e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 482 The Apology Statement Doesn't Even Have Three Words Sorry

Chapter 482 The Apology Statement Doesn't Even Have the Three Words Sorry
But the e-sports circle is different, the number of players is relatively small, and they are all Internet-addicted teenagers who are playing games.

The training games are endless, the live broadcasts are often endless, and the coach scolds him bloody every day, who has time to make melons.

Compared with the entertainment industry, which is its own drama, the biggest melon in the e-sports industry is nothing more than a certain cheating, a certain girlfriend cheating.

Fans are basically discussing that so-and-so lost, so-and-so won, and what happened to so-and-so training games. Only during the game will they see hot searches about the e-sports circle on the trending search. There are no fans in the e-sports circle on Weibo.

This kind of circle is cute, but the number of fans is particularly large. Once something happens, the memory of fans will be infinitely stretched. This is the scariest thing.

Especially the fans of the king during the season gap, who have nothing to do, finally squatted down a big melon, and can take out the eloquence in the game, how could they just let this matter go.

So for half a month, the heat of Ai Rou deliberately embarrassing Yu Xingshen during the filming has not yet subsided!
Ai Rou had been a coward for half a month, and finally panicked, and quickly posted an apology on Weibo, admitting that she had indeed said those words, but it was because she was in a bad state that day, and NG did not do it on purpose many times.

The whole apology was not sincere at all, it was said to be an apology to Yu Xingchen, but the word "sorry" never appeared!
And I also blamed it on the poor state that day, so I frequently NGed.

As soon as this statement of apology came out, it hit the public's irritable G-spot again, and even the people who eat melons couldn't stand it anymore.

[It's not that I said... I don't know the point of this apology statement at all?Is there something wrong with you? ...]

[Laughing, no one said it, but I just said it. Last time, a sister picked up something to force Ai. The financial owner may be Wang XX of a certain real estate. Now Wang XX's tofu dregs project is more popular than her. . 】

【The benefactor is hard to protect herself now, so where is the time to take care of her? Most of the time these days, she just huddles and waits for the benefactor to help settle this matter. Now the benefactor is almost collapsed, laughing to death. 】

[Guide Zhihu, Ai Rou’s arrogance and domineering incidents in the circle these years (applause.)

[This incident shows how bad Ai's popularity in the circle is. For these few days, none of her colleagues jumped out to speak for her. 】

[But I don’t dare to say anything if I want to talk. Judging by the fighting power of other fans these days, they have picked up everything that needs to be picked up. If anyone gets involved in Ai Rou’s affairs, they will immediately come forward to clarify that they definitely don’t know Ai Rou. , laugh to death. 】

[If the star really changes careers, then Qin Bianche's fan will not be the leader in the circle. 】


The manager also hated Ai Rou, "I told you to keep silent! Why do you have to post a Weibo!"

No matter how fierce the fighting power of the netizens is, it will only take a while. It's just something on the Internet. As long as you don't look at it, how long will it affect her?
What the agent wanted was to pretend to be dead during this period of time, filming honestly, and when other melons came up, netizens would naturally divert their attention.

But she insisted on jumping out, absorbing the anger of netizens again.

The manager's head was about to explode, thinking how could she take over such an artist with insufficient IQ.

Ai Rou: "I have never been wronged like this since I entered the entertainment industry! I have already sincerely apologized! Why are those people still holding on to me?"

(End of this chapter)

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