my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 1013 Strange Puppet (1)

Chapter 1013 Strange Puppet (1)

After going back, Mo Xiaotong put the matter of Huoxing behind him.

Every night, she and Shen Donghe devoted themselves to judging the dead souls lingering in the world.

During the day, it is to deal with other things.

During this period, Chu Bailian basically recovered, and not long after, the big star Chu Xue appeared in front of the public again.

The days passed by.

It was another Monday afternoon, Mo Xiaotong and Shen Donghe went to pick up Wen Yu from school.

It's school time.

Under the leadership of the teacher, the first-grade children came out one after another, and then left with their parents.

Mo Xiaotong quickly saw Wen Yu.

The latter was carrying a small schoolbag, and seemed to be in a bad mood, with a small face and slender eyebrows knit together.

Mo Xiaotong walked over, touched his little head, and said with a smile: "What's the matter? Our Wen Yu doesn't seem very happy today? Who made you unhappy?"

"Auntie Xiaotong!" The little guy suddenly showed a soft and cute expression on his paralyzed face, and called softly, then shook his head vigorously: "No one makes me unhappy!"

"Then why are you so stern?" Mo Xiaotong pinched his little face again.

Well, it's a good Q bomb, it's all collagen, and it feels great!
"Could it be that you didn't do well in the exam? By the way, your midterm exam results should come out today. Could it be that you didn't perform well?"

Wen Yu frowned, and said angrily and aggrievedly: "How can I not perform well for such a simple thing? It's all [-]%!" As he spoke, he took out the test paper and showed it to Mo Xiaotong. Hundreds, blooming on the test paper like flowers.

"Ah, it's true, our warm language is great." Mo Xiaotong hurriedly praised, and then asked, "But that's strange, what is it that makes you unhappy?"

Wen Yu sighed, and there was an unexpected seriousness on her small face: "Actually, it was in our class that a strange thing happened today..."

"What strange thing?" Mo Xiaotong asked while walking.

Wen Yu said: "My tablemate is called Zhang Yifan, he didn't come today."

Mo Xiaotong knew Zhang Yifan, he was a thick-headed little fat man, and he had a good relationship with Wen Yu.

"What's the matter, maybe he's sick." Mo Xiaotong didn't care.

Wen Yu shook her head: "No, that's not the strange thing, the strange thing is that the one who replaced him at school today is a puppet, a puppet that can talk and move, but no one else can see it, only I can see it ..."

"Ah?! Puppet!" Mo Xiaotong couldn't believe it.

Wen Yu nodded vigorously.

Backtrack to this morning.

Wen Yu walked into the classroom, and as usual, looked up in the direction of her seat.

At first glance, he was stunned.

On the seat next to him, which originally belonged to Zhang Yifan, there was actually a marionette.

That puppet is like a puppet show.Its whole body is made of wood, its joints can move, and there are thin threads hanging from its hands, feet and joints, and these threads hang in the air strangely.

Its face is snow-white, and its asymmetrical facial features are painted crookedly with paint. The painting is very clumsy, like the childish brushstrokes of a child.

The eyes are big and the other is small, the nose is a little crooked, the mouth is split wide, and there is a ridiculous smile on the face.

At this moment, this puppet was sitting on the seat that originally belonged to Zhang Yifan.

(End of this chapter)

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