my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 1727 The 2rd mission outside the story (8)

Chapter 1727 The second extra task (8)

Her skin began to feel a creepy coldness, like a cold needle tip, gently pricking her skin.

But perhaps because she was in the front, bearing the brunt of the blow, resisting the many Yin Qi, the three boys behind were still able to support it.

When Mu Qingqing stepped on the sixth level, her feet became stiff and heavy like falling into an ice cave, her breathing began to be heavy, and her dizziness became more intense.

"This staircase is really a bit evil!"

Could it be that those innocent souls are waiting for her up there?
But for the sake of the mission, no matter what, she has to get through it!
One step, two steps, her legs were as hard to move as if they were filled with lead water, Mu Qingqing bit her lip, and the place where her white teeth were biting was already emitting a bloody smell.

Continue up.

By this time, Mu Qingqing could no longer pay attention to the boys behind her. She just felt that her whole body was bound by countless cold chains. The pressure almost made her collapse, unable to think.

The light of the protective vestments has become so faint that it is almost invisible.

She can only lift her legs mechanically and then lower them, her steps are heavy and slow.

Counting silently in my heart: "Tenth, No. 11... and the last level, No. 12!"

At this time, Mu Qingqing had almost exhausted all her strength, only one thought supported her.

"I can, I can do it!"

Gasping for breath and sweating all over, Mu Qingqing tried her best to step on the No.12 step with both feet.

But at this moment, weird things happened again.

The scene in front of her suddenly became hazy, and the No. 13 step appeared out of nowhere in front of her!
This kind of thing that cannot be explained by reason made Mu Qingqing sweat even more.

The clothes behind her were all wet with sweat.

"After passing the twelve steps, there is really one more step?! Is this the legendary No. 13 step? If you step on it, what will happen?"

Mu Qingqing stopped where she was, and raised her eyes to look in front of the No. 13 step.

Everything in front of him disappeared, it was pitch black, and everything was unknown.

Only the No. 13 steps left in front of her eyes.

The dark wind whistling behind him, sometimes far and near, high and low, like the wailing of countless innocent souls in pain.

"Let's go back……"

"Don't go up..."

"You will regret this……"

"I'd like to see what's on it!" Mu Qingqing raised her eyebrows suddenly, and with the last bit of strength, she raised her feet and stepped on the No.13 step separately!

Suddenly, the mountain shook in front of her eyes, and at that moment, a dark hole appeared that seemed to be hanging in mid-air.

Pairs of black and scorched arms suddenly stretched out from the hole, like poisonous snakes, and grabbed Mu Qingqing viciously!
These arms grabbed Mu Qingqing's hair, some grabbed her clothes, and tore them hard, pulling her towards the hole.

"Come with us..."

"Stay with us..."

"There really are ghosts!" Mu Qingqing's body was almost untenable by them, and she fell towards the hole.

But at the next moment, she took out the mahogany sword and spun it around with all her strength.

There were screams, and these arms were cut by the mahogany sword, and they let go of her one by one, and retracted into the hole.

Mu Qingqing breathed a sigh of relief, her body suddenly relaxed, she turned and looked back.

In the next moment, she gasped and widened her eyes.

"What's going on here? Where are they?"

(End of this chapter)

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