Chapter 96
There is a long and thin corridor on the left side of the auditorium, and at the end is the bathroom of the theater.

Mo Xiaotong walked out with ease and turned on the faucet.


A clear water column flowed out.

Mo Xiaotong washed his hands and was about to close it when he suddenly heard soft crying.

Who is it?

She turned off the faucet, walked out of the bathroom door, and listened attentively.

It seemed to come from the opposite safety exit.

Mo Xiaotong walked over and found that the door of the emergency exit was ajar and not closed, so he gently pushed it open.

The corridor light behind the door flickered a few times before turning on.

In the shadow of the corridor where the light cannot reach, a small body curled up there, hugged its knees, buried its head under it, sobbing softly.

He looked like a child of seven or eight years old.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, the other party slowly raised his head.

It was a boy with a very white face, a pair of black and big eyes falling in the shadows, looking very pitiful with tears, a high nose and a small mouth.

Xiaozheng is very cute and has potential.

Mo Xiaotong's motherly heart suddenly exploded, and asked softly:
"Little friend, why are you crying here alone?"

"Hide-and-seek..." the little boy murmured, looking straight at her.

"Are you playing hide and seek?" Mo Xiaotong guessed.

"Can't find..." His words were a little vague.

For children, logical thinking is relatively simple, and it's normal to speak unclearly, Mo Xiaotong didn't find it strange.

"You are playing hide and seek, others can't find you? Or are you unable to find others?" She continued to speculate.

"...can't find me..."

"...I can't find it either..."

The little boy spoke slowly.

Mo Xiaotong felt that she understood.

It should be that he got separated from his companion playing hide-and-seek.

However, when she came out, she didn't see anyone looking for someone outside, maybe the other party hadn't noticed that the little boy was separated.

"Oh, the parents nowadays are too careless. They must just watch movies by themselves and let a few children play outside by themselves." Mo Xiaotong thought brokenly, "Really, this heart is too big. Now every day There are reports of children falling from buildings and having accidents, and it’s because of the careless care of those bastard parents that so many tragedies happen.”

Sometimes the loss of a child can destroy a family.

"Okay, do you know which hall your parents watch movies in?" Mo Xiaotong asked him as he knelt down.Just do good deeds by yourself and take him to find his parents.

The little boy stared at her, shaking his head slowly.

Mo Xiaotong frowned: "Then where were you playing just now?"

"...on top..." The little boy looked up.

Go and have a look, maybe you can find his companion.

Thinking about it, Mo Xiaotong stretched out his hand and said, "Let's go, let's go find them."

The little boy put his slightly cold hand into her warm palm.


"Are you sure you want to play on it?"

Mo Xiaotong looked at a door at the end of the stairs, then lowered his head and asked the little boy who was holding hands with her.

It turns out that the top floor is the top floor, which is also the rooftop of the supermarket.And the door in front of her leads to the rooftop.

The door was chained and fastened with a large lock.The iron chain was already covered with spots of rust, as if it hadn't been opened for a long time.

There was also a piece of white paper with a few eye-catching bold characters printed on it: The roof is dangerous!Idlers do not enter!

"...Yes... Open the door..."

Mo Xiaotong walked over, held the lock in his hand, turned it left and right a few times, and it opened with a click.


With a jerky sound, the door was pushed open.

(End of this chapter)

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