my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 990 Sun Yujiao (4)

Chapter 990 Sun Yujiao (4)

But Sun Yujiao did not give in.

While they were asleep, she rubbed the rope of her wrist against the ground vigorously, at the cost of her hands being ground to bloody blood, she quietly broke the rope, then put on the red bridal dress, Night escaped.

But it didn't take long before he was discovered by the family.

The villagers all came out to look for her.

Sun Yujiao panicked and didn't choose a way, and she had no way to choose, because this place was so strange to her.

She fled in a hurry, without shoes, so she could only walk barefoot in the dark in the mountains and forests.

Her delicate little feet, which had been taken care of all the time, were already dripping with blood from stones and branches, her lower body was still oozing blood, and the tearing pain from being forcibly occupied almost made her faint, and she couldn't even lift her legs, but she Still running.

She staggered and wobbled, only knowing to keep running.

Fall down, get up again, and keep running.

In the dark, run.

When he said this, Mo Xiaotong could even hear Sun Yujiao's panting voice, and could feel her hesitation, her helplessness, and her uneasiness.

Slowly, noises began to appear all around, as well as faint lights.

Someone is looking for her.

It was many people who were looking for her.They took torches and searched for her all over the mountains and plains,

Sun Yujiao just felt that there were people everywhere.





There are figures everywhere.

They were all people who came to look for her and take her back to hell!

Sun Yujiao stumbled and ran under the old locust tree.

She found herself with no place to run, surrounded by people, and they, soon, would find herself.

So, she didn't know how she burst out with strength. She, who had never climbed a tree before, insisted on climbing that old locust tree.

She found a place with lush foliage and hid in it, trying to cover her body with the surrounding leaves as much as possible, leaving only her pair of eyes looking out nervously.

She was terrified, she was uneasy, and her heartbeat was beating uncontrollably at this moment.

She saw a person walking by under the tree, but didn't find her, she almost cried with joy!

None of them noticed that there was a person hiding on the old locust tree above their heads.

She felt joy, she felt hope,
But a night wind blows.

She felt cold all over.

Unable to hold back, I sneezed.

At this time, someone happened to pass under the tree.

The man immediately shouted: "Here she is, I found her!"

Sun Yujiao was caught and dragged abruptly from the tree.She cried out, digging the bark with her fingers until blood came out, but it was of no avail.

People began to gather under the locust tree, and the family who bought him also rushed over.

The man was furious, his face twisted, and he slapped Sun Yujiao in the face, cursing: "You bitch! Give my son back!"

"Run and run, why do you want to kill my son!" The woman also rushed forward, tearing and hitting her hysterically.

This slap directly stunned Sun Yujiao.

She stammered and defended: "I, I didn't hurt him, when I left..."

But before she finished speaking, the man had already grabbed her neck and blocked her words.

The man seemed to be extremely angry, and shouted: "Kill my son, I want you to pay for it!"

Sun Yujiao was pinched and gradually suffocated. She couldn't breathe, her face turned purple, and her tongue gradually stuck out...

 I'm a little bit stuck these days... Please encourage me and cheer me up!
(End of this chapter)

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