my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 1725 The 2rd mission outside the story (6)

Chapter 1725 The second extra task (6)

At this time, he looked at her and said with a smile: "Beauty, did you scare you just now? When we saw your shadow, we thought you were a ghost, so we hid. We didn't expect you to be human, so I'm really sorry. "

"What kind of courage game are you playing? Go back quickly, this place is very dangerous!" Mu Qingqing finally came to her senses and said angrily.

"There's no danger, we've been here for a long time, and we don't think there's anything wrong with it!" Another boy with an inch didn't think so.

"It's really dangerous here, I didn't lie to you, go home quickly!" Mu Qingqing emphasized again.

"That beauty, why did you come here?" The leading boy laughed again, "You are not afraid of any girl, so tell us to go back?"

Mu Qingqing shook her head helplessly, took out the Profound Master badge from her arms, and waved it in front of their eyes: "Do you see clearly? I am a Profound Master, that's why I can stay here. You are different, go back quickly."

She thought that if she said this, the other party would retreat in spite of the difficulties.

Unexpectedly, their reaction was beyond Mu Qingqing's expectation. Instead, after looking at each other, their eyes lit up and became more and more excited.

"That's great, with a mysterious master here, we won't be afraid when we play games!"

"I really can't see that you are a mysterious master at such a young age!"

"Wow, that's amazing!"

"Xuanshi beauty, will you protect us?"

Mu Qingqing was speechless for a while.

She figured it out.Teenagers are the age with the most curiosity and rebellion, and they only think that Lao Tzu is the best in the world.So, even if she told them that it was dangerous here, they still wouldn't have much fear until they saw the ghost with their own eyes.

At this moment, Mu Qingqing suddenly thought of another thing.

These boys are here to play some courage game, so is there any connection between this game and the game mentioned in the mission?
Is it possible that, just playing around... the ghost will appear?

Thinking of this, Mu Qingqing sighed: "Okay, since you don't want to leave, I'll protect you temporarily and play that courageous game with you, but after the game is over, you have to leave."

"Great." Several boys smiled happily.

"Tell me, what kind of courage game do you play?"

"Have you heard of the legend of the thirteen steps in Nanhong High School?!" asked the leading boy.

Mu Qingqing: "Aren't there such similar legends in every school?"

"That's right, Nanhong High School also has it." Bancun boy interjected, "Do you know the specific content of the legend of Nanhong High School's thirteen steps?"

Mu Qingqing shook her head.She really didn't pay attention to this.

"Beauty, how many steps are there on our floor?"

Mu Qingqing counted: "Level 12."

"That's right. Originally, there were 12 stairs on each floor, no more and no less." The boy at the head lowered his voice, and said with a mysterious expression on his face, "But, I heard that there was a night more than ten years ago, A girl left something in the teaching building of Nanhong High School, so she returned to school to look for it..."

"Unfortunately, that night, she ran into a lunatic who ran into the school. The man was holding a knife and was covered in blood. It was very scary. The girl ran into the teaching building in a panic, and the lunatic kept running behind her. chasing..."

"The girl was terrified. She could only desperately run upstairs, floor to floor..."

(End of this chapter)

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