, and I opened the door when Xiao Liu said he was looking for something."

Yu Xingchen looked at Xiao Yu keeping his hands in his pockets, and suddenly thought of the smear of silver that was exposed between his fingers when Xiao Yu left.

Yu Xingshen just wanted to blurt out the sentence "I almost clicked that way", but swallowed it again, and then raised his gaze to meet Xiao Yu's eyes.

Xiao Yu bit her lower lip, her pupils were filled with panic, seeing Yu Xing's heavy gaze, she lowered her head as if to avoid it.

Yu Xingchen understood something instantly, but seeing that Xiao Yu was only a girl in her early twenties, she frowned again.

She exposed Xiao Yu's words in public, and the necklace was found. After all, she took advantage of the convenience of her job to do something she could do for an illegitimate job. Once word got out, this girl's career would be completely ruined.

Which crew would dare to have this kind of person in the future?

But sasaengfan is indeed a relatively contradictory existence in the circle.

Yu Xingchen: "Actually..."

But when Yu Xingchen opened his mouth, he didn't know which nerve touched Xiaoyu. Xiaoyu suddenly said: "I, I remembered... when I left, the necklace and necklace were indeed still on the table, and I didn't do it again afterward. I've gone in."

Xiao Yu was afraid that Yu Xingchen would expose her as soon as she opened her mouth, so she hurriedly left everything behind.

(End of this chapter)

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