Luo Qinghuan watched the goblin bracelet directing Ruyi to drive in the direction of He Zhen, and He Yuanhao sweated nervously.

"Mr. He, you don't have to be so nervous, we won't pinch your waist."

Ruyi couldn't take it anymore, she was most afraid of water, and she was really nervous after seeing He Yuanhao like this!

Even the little girl who drove the car was so smart, she knew her surname He by opening her mouth, He Yuanhao wiped his forehead, and laughed dryly: "Hehehe, I'm just too excited, too excited, I haven't seen my precious son for several days .”

Not long after, they arrived at the intersection of a small town. Su Chenan took out three masks and handed two of them to Luo Qinghuan and He Yuanhao:
"Put on the mask to cover your own breath. After returning home, don't mention this matter to anyone. You can't mention a word, otherwise no one will be able to save you if something happens."

Luo Qinghuan didn't even want to take the mask handed over by Su Chenan and put it on her face, and He Yuanhao was not far behind when he saw this.

"Master, I have lived in the village for so many years, and I never knew there was such a place.

If something unexpected happens after you go in later, please take my son out. "

He said these two sentences as if he was explaining the funeral, Luo Qinghuan couldn't help but comfort him:
"Don't worry, Mr. He, as long as you act according to what we said, everyone can go home safely."

Luo Qinghuan is not nervous at all now because she has been in many places.

Su Chen'an raised his eyebrows invisibly and led everyone into the town, and Luo Qinghuan noticed something was wrong as soon as he entered the town.

Obviously, Su Chenan was walking ahead of her one second ago, but fell at the end of the line the next second, but He Yuanhao walked ahead of everyone and opened the way.

If it was just like this, everyone wouldn't be afraid, but everyone's vision is wrong, as if the eyes have grown to the back of the head.

"Big... Master?"

He Yuanhao was the first to shout out uncontrollably, and Luo Qinghuan also looked at Su Chen'an with a puzzled expression.

"Let's go, you'll be fine once you get out."

Regarding the current situation, Su Chen'an didn't panic at all as if he had expected it long ago.

But such an upside-down perspective made Luo Qinghuan very unaccustomed, and after a long time of dawdling, a few people arrived at He Zhen's location - an abandoned school.

"I saw him eating noodles before, why did he show up at school?"

The school is so dilapidated that even the gates have collapsed. It is completely different from the clean and tidy place I saw before!
"Madam, the space inside is very messy, but the arrangement is very clever."

Ruyi's eyes glowed red, and she checked the school.

"In that case, let's go in and have a look."

Su Chen'an said casually, took Luo Qinghuan's hand and walked inside. He Yuanhao was already so shocked by what he saw along the way that he couldn't speak. If there was nothing wrong with his eyes, the little girl who was driving just now had her eyeballs in the car. glow.

"It doesn't matter, it's a death anyway, for the sake of my son, I don't care so much."

He muttered softly and followed quickly.

Ruyi heard his words clearly, scratched her head, and followed into the school.

The emotion between human beings is not something she, a paper doll, can study and understand.

After walking a few steps, Luo Qinghuan noticed a blur in front of his eyes, and the scene changed drastically. The dilapidated teaching building instantly turned into a noisy street, and the sky suddenly darkened.

The smell of barbecue sold at the side scrambled into his nostrils, and Luo Qinghuan almost salivated: "Chen'an, can I buy something from here when I come out later?"

She only has some renminbi in her pocket, and she doesn't know if she can spend it here. Among the people present, Su Chen'an is the richest and has the most knowledge. He must know whether the food is edible, and there must be currency in circulation here.

Rubbing Luo Qinghuan's little head habitually, Su Chen'an handed her a stack of banknotes: "This space moves at any time, and you may not be able to pass here when you come out. Remember that you can't buy things to drink, and everything else is easy to talk about."

Squeezing the thick stack in her hand, Luo Qinghuan took a closer look and didn't see it, but it didn't stop her from buying it.

"Master, why can't you buy anything to drink here?"

He Yuanhao was not consciously attracted by the fragrant barbecue inside, but he touched his pocket, and he didn't have the banknotes that Su Chenan took out, so he could only look at them dryly.

"All living people can only drink alcohol and not eat meat when dealing with Yin objects. This place is just the opposite."

As for the other Su Chen'an, he didn't want to explain too much. After all, He Yuanhao didn't need to know it, unless he had some adventures after his death, failed to reincarnate, and wanted to live here for a while.

While talking, Luo Qinghuan had already bought a bag of food and came back, and distributed some to He Yuanhao.

"Let's go, He Zhen is at the noodle shop not far away."

The goblin bracelet has not been affected after arriving here, and is still working diligently.

He Yuanhao couldn't wait to put a few mouthfuls of food into his mouth, and nodded vigorously: "Okay, okay, please masters."

He is now the only ordinary person in the team and can only rely on them to save his life.

Several people followed the direction pointed by the goblin bracelet, and finally arrived at the noodle shop where He Zhen was after passing another neighborhood in the early morning.

There are no customers in the noodle restaurant at the moment, He Zhen is chasing and playing with a very beautiful woman, having a good time.

What Luo Qinghuan didn't understand the most was that the woman was holding a big black umbrella indoors.

I believe that many people have heard from the older generation that umbrellas are not allowed indoors, especially this kind of black umbrella.

You can't tell what dirty things you will bring home when you pass somewhere.

People are afraid of the sun, so are they, and people are afraid of rain, so they are naturally the same.

"There really is a woman holding a black umbrella, master, is this a ghost?"

As soon as He Yuanhao saw the scene in front of him, he began to tremble with fear.

"Yes, but she is very powerful, you'd better not be impulsive."

In Luo Qinghuan's eyes, a woman's body is full of black energy, and ghosts in this situation are generally very fierce.

After hearing what she said, He Yuanhao stared at his son, ready to rush up and take the child away at any time.

He Zhen chatted and laughed with the woman as if no one was around, completely unaware that other people had come to the store, let alone that his father was not far away.

After seeing them, the woman quickly put away the smile on her face, coaxed He Zhen to rest in the back room, and promised to take him to the zoo later.

Seeing this, He Yuanhao scratched his head nervously, but luckily Ruyi stopped him.

"Your Excellency is very busy these days, why do you have time to meddle in other people's business?"

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