my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 878: One Line of Vitality

Chapter 878

After this little episode, the heaviness that arose in Shen Donghe's heart when he recalled those three memories has been suppressed at this moment.Mo Xiaotong always has a way to calm his stress, whether it is intentional or unintentional.

Only then did Mo Xiaotong stop, and said, "Quickly say it!"

"First of all, there is one thing, what you said should be correct."

"Heavenly Dao wants to put me to death, it should be related to what the purple-robed zombie ordered me to do."

"It's just that this matter is definitely not a big murderer..."

Having said that, Shen Donghe couldn't help but smile again.

Mo Xiaotong knocked him a few more times before asking: "Why?"

Shen Donghe sighed.

"The Dao of Heaven is truly ruthless. In its eyes, everything is just like a humble dog. Not to mention the death of hundreds of millions of people, it will not even care about the death of trillions of people."

"If it is said that it is for the sake of the bloody killings that I may cause, and let the Tianshizong and the ghost kings of the Ten Temples deal with me, from the perspective of heaven, it is absolutely impossible."

"So, it must be something else."

Shen Donghe paused, and said: "As for what this matter is, although I don't know yet, it must have something to do with the Dao of Heaven itself, so it will be so determined to deal with me."

Mo Xiaotong thought for a while, then nodded vigorously.

"Makes sense."

After saying this, her heart suddenly sank, as if she had fallen into an abyss in an instant: "Our opponent is actually the Dao of Heaven?! Then we...are we doomed?"

There was even a hint of despair in his tone.

If she lost, she would lose Shen Donghe, Mo Xiaotong felt that she might as well be dead.

"Indeed, the odds of winning are very slim." Shen Donghe smiled and said, "It's just that it's not all."

Mo Xiaotong's eyes flashed instantly, and he asked eagerly, "What?"

Hope was instantly ignited in her heart.

"The way of heaven is constrained by rules, and it will not set up a situation that must die. That is to say, no matter what kind of desperate situation you are in, there will always be a glimmer of life hidden." Shen Donghe played with her long black hair and said softly, "The key to breaking the situation , should be in this line of life."

No matter how much Tiandao wants to put Shen Donghe to death,

But even if the tricks are exhausted, there is still a chance of survival,

This is in line with the rules formulated by Tiandao itself.

"But what is this vitality?"

"I don't know until the end." Shen Donghe said.

Mo Xiaotong frowned and thought about it for a long time before he said frantically: "It's so annoying! I can't think of it!"

This kind of mental work is really not suitable for her!

Shen Donghe smiled, and said: "Besides this, we have two advantages."

"What advantage?" Mo Xiaotong was excited again.

"Luoshu, Hetu." Shen Donghe said.


"The reason why artifacts are artifacts is because they exist beyond the control of the Dao of Heaven." Shen Donghe said, "That is to say, the secrets of the Dao of Heaven cannot be calculated on the body of the artifacts, and there may be omissions in the layout... "

Sometimes, as long as a small loophole, it may become the collapse of the whole layout.

Suddenly, Mo Xiaotong was full of fighting spirit and said: "Okay, then I will seize the time to refine the river map!"

Now, her half of the River Map has only been refined intermittently to about 5.00%.
However, if you do it without sleep every day, you should be able to finish it in two months.

Then, Mo Xiaotong asked again: "What will Shizong do that day?"

Shen Donghe said: "I know from Cang Wuju's memory that Tianshizong has set up a big formation, and this formation should be deliberately aimed at me."

When Mo Xiaotong heard this, he jumped out of bed and said angrily: "Then what are you waiting for, we will destroy this formation immediately!"

Seeing her appearance, Shen Donghe laughed and said, "So anxious?"

"Can you not be in a hurry?" Mo Xiaotong's eyes turned hot. In her opinion, if she destroyed the formation earlier, her old rice dumpling should be safe.

Shen Donghe pulled her back into his arms, hugged her and said, "I'm not in a hurry. If you've ever played chess, you'll know that at the beginning, the ever-changing chess game is unpredictable, but as you get to the end, the changes become less and less." , do you know why?"

Mo Xiaotong blinked his eyes, thought for a while, and asked tentatively: "Is there no way out?"


Shen Donghe pinched her nose lovingly and praised her.

"The further back the game goes, the less cards and back moves each other has, but the clearer the situation."

"Intuition tells me that the glimmer of life left by the Dao of Heaven will only appear at the most critical time, but I don't know when it will be. Only when this game of chess starts, can I find it step by step. "

"Now, we know the existence of that formation, but we have artifacts to cover up the secrets of heaven, so the heavens don't know that we know. This is also one of our advantages."

Shen Donghe said: "If the formation is destroyed in advance, it will let Tiandao know that we have made preparations. At that time, I'm afraid it will come up with new methods. It's better to use it. I can use it to do other things... "

"How do you plan and do something?" Mo Xiaotong asked curiously.

"I have to study that formation carefully to be sure." Shen Donghe patted her on the back, "You just need to hurry up and refine Hetu."

Mo Xiaotong nodded vigorously!
 Sorry, the next update will be late, I got stuck T_T
(End of this chapter)

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