Only he is the best at this kind of mystification.

The woman was afraid that Luo Qinghuan and the others would not believe her, so she took out her phone from her bag and showed Luo Qinghua the text message.

After seeing the familiar string of numbers, Luo Qinghuan's guess was finally confirmed. She told the woman that her surname was indeed Luo, and she could help their family find a child.

"That's good, that's good. I just want my son to be safe and sound. Let's go in and have a cup of tea first."

The woman wiped the corners of her eyes, tried her best to squeeze out a smile, and led Luo Qinghuan and Su Chenan home.

When Mr. Tong sent the text message, he didn't clarify the specific situation of the child. Luo Qinghuan also wanted to know what happened before and after the child's disappearance, so he went into the woman's house with Su Chen'an.

Their village is full of buildings, so it can be seen that everyone's life is not bad. The decoration of the woman's house is creamy, which makes people feel very warm.

"When I was renovating this house, I listened to my son's opinion. He liked to play with mobile phones and computers since he was a child. When he couldn't speak, he held his mobile phone and didn't let go. He even called his father's work place, babbling. Yes, it made his father and his colleagues envious.

These years, everyone's life is getting better and better. My son is in sixth grade and will soon enter junior high school. I am quite happy in my heart, but after I went out to play that day, I couldn't find it. "

The woman was talking, but she couldn't keep the smile on her face any longer, her big teardrops splashed on her clothes.

Her husband poured a cup of tea for Luo Qinghuan and Su Chenan, and couldn't hide his excitement: "Today, my wife kept talking about someone outside who could find her son, and she also showed me the text message, so I went to the roof to check it out for a long time. I didn't see anyone, it's a coincidence that you appeared as soon as she went out, which means that my son is blessed with a noble life!"

"I need to know about the child's situation, as well as his name and birth date, and it is best to have clothes or toys that he usually likes.

In addition, you have to prepare a big rooster in advance. The child has been lost for such a long time, and even if he is found, he may be frightened. I want to reassure him. "

After taking a sip of tea, Luo Qinghuan began to explain what he needed.

After hearing the words, the woman's husband first frowned: "This is what happened. My name is He Yuanhao, my wife Zeng Xiurong, and my son He Zhen is 11 years old. His mother was not at home the day before he disappeared. He told me about himself after school. On the road, I met a beautiful sister with a black umbrella and wanted to take him to the zoo.

My son usually likes small animals, but our husband and wife rarely take him there. After all, there are a lot of things to do at home. I didn’t care about them at the time. The main reason is that my son is more obedient and well-behaved, and everyone around him likes to tease He, after a few perfunctory words, I went to cook for him.

It wasn't until the next day when the child came back from school that he said he wanted to go out to play, but he didn't come back. We searched for it for a week but couldn't find it. "

When He Yuanhao was talking, Luo Qinghuan noticed that there were many cuts on his arms by branches, which should have been injured while looking for his son during this period.

"Our family is very good to the child, and there was no quarrel during the time of the accident. It is definitely not the child who ran away from home by himself."

Zeng Xiurong was very sure of it.

Hearing what she said, Luo Qinghuan knew that during the period when the child was missing, many people had guessed whether their husband, wife and child got along well.

Although such a guess is not unreasonable, it must have caused a lot of psychological pressure on the two of them.

"I'm going to get things from my son's room right now, but... I don't know how much the master needs to pay for doing such a big favor to us?"

This was the first time that Luo Qinghuan encountered such a problem. Before, she only started to talk about money after dealing with the matter.

"Two cups of tea."

Su Chenan took the lead in answering Zeng Xiurong for her.

Not only He Yuanhao and his wife were surprised by such a statement, but even Luo Qinghuan did not expect it.

However, Su Chen'an always knew how to do things properly, since he said that, Luo Qinghuan didn't refute.

"Our family's ancestral grave is really smoking!

I'm going to get it... here it is. "

Zeng Xiurong covered her mouth excitedly, turned around and ran upstairs, and He Yuanhao quickly refilled them with tea.

After a while, Zeng Xiurong came down with a blue dress and a note with He Zhen's birthday written on it.

After Luo Qinghuan took these two things, he began to urge the goblin bracelet to search for the child's location. After closing his eyes, a child wearing a red sweater and jeans appeared in front of his eyes. It was completely different from what he expected. He Zhen buried his head in a bowl and ate it. Serving the noodles, he didn't look nervous at all.

"Mr. He can pick up the child with us. The rooster mentioned earlier is still ready, and the fragrance and red thread are also prepared."

Su Chenan's pupils flickered, and Luo Qinghuan began to feel uneasy after hearing his words. Judging from the scene she saw, the child was not in danger, but Su Chenan's instructions to prepare these things must have been accidental.

Zeng Xiurong and his husband were very excited when they heard that they could find their children. Zeng Xiurong even gave He Yuanhao the house key to urge him not to waste time.

"Bring my son back as soon as possible. I don't know how much I have suffered outside after being lost for such a long time. Is there any food for me?"

After what his wife said, He Yuanhao was stunned for a moment, and hurried to the refrigerator, stuffed several breads in his pockets, and took a carton of milk along the way.

"If I see my son, I will definitely bring him back. Don't cry, hurry up and prepare what the masters said, don't miss anything, and then prepare meals and red envelopes.

Anyway, if someone helps us find a son, we can't be unconscionable, and we still have to give it as much as possible. "

Zeng Xiurong nodded again and again: "Okay, okay, I know all this, you don't have to worry about it, just be safe."

Seeing that after the two of them finished speaking, Su Chen'an took Luo Qinghuan out, and when he reached the door, he said in a voice that only each other could hear:

"rest assured."

Luo Qinghuan nodded to him and said nothing more.

After the three of them got into the car, He Yuanhao was calm and nervous, and Luo Qinghuan sat for a few minutes before realizing that he must have been startled by the sudden appearance of the car.

Because Mr. Tong told his wife that there were two people on the side of the road, Ruyi parked the car on the side of the Yin road, and neither He Yuanhao nor his wife saw it.

But now that Ruyi waited on the side of the road as soon as they came out, if He Yuanhao wasn't afraid, he must be out of his mind.

Maybe there are all kinds of weird stories going on in He Yuanhao's mind right now, Luo Qinghuan rubbed his nose in embarrassment.

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