my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 877 Three Paths of the Past

Chapter 877
"In the first past, I saw a figure in a purple robe, locked by chains, and could only move in a strange abyss and black pool..."

"Who is he?" Mo Xiaotong couldn't help asking.

"I can't see clearly, but I know that he is an extremely powerful zombie, and his whole body is filled with the breath of death." Shen Donghe frowned, "His face and figure seem to be deliberately blurred, just to let him I feel very familiar..."

"Then, he looked at me. I seemed to be imprisoned in the same way, unable to move. I could only look at him and walked in front of me."

This memory stops here.

"In the second past, it was still the purple-robed zombie. I saw him take out Luoshu, control me to refine Luoshu, and put it into my soul sea."

Mo Xiaotong was stunned again.

This is how Shen Donghe's Luo Shu came about?

No wonder,
Shen Donghe once said,
Luo Shu was already in his body when he had memories.

Shen Donghe continued talking.

In the last paragraph of the past.

Seeing the purple-robed zombie, he said indifferently: "Go, do what you should do. When the opportunity is right, I will come to you in person."

"Then, what does he want you to do?" Mo Xiaotong asked.

"No more." Shen Donghe sighed, "These are all the contents of those three past memories..."

The more Mo Xiaotong listened, the more confused his mind became.

She murmured: "Who is that purple-robed zombie? What exactly does he want you to do? Did he seal your past memories?"

There was a slight coldness in Shen Donghe's eyes: "I can't answer these three questions. However, I will solve them one day."

Mo Xiaotong raised his eyes, and his eyes fell on his handsome face: "You want to investigate? What should I do?"

Shen Donghe stretched out his slender fingers, and tapped his brows lightly: "Someone has tampered here, how can I let him manipulate me."

Having said that, he paused for a moment, and said with a solemn expression: "But the most important issue now is to solve the affairs of Tianshizong and Tiandao."

Mo Xiaotong rolled his eyeballs and began to think seriously.

Suddenly, with a move in my heart, I thought of a possibility,
He took a breath and said, "Could it be that he wants you to become the Great Demon King of Murder, that's why the Heavenly Master Sect wants to stop you?"

Shen Donghe couldn't help laughing, reached out and rubbed the top of her head, and said, "Fool."

Mo Xiaotong pursed his lips and said: "Why is it wrong? I think it is very reasonable. Didn't Cang Wu fear say the same..."

The smile on Shen Donghe's face gradually disappeared, and he looked at her seriously: "Sometimes, what you see may not be true. What they say may not be the truth."

"You mean, Cang Wu fear lied to us by telling a lie?"

Mo Xiaotong turned over and sat up, staring at him with wide eyes.But Cang's fearless expression at that time was too real!If those are all lies, then it can only be said that his acting skills are too high.

"No, maybe he himself has been deceived and doesn't know."

Shen Donghe said lightly.

Seeing his unfathomable face, Mo Xiaotong couldn't help but beat him a few times angrily, and said coquettishly, "You're here again, and you're playing tricks again!"

Shen Dong Hesheng received several punches from her, but Junxiu had a slight smile on his face, coughed lightly and said, "Okay, let me tell you about my deduction."

 Half of the hole is filled... and the other half is slowly filled. After about [-] words, one of the biggest climaxes of the book will come, but I have to write slowly, and I have to figure out how to write it.There are a lot of things at home these days, so try your best to keep updating.

(End of this chapter)

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