my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 50 The Uninvited Guest

Chapter 50 The Uninvited Guest

"Being your mother's spring and autumn dream!" Fang Xiaoyu cursed there, "Xiao Mo, don't promise it!"

"Noisy!" Young Master Gui frowned.

As if to prove that it was not a joke, suddenly it flicked its finger, a jet of black air shot out, blood mist flew up immediately, and there was a bloody hole on Fang Xiaoyu's thigh!

Fang Xiaoyu was also ruthless, he resisted screaming, and just said: "Ugly, you don't take a piss to look like a ghost, if I look at you, I can spit out last night's dinner! "

"If you seek death, you will be fulfilled!"

Young Master Gui screamed, obviously irritated by Fang Xiaoyu's words.

Seeing Mr. Gui raised his hand again, Mo Xiaotong shouted desperately:
"Stop! Stop! I promise you!!"

Gui Gongzi laughed out loud, full of ambition.

"Okay, let me take the bride to groom and dress up, and then prepare to go to the church to get married."

Mo Xiaotong was dragged by Mr. Gui and drifted forward involuntarily.

But within a few steps, Mr. Gui stopped suddenly, turned around abruptly, and said faintly:
"There's another guest here."

Mo Xiaotong looked at where Young Master Gui was looking.

A figure walked over slowly.

Dr. Shen?
Her eyes widened suddenly, and she could hardly believe what she saw.

How did he come here?

Just when Mo Xiaotong was shocked, Shen Donghe's voice came over:

"Just an unexpected visitor."

Mr. Gui kept staring at Shen Donghe, with a hint of apprehension in his eyes, and did not speak.

After a long time, it spoke:
"Since we know that it is an uninvited guest who disturbed the master, it makes sense to go back quickly."

Shen Donghe's eyes were calm, and he said:
"Since I'm here, I can't leave empty-handed, so I have to ask you for some people."

The ghost boy laughed again.

"it is good."

It flicked its big sleeves, and several paper figurines dragged Fang Xiaoyu and Yao Caishan over.

Yao Caishan lowered her head, as if she had lost her mind.

"These two, here you are." Mr. Gui then pointed to Mo Xiaotong, "I will keep these two."

Shen Donghe shook his head and said:

"I want all three."

Young Master Gui twitched the corners of his mouth, and laughed sinisterly, as if he heard something extremely incredible:

"Do you know who you're talking to?"

Shen Donghe calmed down:
"With you."

Gui Gongzi:

Mo Xiaotong:

Well, there is nothing wrong with this answer!
"I am Young Master You Ming, a young master You Ming who ranks 1000th and [-]th in the ghost world."

The ghost boy said grimly.If it didn't feel that the other party's figure looked familiar, and it couldn't figure out the other party's strength, according to its temperament, it wouldn't talk so much nonsense at all.

"I don't have any impression." Shen Donghe said.

Shen Donghe was telling the truth. He could still remember the title and appearance of the Four Emperors and Ten Kings in the Ghost Realm. As for Mr. Nether, who was ranked 1000 and [-], he really didn't have much impression in his memory. to speak of.

But when Shen Donghe's honest words fell into Gui Gongzi's ears, it became a different flavor.

He has never even heard of the name of Young Master You Ming. It seems that his previous scruples about this person should be an illusion!
Mr. Ghost is determined.

"Arrogant and ignorant, since you don't know what to do, let me teach you a lesson!!"

Young Master Gui laughed wildly, and casually threw Mo Xiaotong to a few paper figurines.Standing high in the air, with his hands wide open, boundless ghostly aura billowed in, reflecting the darkness of the sky and the earth.

Ghost energy condensed on its hands, turning into a pair of black claw shadows.

(End of this chapter)

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