e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 480 It's not good to mess with anyone, but the little princess of the Yu family

Chapter 480 It's not good to mess with anyone, but the little princess of the Yu family
Ai Rou was stunned by the scolding.

Her financial backer also has some background strength, otherwise she wouldn't have been allowed to run wild in the entertainment industry for many years, and she would have been able to get her a second female lead in such a sought-after crew.

Ai Rou used the coquettish tone she used to coax the benefactor again: "Mr. Wang, even if you don't help me vent my anger, it's obviously that Yu Xingchen..."

"Get angry and get angry! I'm going to get angry when I hear your voice now!" Mr. Wang said cursingly, "Don't fucking call me from now on. If I don't know you, I will be killed by you sooner or later!"

After speaking, Mr. Wang put down the phone.

Ai Rou was in a daze for a long time before she could react.

The patron is going to break ties with her!

She has an accident now, and she is still waiting for the benefactor to help her suppress this matter!

No one wiped her butt, Ai Rou was so anxious that she called Mr. Wang several times, but Mr. Wang didn't answer.

During the fourth call, Ai Rou found that she was directly blocked by Mr. Wang!

Mr. Wang blocked Ai Rou, and then made another call.

The person on the other end of the phone didn't know what to say, Mr. Wang said flatteringly in a low voice: "Yes, yes, Miss Yu, this matter really has nothing to do with me... Ai Rou really has nothing to do with me! I definitely don't know her she!"

Yu Xingchen said "oh" with a long ending, "I enjoyed watching that incident on the Internet, if I find out that you are doing something behind your back..."

Mr. Wang hurriedly said in a cold sweat: "Absolutely not, absolutely not! Don't worry!"

Yu Xingchen let out a "hmm" and hung up the phone.

At that time, Mr. Wang breathed a sigh of relief holding the phone in his hand, and he didn't know how many times he secretly scolded that bitch Ai Rou for being out of her mind.

It's not good to offend anyone, but the little princess of the Yu family.

We must know that Yu Nanshu has completely grasped the lifeline of Shanghai's business now, as long as he stomps his feet, Shanghai will shake the three capitals.

Although it has some assets, such a small amount of money is not enough for the Yu family chaebol.

Just when Mr. Wang patted his chest and thought that this matter had nothing to do with him, the secretary over there hurriedly pushed the door in: "Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang! Something happened!"

Mr. Wang was taken aback by the sound of pushing the door, "You are called soul! What's the matter?"

The secretary swallowed her saliva: "The last time the company put all its net worth into the real estate investment, it was suddenly exposed as a tofu dregs project! The owners are all downstairs in the company and are clamoring to check out and get their money back!"

Mr. Wang stood up from the boss's chair with a swish, and his fat body pressed the boss's chair so hard that he bounced it up several times.

He was terrified: "What's going on?! How could it be exposed!"

That piece of land is indeed a good land. At that time, in order to photograph it, he did not hesitate to borrow money from the bank and paid all his family property to photograph it.

In order to save money, he asked the supervisor to tamper with the materials, but the supervisor told him firmly at the time that once the cement was poured and the wall was painted, no one would notice it.

After the opening, because of the superior geographical environment, there are all kinds of shopping malls, supermarkets and pedestrian streets around. It has indeed attracted countless owners to buy, and it is about to pay back. Why did such a thing happen all of a sudden!

Secretary: "It was a post that suddenly popped up on the Internet, saying that the project of our company was tofu dregs. Some owners were curious about the authenticity when they were decorating, and then asked the workers to smash the wall, and then the wall fell down directly. ..."

(End of this chapter)

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