e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 556 It's better to take the initiative to step forward and trap her in the square inch

Chapter 556 It's better to take the initiative to step forward and trap her in the square inch tied by you
After speaking, Qi Ya wished she could slap herself.

Because of Xianchen's wechat, I unilaterally deleted it a long time ago, and now I take the initiative to add it back. Isn't that a rejection or a welcome?
On the other hand, Xianchen was stunned for a while after listening to Qi Ya's words, and then the corner of his mouth curled up into an inexplicable smile, "Okay."

Qi Ya added friends slowly, and from the corner of her eye, she could even see a few messages with exclamation marks on the message interface of Xianchen's mobile phone.

That was the rejection notice displayed when he sent a message after Qi Ya unilaterally deleted him.

At that moment, Qi Ya's eyes were a little sour, and she could only lower her head to escape, "I will transfer the money over."

Then she turned around and left, unwilling to say much, the hasty figure of her back seemed to suggest that a defeated defender had no choice but to abscond.

Gu Sijiu saw that Xianchen had been staring at Qi Ya's back, and teased, "Why don't you catch up?"

Xianchen looked away, and said flatly, "You talk a lot of bullshit."

Gu Sijiu hooked Xianchen's shoulders, "Thank you, I gave you a chance to chat with her in a fair and honest manner."

Gu Sijiu's 20 yuan in a suit is enough for Qi Ya to pay Xianchen for several days.

Gu Sijiu said: "Don't say your brother I don't love you."

Xianchen patted Gu Sijiu's hand off expressionlessly, "I love your whole family."

It is true that he has never stopped thinking about Qi Ya, but seeing that Qi Ya doesn't seem to want to talk to him, he knows that Qi Ya has no feelings for him.

When I said that I didn't care about his identity and age, it was actually a lie that I didn't feel for him, but I couldn't bear to refuse him directly.

But what can he do?
Even if this person really doesn't like him, he is still reluctant to let go, so that the trajectories of the two return to parallel.

Sometimes the malice that surges up in his heart will even torture him from his most vulnerable place——

Why do we have to wait?

Rather than waiting for that person to look back at you for the rest of their lives, it is better to take the initiative to step forward and trap her in the square inch bound by your own hands.

Let her never break free and escape.

She will be yours for the rest of her life.

Like a drug/addicted addict, sometimes this kind of thinking can even stimulate his eyes to turn red, and he subconsciously wants to act according to the most direct thought in his heart, regardless of any results, and release the most terrifying thing in his heart. demon.

At that time, he finally understood why Gu Sijiu said that he could be sure that he was from the Gu family without an appraisal, not only because of the familiar facial features of the two, but also because of the paranoid darkness in his blood that could not be washed away in his life , almost exactly the same as Gu Sijiu.


Qi Ya walked away in embarrassment as if she was running for her life. She walked away in such a hurry that even Secretary Wang couldn't catch up. The alcohol rushed into her head, making her dizzy for a moment.

She couldn't help leaning on the wall and stopped to breathe heavily.

Secretary Wang was startled, thinking that Qi Ya was ill, and hurriedly took out the medicine from his pocket.

Qi Ya waved her hand, "It's okay, I'm a little dizzy after drinking too much..."

Secretary Wang was scared to death, "Boss Qi, walk slowly, there are no scourges behind."

Supporting the wall, Qi Ya said with a wry smile: "There is no such thing as a flood...but there is something more terrifying than it..."

Secretary Wang has been following Qi Ya all this time, knowing that Xian Chen had a good relationship with Qi Ya before, but she suddenly stopped contacting her last year, and she never heard Qi Ya mention this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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