my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 1014 Strange Puppet (2)

Chapter 1014 Strange Puppet (2)

Wen Yu's black eyes flickered, and he saw a hint of yin on the puppet.

However, he just asked Sun Kexin in front: "Where is Zhang Yifan? Why is there a puppet on his seat?"

Instead, Sun Kexin looked at Wen Yu in surprise: "Puppets? Where are the puppets!"

Wen Yu tapped the puppet.

Sun Kexin grinned stupidly: "This is obviously Zhang Yifan, Wen Yu, are you trying to scare me?"

Then, Sun Kexin looked at the puppet again: "Zhang Yifan, Wen Yu said you are a puppet, aren't you?"

His eyes were very natural, as if he couldn't tell that it was a puppet at all.

Wen Yu frowned.

He glanced at the puppet.

Immediately afterwards, Wen Yu saw that the puppet, which was sitting upright facing the front, suddenly turned its head slowly and clicked, and smiled at him...

It smiled and nodded, opened and closed its mouth mechanically, and let out a weird laugh: "Hahaha...Wen Yu...your joke...not funny at all..."

Wen Yu felt a slight chill, and the puppet's eyes were very evil, piercing his body like fine needles, making him feel very uncomfortable.

Wen Yu looked around the classroom.

However, all the children didn't seem to see the puppet...

No, they completely regarded this puppet as the real Zhang Yifan...

Wen Yu didn't say anything, just sat down in his seat.

During class, the teacher didn't seem to be able to see that Zhang Yifan was transformed by a puppet, and even called Zhang Yifan's name twice to make him stand up and answer questions.

The puppet did not answer, and the teacher criticized it a few words.

This weird incident has been suppressing Wen Yu, making his mood gradually heavy.

Where did the real Zhang Yifan go?

Why would a puppet take his place?
What exactly happened?
Wait for the warm words to come here.Shen Donghe, who had been silent all this time, suddenly looked in a certain direction with those dark and deep eyes: "Is it that puppet?"

Mo Xiaotong followed his gaze,

I saw a woman with a slightly plump figure, smiling and lowering her head, looking at the small figure beside her and talking.

The smile on her face is very happy, with maternal love, as if most mothers are talking to their children.

And holding hands with her, walking on the road together.

Awesome, it's a

A foot-tall puppet!

A puppet with crooked facial features, grinning, and a weird smile!
But the people around turned a blind eye to this weird scene!

"...Yes, that's it..." Wen Yu's face tensed up, staring at the puppet, she nodded slowly.

Zhang Yifan's mother was smiling and asking the puppet: "What did the teacher teach at school today?"

Puppet: "I don't know."

Zhang Yifan's mother: "Did you have fun today, what did you play with your classmates?"

Puppet: "Boring."

Zhang Yifan's mother: "The results of this midterm exam have come out, how are you?"

Puppet: "It's okay."

Zhang Yifan's mother: "What do you want to eat when you go home tonight, can mom make it for you?"

Puppet: "Whatever."


The weird conversation went on and on.

Until Wen Yu called out: "Zhang Yifan, auntie!"

Zhang Yifan's mother turned her head to look, and immediately said with a smile: "It's Wen Yu, what's the matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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