My cards are not straight

Chapter 68 Crow's Mouth

Chapter 68 Crow's Mouth


Wen Ning pulled his pants with his left hand, and greeted the newcomers with his right hand.

Lu Meimei also knows that her current actions are not elegant, but compared with her life, her face is not very important.

"Quick, stop her, this person is going to turn around!"

Wen Ning struggled, and Lu Liang also hugged her leg.

Zhang San used his strong body at this time to block the road ahead.

Wen Ning shivered coldly: "How can I go back if I don't turn around?"

Master Hua answered: "The mission says you must turn around at the end of the road, you can't turn around now!"

At this time, Liushen, who had been putting one hand in his pocket to pretend to be Cool Brother, spoke.

"There is no end to this road."


Dai Hao didn't believe it, and walked forward arrogantly.

After he returned to his original position on the third lap, Dai Hao was tired.

He sat on the ground decadently, messing up the hair that he had already done, "What to do! The ghost hit the wall, and there are no practical props yet!"

Zhang Sanyi was shocked when he heard the ghost hit the wall.

He moved to Wen Ning's side in small steps, "Sister Ning, what should I do?"

Wen Ning opened her eyes wide in surprise, "Hello, are you calling me?"

Before Zhang San could speak, she answered again, "I don't know you?"

By the way, Wen Ning stomped on Zhang San's foot, and said in a very low voice: "Pay attention to the character design!"

Zhang San's face was distorted by the pain, and the yelp pierced his throat.

Fortunately, he was still a little rational, and immediately closed his long mouth, swallowing the sound abruptly and turning it into a hiccup.

The loud hiccup sound attracted everyone's attention.

"Sorry, I'm full."

Zhang San scratched his head foolishly.

"Tch~ I thought you found something." Dai Hao rolled his eyes, then stayed where he was with his head down and sighed.

Lu Liang, who was the youngest in the group, looked left and right, and hurriedly ran to Wen Ning's side.

He took Wen Ning's right hand and smiled brightly, "Sister, long time no see."

Wen Ning's lips moved slightly, and Zhang San's voice came from beside her ear before saying hello.


Like a wife who caught her husband cheating, he pointed at Lu Liang's fingers and trembled.

"Sura field!Shura field

The barrage is in full swing!

"What are you doing?"

Manshu came over, put one hand on Wen Ning's shoulder, and lifted Lu Liang's chin with the other.

"you recognize?"

She whispered into Wen Ning's ear, "You're pretty pretty, this baby."

The group of four attracted Lu Meimei's attention. She fixed her eyes on Lu Liang in the crowd, and when she walked beside him, she burst into chestnuts.

"Oh, my stupid Ododo!"

Lu Liang covered the top of his head in order to prevent being beaten again, "Look, behind you."

He just said it casually.

Others are nothing but soldiers.

After waiting for a long time without any movement, Dai Hao just picked up Lu Liang's lapel angrily, "The black shadow is always there, don't be surprised all the time, it won't evolve!"

"You dare to touch my brother!"

Lu Meimei split Dai Hao's hand with one hand, rolled up her sleeves and prepared to fight.


The battlefield that was on the verge of breaking out was immediately silenced by Hua Ye's words.

"It's not true."

Liushen stared sharply at the direction where the shadow was.

"It moved." Wen Ning pouted slightly, "Although the distance was very small, it still moved."

Manshu also stared at the black shadow, "It moved again."

Zhang San glanced back and forth, seeing Wen Ning and Manshu's nervous expressions, his heart couldn't help but raised his throat.

Although I don't understand, it's right to be nervous.

The black shadow swelled up, and his arms suddenly swelled and grew out.

Two red and bright eyes like glass beads suddenly appeared on the black face without facial features.

"This... what's going on!"

Ha~ hiss~
A low panting sound sounded like a beast.

The black shadow stood still, staring at them with red eyes.

"We didn't turn around, why does the shadow move?!"

Zhang San was mad.

"The ghost hit the wall, it doesn't matter if you can't turn around."

Liushen raised his hand and fanned back slightly, Wen Ning and the others all backed away.

"Ah—it's annoying."

Dai Haohou's emoji is attached to his body, "The black shadow has evolved, and this ghost will probably be up even if he hits the wall."

He mentioned it casually, and the scene began to twist.

Everyone looked back at Dai Hao, with condemnation in their eyes.

It's the second time, it's the second time!

"Look at me for what?"

Dai Hao smiled awkwardly, "Ahaha, it's a coincidence. It's impossible for me to say that this ghost hitting the wall will become a crossroads, so it will become a crossroads."

The scene change ended, the shadow disappeared, and everyone appeared at the crossroads.

the third time.

Zhang San's lips trembled, and sweat dripped from his forehead.


Dai Hao: "I'm not, I don't! It's just a coincidence, there is a person at a crossroads!"

da da da da—

Rhythmic footsteps echoed throughout the space.

A man wearing a black top hat, tuxedo, short heels, holding an umbrella, and a mustache walked out from the west direction of the intersection.

The man walked towards the east, but squinted at the people passing by, and then looked away as if nothing had happened.


Dai Hao's face was shocked, and he suddenly had a flash of inspiration, "Then this ten..."

"Zhang San, cover his mouth."

Wen Ning interrupted Dai Hao.

Zhang San was ordered to lock his throat and cover his mouth as a dragon. In order to cooperate with Dai Hao's good friends, he also explained: "I don't want to, but your mouth is too smart."

And he looked at Lu Liang provocatively, his eyes seemed to say that I was Sister Ning's number one younger brother.

"This place can't stay, go!"

Master Hua gave an order, and everyone hurried to the north.

Passing the next intersection, there was another rhythmic sound of footsteps.

Just like the gentleman in Western Europe in the Middle Ages reappeared, he walked from west to east as before, and when passing by people, his eyes stopped briefly on them and then retracted.

The only difference was that the corners of the man's eyes drooped slightly, outlining a crescent-shaped eye shape.

The corners of the mouth are slightly curved up, which is also crescent-shaped.

A strange feeling swept over, and with the sound of the short-heeled shoes rattling, everyone's hearts also flew up and down.


Everyone walked north again, and there was another crossroads.

Same scene, same people.

Every step the man in the top hat took, there was a sound of footsteps, like a reminder.

The man no longer looked at them casually this time, but showed a crescent-shaped smile on his face at a 45-degree angle.

Sweat dripped from his forehead, Master Hua licked his slightly dry lips, not daring to draw a conclusion.

It's been three times.

"Are you still going?"

Lu Liang asked curiously.

Master Hua shook his head, "I can't go, if I go on, I don't even know how I died."

Lu Liang didn't know.

Zhang San was also at a loss.

Dai Hao whimpered with his mouth covered.

A repeated crossroads, meeting the same person four times, life is gone.

"It exploded."


Master Hua looked through the crowd to Wen Ning who was standing at the end.

He didn't expect the little girl who was crying all the time into the dungeon to say these two words calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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