my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 51 Are You Shen Donghe? !

Chapter 51 Are You Shen Donghe? !

Shen Donghe's body was full of green energy, and he flew up.

The figures of the two staggered back and forth in the sky extremely quickly, turning into two afterimages, one red and one blue.

Fang Xiaoyu, who had been lying on the ground weakly, looked up at this moment in a daze, and murmured:
"Your sister, is this a movie? The special effects are good. Give me a thumbs up..."

Mo Xiaotong's heart was pounding, and his palms were wet with cold sweat.

Although she didn't know how many ghosts there were in the ghost world mentioned by Mr. Gui, she could tell with her toes that it was definitely a huge number.Gui Gongzi can rank more than 1000 to [-] among them, and his strength must be extremely terrifying.

Although Shen Donghe is very powerful, he is not necessarily its opponent.

Suddenly, Mo Xiaotong heard a muffled groan from the sky, and then a figure slammed to the ground!
After the dust cleared, Shen Donghe's white clothes were revealed, still standing there.

It's just that at this moment, there are a few cracks more than a foot long on the front chest of the white shirt, from which bright red blood gushes out, dyeing the white shirt red.

"Ah!" Mo Xiaotong couldn't help exclaiming.

In an instant, the heartache was extremely painful, as if someone had squeezed the heart severely.

Shen Donghe didn't seem to feel anything, just looked at Mr. Gui calmly, and moved his slender neck left and right:

"It's really troublesome. We can only solve it quickly."

He deliberately suppressed most of his strength, trying to get rid of Young Master Gui without alarming those guys, but it still seemed a little tricky.

Mr. Gui's face was slightly dark.

It originally thought that this blow was inevitable, that it could directly disembowel the opponent and dig out his heart, but it didn't expect that the opponent turned out to be a zombie. A few bloodstains that are not considered serious problems at all.

and many more!


And this figure and appearance!
Gui Gongzi's whole body trembled, and it suddenly understood where the inexplicable déjà vu came from!
An unbelievable name popped into its head.

Mr. Gui's grimace, which was covered with thick makeup, changed drastically in an instant, and his eyes showed panic.

"You are Shen Donghe?!"

"You recognize me?" Shen Donghe raised his eyebrows in doubt.

Hearing his question, he indirectly affirmed his identity, and suddenly Mr. Gui died.

Just a hundred years ago, it once looked at the person in front of it from a distance, no, this zombie took a look!
That figure who killed all over Huangquan Road, broke into the Ghost Judgment Hall alone, and was soaked in blood like a demon god.

Just one glance, but it is imprinted in its memory, unforgettable for a hundred years!
One day a hundred years ago, Mr. Gui suddenly received an urgent order from Huangquan Road.

Huangquan Road is the most important road in the ghost world of the underworld. There are many evil spirits guarding it, so there will be troubles?

Gui Gongzi was puzzled, but had to rush to Huangquan Road immediately.

But a hundred miles away from Huangquan Road, it saw the figure of a zombie.

The aura of that zombie is so unparalleled, wherever it goes, there are countless evil spirits far stronger than it, but they are like the lowest level of wandering spirits in front of the other party, vulnerable to a single blow.

Unstoppable, invincible!
If ghosts have blood, the blood of the ghosts killed by zombies can definitely merge into a long river that is more mighty than the Wangchuan River!

Gui Gongzi turned pale with shock, his liver and gallbladder were torn apart, fear made him dare not take a step forward.

Then Mr. Gui saw that the zombie went on a rampage all the way, and directly broke into the Ghost Judgment Hall, one of the most noble and most inviolable ten halls in the underworld!
A moment later, a violent shock erupted in the Hall of Ghost Judgment, shaking the ground and shaking the mountains.

The terrifying battle turmoil beyond Mr. Gui's imagination instantly impacted hundreds of miles away!
And Mr. Gui immediately fell into a coma under the impact of this shock wave!
When it regained consciousness, it found that the surroundings had returned to the silence of the past, but the Huangquan Road and Ghost Judgment Hall, which had almost disappeared, reminded that what Gui Gongzi saw before was not illusory.

Then, Mr. Gui learned that the zombie was the same existence as the Four Emperors of the ghost world!

And that time, the other party even killed from the Ghost Judgment Hall in the first hall to the Reincarnation Hall in the tenth hall. He continued to kill in the ghost world.

And the zombie's name is——

Shen Donghe!
(End of this chapter)

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