e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 473 The necklace was given by Yu Xingchen

Chapter 473 The necklace was given by Yu Xingchen
Xiao Yu was afraid that Yu Xingchen would expose her as soon as she opened her mouth, so she hurriedly left everything behind.

But when she said this, Yu Xingchen didn't know if anyone else went in behind, so the biggest suspicion fell on Yu Xingchen?

This little girl is a bit unkind.

Director Wang: "Then Xiaoyu, you..."

Qin Bianche walked over from one side, "It has nothing to do with Xingchen, this necklace was originally given by her."

Yu Xing was stunned for a moment, and the corner of his mouth twitched, "Huh?"

Obviously, she didn't remember when she herself gave Qin Bianche such a necklace.

Qin Bianche said expressionlessly: "On my tenth birthday, you forgot that I was playing with Qi Ya and Mu Yanyan on the Bund. It was almost midnight when I bought me a strip from a small street stall outside. The necklace perfunctory me."

Yu Xingchen: "..." It seems that something like this happened.

Qin Bianche said: "After all, it's not a trivial matter, check the monitoring, Director Wang."

Director Wang slapped his head, and suddenly realized: "Hey, I'm so stupid when I'm filming, I almost forgot about the monitoring. If you check the monitoring, you will know who entered the dressing room in the afternoon."

Director Wang hurriedly called the staff to adjust the monitoring.

Just now Yu Xingchen told Qin Bianche that the monitoring was broken, but seeing Qin Bianche like this, he probably wanted to lure the snake out of the hole.

The snake was indeed drawn out, and before the monitoring found it, Xiao Yu panicked, slipped to the dressing room when everyone was not paying attention, put the necklace back in the training room and ran out of the crew.

This run, [-]% will not come back in the future.

Later, when Director Wang found out about it, he was completely dumbfounded, "She took it?"

Qin Bianche: "Otherwise, who else do you think? That little girl is still an illegitimate child. I can't think of it."

When he heard that the illegitimate meal had been mixed into the crew, Director Wang was no less nervous than Qin Bianche: "Fuck, I just gave it to you because of that little girl's hard work and wit. How could I have imagined that?" .”

Qin Bianche also knew that the crew would not pick up people's family background and favorite idols one by one when recruiting. This matter really has nothing to do with Director Wang.

Qin Bianche: "If you want to blame it, it's because I'm too hot, no one can stop her charm."

"..." Director Wang complained, "Don't hurt my eyes... But this matter is still my fault, next time I will definitely check on you when I choose a candidate, and I will sign all the privacy contracts together. Send people to you."

Qin Bianche waved his hand indifferently, "Forget it, I'm transferred from the studio, don't spend money to find someone, and then you'll complain about me spending money from the crew."

Director Wang rolled his eyes, "It's good if you have this self-awareness. Our small online drama productions are not as good as the big crew you used to be in. You have everything, and I don't care about everything. You can weigh it yourself."

Director Wang suddenly moved closer to Qin Bianche, and whispered, "Ai Rou is a restless actress, and Xiao Yu has no power or power in the crew, so you should help her more, so that she won't be bullied."

Qin Bianche sneered, wondering who else Yu Xingchen could be bullied by, it would be good if she didn't bully others.

As for the fact that Ai Rou made Yu Xingchen roll on the floor for 10 minutes longer today, Yu Xingchen will definitely get the place back by himself.

However, in order to reassure the overly worried Director Wang, Qin Bianche still said, "I know, she will be fine."

Director Wang talked with Qin Bianche for more than ten minutes. After Qin Bianche left, he was ready to watch today's filming.

(End of this chapter)

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