Chapter 1698
"What do you know! That kid is not a good guy, he's just playing with you! I order you to break up with him immediately!"

"No! I don't want to break up with him, I really love him!"

The man's heavy slap directly slapped the girl's face!

"If you don't break up with him, I'll beat you to death!" He roared, his face contorted like a ferocious beast.

"You hit me! You don't deserve to be my father! I hate you!"

The girl's eyes widened, she covered her swollen face, her heart was full of disbelief, and she ran out angrily, "I don't want to be with you anymore, I want to leave this house! I'm going to find Luo Zhi!"

The man rushed into anger, his eyes turned red instantly, and he lost his mind.

He stretched out his big hand, grabbed the girl's ponytail, and dragged her back directly.

The girl screamed and struggled.

"Dad, you are crazy!"

"Swallow, tell me, are you going to break up with him?!" The man grabbed a gleaming fire ax from the wall with his other hand, hid it behind him, and asked with a ferocious face.

Only the full-length mirror faithfully reflected this scene.

"No, I don't want to be separated from him even if I die!" The girl was very stubborn, but still said unwaveringly, "Let go of me, I don't want you as a father anymore!"

"Say it again!" The man's eyes were wide open, veins burst out on his forehead, and his eyes were red like blood.

The girl repeated angrily: "I don't want you as a father..."

"You and your mother are going to abandon me, aren't you?!"

The anger drove the man completely mad. After a roar, the ax behind him suddenly rose and fell.


The sound of the sharp ax hitting the flesh came, and the blood spattered instantly.

The girl's voice changed from anger to panic, and then to a heart-piercing scream: "Ah——"

"Help! Who will save me!"

"help me……"

One axe, another axe.

The girl's screams and struggles gradually stopped.

The girl's appearance was reflected in the dressing mirror.

In the mirror, her eyes were wide open, with unrepentant resentment.The petite body became dilapidated, like a broken doll that had been abused wantonly by urchins, lying lifeless in a pool of bright red blood all over the floor.

The white skirt on her body has been stained a dazzling crimson with blood.

Like a flower that withers before it fully blooms.

From the beginning to the end of this bloody massacre, it took only a dozen axes to strike.

The full-length mirror in the corner is like the most faithful recorder, recording the tragedy from beginning to end.

All the girl's monstrous resentment was sucked away by the mirror.

At the same time, the girl's remnant soul was also sucked away. This remnant soul fell into the mirror. Although unconscious, it was still full of resentment.

After venting most of his anger, the man suddenly reacted.

"I, what did I do..." His eyes were wide open, his face was as white as paper in an instant, and after a few seconds of froze in shock, he dropped the ax violently.

Then, he hugged the girl's upper body vigorously, grabbed her shoulders, and shook vigorously: "Swallow! Swallow, wake up, wake up, dad will take you to the hospital now..."

The girl's head and hands drooped feebly, her chest and abdomen did not rise and fall, and her pale little face was also lifeless.

The man trembled, stretched out his big thick hand, and put his fingers in front of the girl's nose. After a few seconds, his body trembled like an electric shock.Then he lowered his head tremblingly and listened to her chest.

(End of this chapter)

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