my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 23, Back Mountain Cry (8)

Chapter 23, The Horror at the Back Mountain ([-])
"You, you, what are you?!" The female ghost's eyes widened, she couldn't believe it!

Shen Donghe didn't answer, suddenly he swung his body, and he was already in front of the strange tree, followed by his right hand, and his white and slender palm suddenly plunged into the strange tree's torso!
Strange things happened.

Under Shen Donghe's palm, the tree trunk, which seemed as hard as iron, was split open instantly without any resistance, just like tofu!

The cyan light flashed, and then quickly diffused into the torso of the strange tree.


The female ghost screamed in pain, her originally pretty face was distorted, and the black air surrounding her body was rapidly decreasing.

Those vines also withered and broke, and fell down with a clatter.

The girl with short hair and the girl with glasses also fell off and lay motionless on the ground, life and death uncertain.

Mo Xiaotong was dumbfounded.

At this moment, a weird giggling sound suddenly sounded from behind.

Mo Xiaotong's ears went numb, and when he turned around, his scalp exploded immediately!

The person who came turned out to have a ponytail!

Probably because of being smashed by the amulet, her originally delicate and cute face has become as if it has been scalded by boiling oil, the skin and flesh are rolled up, full of potholes, and blackness is still gushing out. Huge pus, not to mention how terrifying.

Mo Xiaotong's face instantly turned white.

I saw the ponytail floated over as if weightless, and a pair of pupilless eyes were staring at Mo Xiaotong all the time.

"Go! Kill her! Gather the nine ghosts for me!" the female ghost suddenly yelled.

The ponytail rushed over immediately.

Mo Xiaotong burst into tears.

It turns out that the ninth ghost is herself!

A dead horse was used as a living horse doctor, Mo Xiaotong threw out the amulet that had faded from the golden light, but this time the ponytail didn't even hide, letting the amulet hit him, and then grabbed Mo Xiaotong's neck .

"It's this trick again, can you give me something new!"

Mo Xiaotong protested.

Then, he scrambled and ran towards Shen Donghe.

While running, he shouted spinelessly: "Doctor Shen!! Help!"

Shen Donghe's eyes were slightly cold, and he suddenly pulled out the hand that was dealing with the strange tree, then his body moved like a ghost, and for some reason, he reached in front of the ponytail, and slapped it out.


Ponytail screamed, plopped down on the ground in front of Mo Xiaotong, and the blackness all over his body dissipated in an instant.

Then, Shen Donghe didn't even look at Mo Xiaotong, but flashed in front of the strange tree again, doing the same thing.

The strange tree shrank more and more, and the scream of the female ghost echoed in all directions: "Why? Why did you do this, why did you help these people..."

The wailing became smaller and smaller.

The last trace of black air dissipated, Shen Donghe withdrew his hand, and said calmly: "I'm sorry, I'm a school doctor, and I have to be worthy of the school's salary."

The moment this sentence was finished, the strange tree was completely turned into fly ash.

Suddenly, a few hazy figures emerged from the pile of fly ash, with male and female faces, the trio with ponytails and the female ghost among them, their eyes were dull, and they drifted in one direction past.

"Is this... a ghost?" Mo Xiaotong was startled, swallowed, looked at Shen Donghe hurriedly, and asked in disbelief.

"Almost." Shen Donghe said.

"Then, the three of them are really dead?" Mo Xiaotong opened his mouth in disbelief.

Three sixteen or seventeen-year-old girls, what a good age, in the Mood for Love, is it just gone?
"Almost." Shen Donghe said these three words again.

"What does almost mean?"

Mo Xiaotong was at a loss, this is life or death, how can there be more or less, it is not about solving math problems, there is still about how much or something.

"You can still live now, if you talk nonsense, you will really die." Shen Donghe glanced at her lightly.

Damn, count yourself as ruthless.

Mo Xiaotong immediately covered his mouth, indicating that he would not speak.

Then she opened her eyes wide and looked at Shen Donghe, who suddenly stretched out her hand and patted the corpses of the girl with ponytail, the girl with short hair, and the girl with glasses in a strange way.

Moments later.

Mo Xiaotong looked at the ghosts of the three again as if being held by a rope, slowly turned around, floated towards the body, and then sank into the body.

The chest and abdomen of the three began to rise and fall slightly.

Mo Xiaotong's eyes widened again.

What kind of operation is this?
"That's all right, are you okay?" Mo Xiaotong couldn't help asking while being shocked.

She was shocked too many times today.

This guy has always had rough nerves, and he was a little numb after being shocked.

"If you lose your vitality, you will be seriously ill." Shen Donghe said lightly.

Mo Xiaotong was quite relieved, it's better to be sick than to die.

"Why aren't they awake yet?"

"At least three days in a coma."

"That's it, we have to go back to inform the school and find someone to send them back." Mo Xiaotong muttered, and then looked at the other ghosts including the female ghost.

"What about the others? What should we do?"

"I will go to reincarnation."

"They won't be the same as before..." Mo Xiaotong didn't know how to describe it.

"Only a very small number of ghosts with deep grievances can do it."

"Oh, I understand. By the way, who are you, Dr. Shen? I didn't even know that you can catch ghosts? You are so amazing. You were so handsome just now, can you teach me..."

Mo Xiaotong was chattering.

"This has nothing to do with you, I won't teach you." Shen Donghe frowned, turned around and left.


Mo Xiaotong muttered in his heart, but he chased after him with a sincere face and said, "It's okay if you don't teach. Don't worry, I know Dr. Shen likes to keep a low profile, and I will help you keep things a secret for you today."

Shen Donghe ignored her and continued walking.

Mo Xiaotong limped along behind him, and Rory asked hesitantly: "Doctor Shen, you are so powerful, can you help me get rid of that dirty thing in 1201?"

After all, the rent is more than 1 yuan, Mo Xiaotong feels distressed just thinking about it!
Shen Donghe said lightly: "This is not within my salary range."

"What do you mean?"

Mo Xiaotong was puzzled, and finally understood after a few seconds, the central idea was only one, and he was unwilling to make a move.

cut!indifferent!ruthless!poker face!Can you be so attractive just because you are handsome?

Mo Xiaotong complained for a long time, but when he came back to his senses, he saw that Shen Donghe was going away, and hurriedly called: "Doctor Shen, my foot hurts, please walk slowly!"

At this moment, Mo Xiaotong suddenly heard a rustling sound coming from the grass around him, turned his head to look, and immediately screamed uncontrollably.

The one that made the sound was a long snake that was swimming towards her with a message!
"Ah! Help! There are snakes!" Mo Xiao Tong Hun yelled in fear.

Since she was a child, she has been most afraid of snakes and lizards. Just thinking about such cold and slippery creatures makes her hair stand on end.So at that moment, Mo Xiaotong, who was not so panic-stricken facing the female ghost attached to the tree, actually uttered a superhuman scream in front of a snake.

What's more, this snake's triangular head and colorful body make Mo Xiaotong feel terrified at first sight.

The snake seemed to be startled by Mo Xiaotong's cry, it stood upright suddenly, and the next moment it jumped forward and bit her arm.

Depend on!A snake bit me!
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Mo Xiaotong cried like a wolf, and fell down when his eyes went dark.

(End of this chapter)

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