Chapter 605

Secretary Wang's full name is Wang Nai. He used to be by Qi Ya's side, and Xianchen always called him that.

Although Xianchen is an old acquaintance, but combined with his identity and background, Wang Nai still had to keep up his spirits, not daring to relax, and looked at Xianchen vigilantly: "Are you okay?"

"Where is Qi Ya?"

Although he had already guessed that it was because of Qi Ya's affairs that Xianchen took so much effort to get him, but Wang Nai didn't expect that Xianchen would go straight to the point without even exchanging greetings.

Wang Nai pretended to be stupid and said, "How do I know where Mr. Qi is? I'm just a secretary, not her personal butler."

Xianchen's eyes were heavy, "It's not just the secretary, Vice President Wang."

His heart skipped a beat, Qi Ya's order had not been formally issued, and only a few executives of the company knew about his promotion to vice president...

Wang Nai temporarily stabilized his mind, and said helplessly, "Mr. Qi thinks highly of me, but I really don't know where Mr. Qi is."

Xianchen's cheeks were hidden in the darkness of the car seat, but it could be seen that his back was bent. Those things didn't bend him back then, but now, in just a few days, this young body It seems to live in a soul full of wind and frost.

Xianchen: "I really didn't know she had leukemia at first."

Wang Nai put on a smirk, "Boss Qi wanted to keep it a secret, only me and her attending doctor know about it."

"Where is she?" Xianchen asked again, her voice was hoarse like sand, "Please tell me."

Xianchen's appearance is too ugly, I'm afraid no one will feel good about it, and even looks very pitiful.

The corner of Wang Nai's mouth moved slightly, and he was about to say it uncontrollably, but he stopped abruptly. Looking at Xianchen's appearance, a desire to revenge suddenly emerged in his heart.

So he said, "So what if I tell you? Boss Qi has stopped all the chemotherapy, and maybe he won't live long. What are you doing with a dying person?"

Xianchen's face suddenly became ugly, and after a while he said: "...I really love her."

Wang Nai mocked: "You love her? Why are you willing to treat her like this? You can't even guess her obvious clinical symptoms?"

Looking at Xianchen's face that was whiter than paper and the pain in his eyes, Wang Nai thought to himself that this is actually not interesting, and the pleasure of taking revenge on others is not so great.

If I knew this earlier, why did I do it in the first place?
Xianchen handed him a piece of paper beside him: "Tell me where she is."

Wang Nai looked at the paper suspiciously, and reached out to take it after a few seconds.

When he saw the content on the paper, he almost couldn't hold back his expression of neither anger nor joy, "Gu Xianchen! What on earth do you want to do!"

It turned out to be the private address of his home and the information of all his family members.

Xianchen's face was lost in the darkness, "Qi Ya is just your boss, so it's not worth you to do so many things for her, even disregarding the safety of your family?"

Wang Nai finally couldn't help but yelled, "Gu Xianchen, you crazy!"

The corner of Xianchen's mouth twitched, it was a lifeless and somewhat terrifying expression.

He didn't respond to Wang Nai's abuse, but the bodyguard on the other side suddenly took out his mobile phone and made a call.

(End of this chapter)

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