Chapter 1699
next moment.

He collapsed and sat down on the ground.

"Swallow... Swallow..." Tears rolled down the corners of the man's eyes, and he sobbed while holding his face.

After a while, he suddenly raised his head again, staring closely at the girl's body.

After a long time.

On his big blood-stained face, a weird smile gradually appeared, twisted and crazy.

"You are so obedient. Yanzi, Dad's baby, you are so obedient now..."

"That's right, Yanzi, you are a good daughter of Dad if you are so obedient."

"When you were young, you stuck to me every day, saying that you liked Dad the most and would never leave Dad. Dad is really happy. Even if you want the moon in the sky and my life, I can keep my eyes open...

But the older you get, the more you look down on me.I started to dislike me for being uneducated, not making money, and only embarrassing you. I don’t even want to take pictures with me, and I just quarrel with me all day long..."

"I can bear all of this, as long as you don't leave Dad. But... you want to abandon Dad completely for the sake of a brat, like throwing away useless garbage... I can't stand it..."

"It's very good now, you can stay with Dad forever, our father and daughter are here, we depend on each other..."

The man murmured, picked up the girl's body, and walked out the door...

Seeing this, Mu Qingqing felt chills all over her body.

But the story is not over yet.

Being killed by her own father in such a cruel way, although the girl's remnant soul is unconscious, it is full of resentment.

Coupled with being imprisoned in the mirror, her grievances could not be vented, which made her unable to get relief.

The girl's remnant soul spent year after year in the mirror, and four or five years passed in the blink of an eye.

The evil spirit in this room slowly nourished her and gradually became stronger.

Until she met Mu Qingqing and wanted to occupy Mu Qingqing's body to avenge her...

Mu Qingqing was dizzy for a while, and retreated from Tongyou.

it is finally over.

The cause of the female ghost's death and the murderer have been clarified.

However, a new question appeared in Mu Qingqing's heart.

The death of Chen Hai, who originally lived in Room 103, was not caused by the female ghost in the mirror. In the memory of the female ghost's remnant soul, she saw Chen Hai leaving the room in the middle of the night. The mummy whose body was full of blood was carried back by the man.

Then, the man arranged something in the room, pretending that a foreign monster attacked Chen Hai and sucked up his blood, and deceived the police and the mysterious master who came to investigate.

What's going on here?

Mu Qingqing stood in front of the full-length mirror, thinking.

There was no light on in the room, it was dark and quiet.


The door opened silently.

A pair of big feet approached slowly with almost imperceptible steps.

In the darkness, there is a bright dim light that flickers occasionally.


two steps.


Suddenly, a gust of night wind blows, the faded old curtains are slightly rolled up, and the clear and cold moonlight passes through the window and casts on the smooth mirror surface.

It reflected Mu Qingqing and a hideous figure behind her.

Almost at the same instant, a fire ax slammed down on the back of her head with a heavy and sharp sound!

Mu Qingqing's eyes suddenly tightened, and she turned sideways without thinking.

The ax landed directly on her left shoulder.

(End of this chapter)

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