my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 95 I'm Going to Fix My Makeup

Chapter 95 I'm Going to Fix My Makeup

"How do you know my mobile phone number?" Shen Donghe asked.

"Stop asking such boring questions." Mo Xiaotong changed the subject bluntly, "Do you want to go out and watch a movie? Shanshan and I are at the cinema in Jiangnan Square. There are many new movies today."

"Hollywood shootout blockbusters, domestic romantic dramas, and the latest Minion Five, all of which have Douban ratings of 8 or more, and their reputations are particularly good. Which one do you like?"

Yao Caishan was listening, completely speechless.

Your sister, who criticized these films for nothing just now, and now they say they have a particularly good reputation?

It's really a typical example of emphasizing sex over friends!

"Don't watch." Shen Donghe hung up the phone directly.

For him, movies, which are purely fictional nonsense, have no appeal at all.

"Oh, this person..." Listening to the beeping sound in the phone, Mo Xiaotong was so angry that he wished he could go to the opposite side and bite Shen Donghe.

"Forget it, I'll just reluctantly watch it with you." Mo Xiaotong said to Yao Caishan.

Yao Caishan said, "Thank you, don't force yourself so much!"

Mo Xiaotong said: "Actually, it's not that forced."

The two looked at each other happily.

"What are you looking at?" Yao Caishan asked.


The two finally chose the domestic love literary film.

In Mo Xiaotong's words, it means supporting domestic products.

But according to her usual peeing, Yao Caishan thinks that it's just because the male lead and the female lead look better.

Several large characters appeared on the screen - "Very Predestined".

Mo Xiaotong and Yao Caishan each held a bucket of popcorn and a glass of Coke, eating and drinking while watching.

Yao Caishan sneered when she saw that the hero was the big president pretending to be a poor boy.

"A website did a survey before: If your boyfriend is a poor boy pretending to be the president, after you find out."

"You will: a, choose to break up, deception is absolutely not tolerated in love.

b, choose to be with him, I love him as a person, not his money or other conditions.

c. Listen to the opinions of others. "

"Then more than 70% of the women chose A."

"But when the investigation changed the question to another: if your boyfriend is the president pretending to be a poor boy, after you find out."

"70% of women choose B."

Mo Xiaotong said: "Then what conclusion did you draw? In the future, if you want to find a man, you need to find a boy who looks poor but actually belongs to the CEO?"

Yao Caishan said:

"I came to the conclusion that - men are especially deceptive."

"..." Mo Xiaotong said, "Don't overturn a boatload of people with one pole."

Yao Caishan took another sip of Coke, and said, "But I thought about it, Dr. Shen is actually not bad, look at the low temperature all over his body, women who have plans for him will freeze before they walk within a radius of 10 meters." dead, the possibility of cheating is basically zero."

Mo Xiaotong just chuckled.

"Only a cheeky Xiaoqiang like you can conquer him." Yao Caishan said again.

Depend on!
Mo Xiaotong stared at her speechlessly.

"By the way, are you planning to move back to 1201?" Yao Caishan asked again.

"Let's talk about it in a few days." Mo Xiaotong said.

"Don't, hurry up and get the fuck out of my mother, I'm annoyed seeing you acting like a nymphomaniac every day." Yao Caishan despised.

"That's what you said, then I will move out tomorrow." Mo Xiaotong looked impatient.

Yao Caishan: ...

Do you want to be so obvious that you value sex over friends?
Halfway through the movie screening, it gradually reached its climax.

Mo Xiaotong finished his glass of Coke.

after awhile.

She stood up.

"Where are you going?" Yao Caishan asked.

"I'm going to touch up my makeup." Mo Xiaotong was serious.

"When you go to pee, pee, you're a fart, touch up your makeup." Yao Caishan squinted, "How the hell do you know how to put on makeup?"

"It's too vulgar, pay attention to civilization and civilization." Mo Xiaotong was heartbroken.
Comments posted in the comment area are always deleted, so let's write here.

Thanks to those who voted for me, especially those brothers and sisters who voted consecutively.

Originally wanted to write a FREESTYLE, but I was too ignorant to write something so profound, so I could only write a few simple sentences.


 I'm a little sleepy today, come and use the recommendation ticket to slap the author in the face! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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