Chapter 22

Shen Donghe's face was expressionless, and his black eyes were extremely indifferent, without any expression of emotion at all.

"Don't delay any longer. Your story full of loopholes can also fool elementary school students."

He put his hands in his pockets and said slowly, "Give those two students to me immediately."

"What did you say?" the female ghost screamed.

Mo Xiaotong was also stunned, and looked at Shen Donghe - what does he mean by this?
"You're just a ghost tree that wants to eat people."

Shen Donghe said.

"What kind of revenge, what is the combination of two, are all lies. You were born with wisdom because of this extremely dark place in the back mountain, and you swallowed the soul of the girl who was killed by coincidence. Of course, you also have the soul of that girl." The girls were angry, so I selected the four boys first and killed them." Shen Donghe said lightly, "However, I hadn't come to school at the time, so naturally I couldn't control this matter."

"After I came here, I saw that you were only controlling the yin energy of this place to take a small amount of anger from some students. I don't bother to interfere. It's better to teach these immature children a lesson."

"But judging from your actions today, you want to collect nine dead souls and refine them into nine ghosts, so I can't ignore it."

When Shen Donghe spit out the words "Nine ghosts congealing soul", the female ghost's face twitched immediately, and there was great shock in her eyes, "You, how do you know?"

Nine ghosts condensing souls is a kind of insidious technique, which requires nine ghosts to be used as three souls and six souls to condense into a new extremely powerful evil ghost.

Nine ghosts?

Mo Xiaotong, who had been hearing this all the time, finally sorted out his thoughts.It turned out that the female ghost seemed to be doing some sorcery, so she wanted to kill nine people. Most of what she said before was a lie to delay time.

The trace of sympathy in her heart evaporated.

Even if those boys deserve to die, the others are innocent!

However, Mo Xiaotong did the math, the four boys, plus the female ghost herself, and the short-haired girl, there are only eight of them...

"Hand over those two students." Shen Donghe said coldly.

In front of that strange tree, even the slender Shen Donghe looked small, but there was an invisible fierce aura on him, which made people feel that he had the upper hand.

"Stop talking nonsense, since you have said it all, you should also understand that today I gathered nine ghosts, and now is the most critical time, these two people are absolutely impossible to return to you!" The female ghost screamed.

Following her cry, countless vines stood upright, and then flew towards Shen Donghe in a 'swish' in the air.

brush brush --

Shen Donghe's body was instantly wrapped in vines, as if wrapped in a huge rattan castle, not a single hair was exposed.

"Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee I want to suck all your anger out -" the female ghost laughed like crazy.

Looking at this scene, Mo Xiaotong's heart sank like a bottomless abyss.My mind went blank.

Dr. Shen, Dr. Shen, that handsome and cold Dr. Shen...

He won't really die.

Suddenly, the female ghost's face was extremely distorted, and she shouted in panic, "How could this happen? You actually..."

Before she finished shouting, the surface of the vine fortress that wrapped Shen Donghe suddenly trembled violently like water waves.Then countless blue lights shot out from the gaps, like countless sharp knives instantly cut the layer of vines to pieces.

Shen Donghe appeared on the spot, not to mention scars all over his body, even his clothes were not damaged at all.

(End of this chapter)

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