Chapter 603

However, the aunt of the Bai nationality still continued in the local dialect: "Miss, you are a cultural person, I am a big bastard, I don't understand, but I have lived here all my life, I don't know what it looks like outside, I only know that it is beautiful here."

Qi Ya turned her head and smiled at her aunt: "Actually, the outside may not be as beautiful as here."

The aunt sighed, "How could it be?"

In fact, many people of the older generation have never traveled far, and they don’t know how beautiful the place they are in is the wonderland that many people yearn for.

When the morning sun spreads over the lake, and the dense fog on the snow-capped mountains is blown away by the wind, the fragrance of flowers just seems to forget all the troubles of the world, which makes people feel like drinking from the mountains and forests.

One day Qi Ya picked up a little native dog by the Erhai Lake, and she hugged it back to the inn excitedly. On the way, she even thought about what kind of kennel to buy.

The aunt of the Bai nationality regretfully told Qi Ya that this was probably a lost dog from a nearby homestay.

She could only cry with a sad face, wrote a notice and posted it outside the inn door, and attached a photo of the little dog, hoping that the original owner could see it.

But in the next few days, the little dog began to shed hair and vomit. The aunt took it to check and found that the little dog had severe diarrhea and was still a premature pup.

The only good news is probably that the owner found out that the dog was sick and didn't want to spend money to treat it, so he abandoned it.

The little dirt dog is very cute, with white miscellaneous hair, and it still staggers when walking, but I heard that the breed of dirt dog grows up with burning beauty. Qi Ya has never kept a pet, and has never seen it before. Holding the little dirt dog Wide-eyed and small-eyed, I feel so cute, even if I grow up, I won't be ugly...

The aunt of the Bai nationality sighed, saying that Qi Ya was young and ignorant.

Qi Ya was finally able to buy all the moldy dog ​​accessories in the online shopping cart. The wooden house needs to be built by herself. There is a wooden sign in the shape of a bone on it. dog's name.

After so long, Qi Ya finally remembered that the little dog has no name yet.

So she put down her phone and went to the yard to catch the dog.

The little dirt dog was rushing at the butterflies, making Qi Ya's yard a mess, with petals of various colors falling all over the path, the little dirt dog was flying wildly with the petals all over its body, Qi Ya had to use a lot of strength to catch it. live it.

She couldn't hold on for just a few minutes of exercising, and she was paralyzed and panting on her exclusive wicker chair with the little dog in her arms, feeling a little dizzy in front of her eyes.

After slowing down a little, Qi Ya raised the little dirt dog with her hand, and said weakly, "How can you run so well?"

The little dog couldn't understand what Qi Ya was talking about. He only knew that he was caught playing vigorously with the butterfly just now. His tongue was sticking out and his short legs were still pawing around in mid-air, and his mouth was whining like a baby. sound.

"Mom is here to give you a name, don't move..." Qi Ya went to paw the little dog's hind legs, "Let me see if you are a younger brother or a younger sister..."

The little dog finally understood that Qi Ya wanted to moles him, and began to struggle.

After seeing something between its legs, Qi Ya raised a perverted smile and rubbed its stomach, "I will find you a wife to compensate you later."

Little dirt dog: "Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"

Qi Ya: "May I come and give you a name?...Does Li Ergouzi sound good?"

Little earth dog: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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