e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 576 How Can Xianchen Play Games With This Green Tea 1

Chapter 576 How Can Xianchen Play Games With This Green Tea
[Big sister, you care about Xianchen! !He's actually taking care of his sister in disobedience! !Hurry up and throw a few sea view houses to hit him in the face! ! 】

Diana’s account has been on his gift list all the time, and occasionally comes to watch the live broadcast, unlike some of the list ones who often go out and chat, actively ask for contact information, or ask to get in the car when playing games.

She didn't even post a barrage, if it wasn't for throwing a gift every once in a while, Xianchen even thought she wasn't watching the live broadcast.

Seeing that the contents of the barrage brush were booing, Xianchen said, "Stop playing tricks."

As soon as he finished saying this, Diana moved her fingers and dropped a sea view room.

[Diana smashed down a sea view room in PR. Xianchen's live broadcast room!Everyone, go and watch! 】

Fen Chen: "..."

Barrage:【! ! ! ! ! 】

[Rich woman hug me! ! 】

[Rich woman, do you need a pendant to wash your feet, is the gatekeeper lion at the gate of the maidservant? ! !I can apply! (trying to jump up and down)]

[Miss Bang, remember to close the window when you sleep at night, I can climb the wall very fast. 】

[Remember to close the toilet lid, and I climbed down the sewer very quickly. 】

【Hahahahaha you are enough】


Xianchen sighed and greeted routinely: "Thank you Diana for the sea view room."

As soon as Anji heard it, she knew that someone was buying gifts in Xianchen's live broadcast room, "Brother Xianchen, did someone give you a room with a sea view?"

Xianchen gave a faint "um" and didn't want to talk more.

Angie was alone in the team microphone, thinking, "No one in my live broadcast room has checked the sea view room yet. It must be because I can't play the game well, the live broadcast is boring, and I don't look good... "

When the many male creatures squatting in the live broadcast room heard that this was not bad, they quickly buckled down.

[You are an auto chess player, it's normal if you don't play well in ranking! 】

【Very interesting!How could it be boring!Sounds good and looks good too! 】


Boys must not be able to bear Anji's soft tone, but girls sound like fighters in green tea and little bitches in white lotus.

[Your voice, can you stop talking with your throat closed? 】

[No one gave you a sea view room, don't you know? Hahahahaha, everything you say is teasing. 】

【I'm convinced, how could Xianchen play games with this kind of green tea? He likes this type of game? 】


Angie made a lot of self-hacking in the live broadcast room, and sold it badly, but the number of gifts still hasn't come up. There are only a bunch of dicks who don't need comfort.

Because the camera was turned on, Anji couldn't say anything, so he could only roll his eyes very vaguely, thinking about how to pry over the elder brother who had just painted the sea view room for Xianchen.

Anji cheekily ignored the whore-identifying expert in the barrage, and said coquettishly to Xianchen: "Brother Xianchen, let's go have dinner together after the live broadcast, please? Please take me to the ranking, but don't be too aggressive." Expensive food, my salary hasn’t been paid yet.”

Qi Ya listened to the female voice from Xianchen's live broadcast room with a blank face, thinking about various things in her heart.

She doesn't act like a baby like other girls, her voice is soft and waxy, and her premature independence has made her develop a vigorous and resolute temperament.

In the business world, some people even said that her methods were more ruthless than men's.

Qi Ya didn't watch the live broadcast room anymore, and directly pressed the black screen, her face was not reflected clearly on the screen.

Qi Ya subconsciously touched her face with her knuckles.

Is my face really attractive to people?
(End of this chapter)

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