Chapter 604

Qi Ya sighed: "Hey, I named my mother Fei..."

I don't know if the little dog wanted to play or was strongly protesting against the name, which led to Qi Ya not being able to choose this name in the end.

It happened that my aunt made Xiaolongbao and brought it out for her to eat, Qi Ya didn't bother to think about it, so she just called him Baozi.

Still rustic, but much better than Li Ergouzi.

It was dinner time when Secretary Wang delivered some daily necessities, and Qi Ya and her auntie were in the kitchen studying dragon beard crisps, making the whole kitchen a mess.

Holding the recipe, Qi Ya murmured puzzledly: "I obviously put all the ingredients right?"

She has never cooked in her life, and she doesn't even know the difference between high-gluten flour and low-gluten flour.

The aunt of the Bai nationality explained to Qi Ya in loose Mandarin mixed with local dialect.

The frightening thing is that the dish of dragon beard crisps made is simply a dark dish. The lethal amount of sugar made Secretary Wang grin his teeth after taking a bite, and dare not touch it again.

Qi Ya hasn't felt so comfortable for a long time, she doesn't care about anything, she only has to do what she wants to do.

She washed her hands, turned around and said to Secretary Wang, "Try to come here as little as possible in the future, so as not to be noticed by others."

Secretary Wang: "Then Miss Mu Yanyan and Miss Yu Xingchen ask questions..."

Qi Ya frowned and thought for a while: "If you ask me, tell them about my condition, that I'm in a foreign country for medical treatment, and I'm not allowed to touch electronic products. I will contact them if there is anything."

That's how Qi Ya cut off all contact with the outside world, and An Anxin lived in this courtyard, not even daring to contact her friends.

The reason is just not to let Xianchen find where she is.

Qi Ya kept Secretary Wang for dinner, and then stayed overnight with her. She also tried to pack all the unfinished dragon beard crisps and stuff them with Secretary Wang, calling it the care and love from the boss.

Although it was really hard to eat, Qi Ya was still the boss who paid the wages after all, he dared not refuse, so he could only carry him on the plane with tears in his eyes.

Now Secretary Wang can be regarded as the person who speaks for Qi Ya in the company, and those disobedient shareholders have been rectified by Qi Ya, and they have no opinion on Qi Ya's arrangement and her going out for medical treatment.

Secretary Wang was catching an early flight back to Shanghai, and there were still a lot of people on the morning flight at the airport. As soon as Secretary Wang got off the plane, he walked casually to the parking area and wanted to call a taxi to go to the company.

At this time, someone suddenly approached from behind. Before Secretary Wang could react, the person whispered behind him: "If you don't want to die, be honest."

His body stiffened instantly, because there was a hard tubular object that was very subtle but not negligible against his lower back.

Secretary Wang immediately came to his senses, and said calmly, "I'm not moving. If you have something to say, talk it out."

The man behind him looked around, made sure no one was paying attention, and then pushed him forward. The large black windbreaker covered the man's movements, making the two look completely normal.

Three minutes later, Secretary Wang was pushed directly into a commercial vehicle.

He originally thought that he had met a business enemy, but when he looked up, he found that it was Xianchen.

He was stunned and said, "Why are you?"

Xianchen's complexion was gloomy, his eyes were dark, and his clothes were wrinkled a lot. It could be seen that he hadn't rested for a long time.

He stubbed out the cigarette in his hand, "Long time no see, Brother Wang."

(End of this chapter)

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