e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 555 Qi Ya Spits Out Gu Si9

Chapter 555 Qi Ya Spits Out Gu Sijiu

Qi Ya didn't expect to have such a big oolong, and she immediately vomited in her dazed mind, and she regained consciousness a lot.

She twitched her mouth: "Excuse me sir, I will fully compensate you for this dress."

Gu Sijiu slowly took off his suit jacket and threw it aside.

In just a few seconds after taking off his clothes, he had already conceived how Qi Ya should die.

Gu Sijiu uttered a sentence clearly, "Compensation, will I take your life to accompany me?"

At this moment, a young and cold voice came from behind Gu Sijiu, "What's wrong?"

Qi Ya's body froze suddenly, and she could only uncontrollably pass Gu Sijiu and look towards the source of the sound.

Xianchen was also wearing a black suit, but the suit jacket was draped over his hands, and under the collar of the black shirt was a messy tie that had been ripped open deliberately.

Xian Chen was taken aback when he saw Qi Ya, "Are you there?"

Qi Ya was just about to say her standard line "Long time no see", when the words reached her throat, she remembered that the two had only met at the funeral a few days ago.

Qi Ya could only swallow this sentence in circles: "Talk about some business."

After saying this, there was an inexplicably empty period between the two people who had nothing to talk about.

It was Gu Sijiu who suddenly felt something from the weird atmosphere between the two.

Could it be that this is the Qi Ya who made his brother fall in love with him for so long but couldn't find it, and in his heart he looked like a fairy coming down to earth?

Thinking of this incident, Gu Sijiu, who was looking like he was eating people at Qi Ya just now, suddenly laughed, "So this young lady and my brother are old acquaintances."

That familiar tone, as if the person who just said "I will take your life to accompany you?" was not him.

The face-changing speed was so fast that even the face-changing masters of Sichuan opera would exclaim in admiration.

Xianchen finally noticed the coat that Gu Sijiu had left aside.

Qi Ya said: "I'm really sorry, sir, is it convenient for you to tell me the price of your clothes? I will compensate you in full, or you can tell me the brand and style, and I will buy you a set."

Gu Sijiu smiled, "Then the full amount, how about adding a WeChat to transfer the money?"

Xianchen: "?"

This is a rotten way of striking up a conversation, so why is it a little familiar?

After all, it was Qi Ya who vomited him all over, and she was too embarrassed to refuse. She originally wanted to scan the QR code to pay directly, but when she saw Gu Sijiu directly clicked on the QR code of her friend, she felt a little headache, and reminded: "Sir, close Just the code."

Gu Sijiu smiled and said: "But this suit is DA's new style, the total price is 20, and the daily limit of the payment code may not be enough."

The unspoken meaning is to add a friend and turn around slowly every day.

Qi Ya: "..."

Xianchen also couldn't understand the behavior of his old animal brother, so he took the initiative to stand up and said: "There is no need to transfer money to him, he is not short of this money."

Gu Sijiu smiled and said, "Hey, it's your brother's hard-earned money anyway."

Xianchen mocked: "One day your hard-earned money will be mine."

Qi Ya finally knew who the man she vomited all over was.

Although they said so, the money still had to be given, and she really didn't want to provoke people like Gu Sijiu.

For a while, she was overwhelmed with alcohol, and forgot some things, and she blurted out some words without thinking, and said to Xianchen: "Then I will pass it on to you."
Off topic

Qi Ya: I vomited my elder brother all over as soon as we met, what should I do after entering the door!urgent!Wait online! !

Another digression, eating snail noodles in the hospital today was reported by the old man at the opposite door (the old man said that he suspected that some patients were eating shit). Live, eat the last two mouthfuls with tears in my eyes. (Holding the fat self distressedly) I am so pitiful, can you warm me up by counting tickets and giving rewards
(End of this chapter)

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