e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 481 Yu Xingchen Just Wants Ai Rou to Cool Down, but Gu Xishen Wants Ai Rou's Gold Maste

Chapter 481 Yu Xingchen Just Wants Ai Rou to Cool Down, but Gu Xishen Wants Ai Rou's Funder to Cool Down Together
Mr. Wang has been in the real estate industry for many years, and he only panicked for a while when he encountered this kind of thing. After calming down, he quickly ordered the secretary, "Give the owner some money first, and let him say that the collapse was caused by the fault of the workers." wall."

"Okay, okay..." The secretary agreed repeatedly, but she suddenly thought of something, and said stutteringly: "But, but..."

Mr. Wang: "It's a hammer. If you are asked to do something, do it quickly! ... By the way, there is one more thing. Have you found out who was behind the scenes of our project that was exposed on the Internet? Give him money to clarify! If it doesn't work, you can threaten him. Let him clarify!"

Secretary: "I, I just wanted to talk about this matter. The person who exposed us didn't need to investigate at all... It was the Yunjiang Gu family who exposed us in a high-profile way..."

Mr. Wang's eyes widened, and his final voice was high: "What did you say??! Why did Yunjiang Gu's get involved again!"

Whether it was before taking charge of the Gu family or after taking charge of the Gu family, that master had never made a high-profile show to others.

But no one would think that Gu is easy to bully, he is clearly a sleeping lion, they are making a fuss outside, as long as they don't touch his territory, let them go.

But why would Mrs. Gu take care of such a trivial matter like this!


Yu Xingchen was completely unaware that this happened again after she hung up the phone.

She just wanted Ai Rou to break off the relationship with the benefactor and not support her.

And Gu Xishen was even worse, directly making the benefactor who had supported Ai Rou for so many years feel cold.

And what Yu Xingchen didn't know, Gu Xishen saw that she was eating her own melons with gusto these few days, so she put off her plan to make Ai Rou pornographic, and let Ai Rou play around for a few more days to give her little girl more Have some fun.

Although no one knows that Mr. Wang has severed his relationship with Ai Rou, but something happened to Mr. Wang. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Mr. Wang himself is in danger.

Ai Rou has also been begging her grandpa to sue her grandma for the past few days, trying to find a way everywhere, but because there is no support from Mr. Wang, no one is willing to help Ai Rou offend Yu Xingchen.

For a top class like Yu Xingchen, if she offends Ai Rou just because of her, then the loss outweighs the gain.

Even Ai Rou's immediate company was not very willing to intervene in it, but just perfunctorily shied away: "Hey... Is there any artist who has no black material, relax, and have a good attitude, and it will be fine when the limelight of this matter passes .”

But how could it be possible to get by!

Now Yu Xingchen's fans want to tear her apart!

Especially because of the disassembled recording, some people even now jokingly call her "Ai who is forced to urinate" and "Ai who is urgent to urinate".

Even when she went to the set, those people would look at her with such mocking eyes, which made her feel ashamed.

Originally, she also thought that it was impossible for those fans to spend time online every day without doing anything, and at most, this matter would fade out of the fans' sight after a while.

But who the hell would have thought that the fans in the e-sports circle could not be compared with the fans in the entertainment circle at all!

Because there are so many idols in the entertainment industry, there is also a lot of gossip. Basically, the melons of the last celebrity cheating have not been eaten, and the next singer is exposed to the hot search of having a room with a certain flower.

There are so many melons that it is overwhelming, so the memory of the fan circle is basically only one or two months, and the brains are reserved for the new melons, whoever has nothing to do will pick up the angry melons.

(End of this chapter)

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