my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 1726 The 2rd mission outside the story (7)

Chapter 1726 The second extra task (7)

In the dark night, the boy's voice was floating...

It seems that in the dark night, an invisible string is stretched.

Mu Qingqing couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

"At the section leading to the rooftop on the fourth floor, when stepping on the 12th step, her foot..."

"Suddenly slipped!" The boy's voice suddenly increased!

Mu Qingqing's scalp went numb instantly!
"One step, the girl rolled down the steps, and then never got up again..."

The boy dragged his voice out, and said quietly: "Since then, there has been a legend in Nanhong High School that in the middle of the night, the steps leading to the roof on the fourth floor of the teaching building will change from 12th to 13th, and as long as If someone steps on the No.13 step, they will encounter very scary and weird things, and they can see the girl's wronged soul, and pull you to be with her..."

"The courageous game you guys want to play is..."

"That's right!" A boy with pimples said, "We're going to go to the stairs leading to the rooftop on the fourth floor to see if it's that scary!"

"It's just that we were a little hesitant at first, but now that you're here, beauty, we're really not afraid."

Mu Qingqing sighed, knowing that no matter how much she persuaded them, she would not give up, so she simply said: "Okay, let's go to the fourth floor to have a look."

With that said, she turned around and walked towards the fourth floor.

The four boys also took out their own flashlights and followed behind her.

While walking, he was talking to Mu Qingqing.

"My name is Xu Bin." The leading boy introduced, "The guys next to me are my dormitory buddies, Luo Pan, Guo Zehua, Xiao Ping. How about you, the beauty of Xuanshi, what's your name?"

"Mu Qingqing."

"How old are you? Looks about our age..."


Amidst the chatter, several people stepped from the third floor to the fourth floor.

Then, they stood together in front of the last step.

This is the step leading to the rooftop on the fourth floor, and it is also said in legend that it will change from 12 steps to 13 steps at midnight.

"Is it here?"

Mu Qingqing shone it with a flashlight and counted, "1, 2...12."

Also 12 steps.

Could it be that when walking up, it will really become 13 steps?
Mu Qingqing pondered for a moment, then said to the four boys behind him: "Are you really going up?"

"of course!"

"We came here on purpose!"

Mu Qingqing glanced at them, and said: "Okay, but I will go ahead, and you will follow me behind. If there is anything wrong, stop immediately or call me!"

"it is good."

All four boys nodded.

Mu Qingqing took a deep breath, raised her foot, and stepped up the steps.

The moment she stepped on the steps with one foot, a gust of cold wind suddenly came out of nowhere.

Mu Qingqing felt a sudden chill all over her body, but she still stepped on the other foot.


A more powerful cold breath enveloped her in an instant.

All of a sudden, the protective robe emitted a faint light, dispelling the cold air.

Mu Qingqing was a little relieved, "Are you all right?" I remembered asking behind me, and the three boys all agreed, saying that the problem was not serious.

So she continued on.

One step, two steps.

Gradually, there was an evil wind whistling behind him, like an evil spirit howling. After stepping on the fourth staircase, Mu Qingqing felt a little dizzy for the first time. The piercing wind could not even resist the body armor .

(End of this chapter)

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