my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 991 Sun Yujiao (5)

Chapter 991 Sun Yujiao (5)

Sun Yujiao looked around laboriously, hoping that among the many people around, there would be someone who could stand up and say a word for her, plead for her, and even ask to hear her excuse. There are so many people, there will be one?

But in her last memory, the men, women, old people, and children standing around her all looked at her with a playful but indifferent look, as if they were watching a play with great relish. .

She hates!

She hated every single one of them!

After the man strangled her to death, he hung her under the locust tree, saying that this was the only way to relieve his anger.

But unexpectedly, seven days later, she turned into a fierce ghost and claimed the lives of the entire village. After killing all the villagers, the evil spirit and resentment in her body increased instead of diminishing, and she became a fierce ghost!

Mo Xiaotong suddenly asked: "Their son who begged for you, was it really you who killed him?"

Hearing this question, Sun Yujiao raised her head and laughed. She laughed so wildly that she said, "He was fine when I ran away! So, when the man said that I killed his son, I couldn't figure it out." .”

"But when I turned into a ghost and went back to take revenge and devour their souls, I realized the cause of their son's death!"

"It turns out that their sons were killed by themselves!"

Mo Xiaotong's eyes widened in disbelief: "Why?!"

"Because they found out that I had escaped and wanted to chase me, but their son wouldn't let them come after me." Sun Yujiao stopped laughing and turned to muttering, "In the end, the man hit him with a stick in a fit of anger. On the back of his head, his body was weak, and he died just like that."

"The husband and wife discussed that since their son was dead, if people found out that the son died at their hands, they would face a lawsuit, so they planted all the blame on me, saying that I killed them in order to escape. son……"

Mo Xiaotong was completely shocked by this reversal.

This couple is truly terrifying, even more terrifying than evil spirits.

If Sun Yujiao only killed this couple after she became a ghost, maybe Mo Xiaotong would still applaud her.

However, she vented her anger on the whole village.

Those villagers who watched indifferently and did not lend a helping hand to her all died at her hands.

This is her mistake.

But Mo Xiaotong also felt sorry for Sun Yujiao.

Originally, she might have had a happy life, but was completely ruined by these people, like a flower that withered prematurely.

Anyone who encountered what Sun Yujiao had encountered would probably become as crazy and resentful as her!

This kind of hatred turned her from a well-educated girl into a vengeful ghost!

But even if those people are dead, so what, can Sun Yujiao's life ruined by them be restored?
And those people whose faults were worse than death, their lives were also ruined by Sun Yujiao!

After a long time.

"Unfortunately, a mistake is a mistake. Even if there is a reason, you have to pay the price." Mo Xiaotong's face was chilled, "And you are still lying to me! You still haven't told the truth!"

As soon as she said this, Sun Yujiao's eyes widened and she trembled.

"It has been more than 200 years since your death. During this period, if you had not hurt other innocent people, the evil spirit should not have been so strong! You also said that you killed only those who deserved to be killed?"

(End of this chapter)

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