e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 577 Rich Qi Ya, are you there?Sister Green Tea asks you for a sea view room

Chapter 577 Rich Qi Ya, are you there?Sister Green Tea asks you for a sea view room
What she didn't know was that after she exited the live broadcast room, Xianchen said a word: "Am I familiar with you?"

Originally, Xianchen's behavior of being close to her was to play games in silence, but she thought that Xianchen acquiesced in such behavior, so she went even further.

In front of so many viewers in the live broadcast room, An Ji choked on being choked up by Xianchen, her face flushed and she choked.

And many viewers were happy to see the results, and they laughed in the live broadcast room.

【It's embarrassing, it's embarrassing, it's embarrassing, it's embarrassing】

[Angie should be the female player that the club let Xianchen take to catch the heat. 】

[No, I'm going to die laughing, Xianchen, can you do it?When a beautiful woman shows up with you, you can directly speak to a straight man. 】

[Xianchen: Am I proud of being single? 】

[Didn't you realize that it was Anji who kept acting as a demon after the eldest sister came out?It is estimated that they want to reward. 】

[She probably thought he was the big brother on the list hahahahaha, but in fact he is just a rich woman]

【Diana rich lady, are you there?Sister Green Tea asked you for a sea view room hahaha]

Everyone didn't know that Diana had left, but seeing that she didn't speak, and didn't collect gifts, they probably just ignored this little goblin.

Originally, because of Angie's words, "I haven't paid my salary yet", many male viewers felt sympathetic and wanted to give Angie gifts.

But when I saw the barrage content in the live broadcast room, I woke up instantly.

What people want is a top-notch sea view room, who cares about hundreds of thousands of gifts.

By doing this, Anji lost the gift and the enthusiasm that had been so hard to gain.

Many of Xianchen's fans who had stopped in her live broadcast room also unfollowed her and returned to Xianchen's live broadcast room, advising Xianchen not to bring anyone along in the future.

Xianchen only said lightly, "The club asked me to bring it."

It can be regarded as acknowledging the previous speculation of the audience.

It was already past nine o'clock after the broadcast, Xianchen had no regrets about disturbing Anji's live broadcast, and very cheeky took the things and prepared not to come to the training room tomorrow, and accepted the day given by the coach holiday.

It didn't take long for Qi Ya to finish all the trivial things.

Secretary Wang is a conscientious secretary who has to get off work with the boss.

Qi Ya said to Secretary Wang: "I'm going to promote two vice presidents, do you have any candidates to recommend?"

Secretary Wang was stunned, a little surprised: "Mr. Qi, you are planning to..."

Qi Ya hummed, "Qi Chengde's affairs have been settled, it's time to delegate power."

Secretary Wang: "Actually, Manager Zhang in the marketing department has done a good job. After he took office, his subordinates basically didn't make any mistakes, and he was promoted by the old chairman, so he can be trusted." He thought for a while, "And another……"

But Qi Ya waved her hand to signal Secretary Wang to stop talking, "Then Manager Zhang, I want to give you the position of another vice president."

Secretary Wang was shocked, and hurriedly said: "Mr. Qi is not allowed! I am embarrassed."

Qi Ya looked at Secretary Wang's flustered look with a smile, and suddenly felt nostalgic, and called out: "Senior Wang."

The refusal left in Secretary Wang's mouth suddenly choked up in his throat.

Qi Ya spoke slowly, as if thinking about something: "I remember you followed me..." She counted the days, "Four years?"

Secretary Wang also misses it quite a bit, "In the second semester of your junior year, you slowly started to take over the company. I joined the company with you."

(End of this chapter)

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