My cards are not straight

Chapter 69 How do you say this in English?

Chapter 69 How do you say this in English?
"It exploded."

Wen Ning repeated it again.

Her expression is extremely firm, coupled with her thin figure, she is like a flower that must be tough in the pouring rain.

Manshu calmly tore off the corner of Wen Ning's clothes, the corners of his eyes twitched, as if to say: Don't you care about your character?
Wen Ning lifted her hair and said calmly, "Even if you die sooner or later, you might as well blow up this villa."

Master Hua heard that there was only one thought in his head: It's over, this girl is crazy.

"Fried? Wait!"

Lu Mei Erkang hands.

"I remembered, I have a prop that is similar to a bomb!"

Everyone looked at Lu Meimei, please start your performance.

Lu Meimei took out a handful of diamonds from her back.


Lu Liang's tone was hesitant, he couldn't complain because there were too many faults.

"Brother, your sister, I will definitely protect you, you won't die."

Lu Meimei teased her bangs, smiling confidently and flamboyantly, she really protected Lu Liang, who was pretended to be her younger brother by relying on people, behind her.

She drove everyone behind and opened the diamond and introduced: "The diamond that has been turned on is useful against weird walls. I have been pressing it at the bottom of the box. It was Wen Ning who reminded me."

Wen Ning: ...Although, the diamond and the bomb are not even related!
The electric drill sounded, and the soles of everyone's feet vibrated.

The spider web-like cracks spread around with Lu Meimei as the center, and after a while, Lu Meimei put away the drill bit.

! (◎_◎;)
Everyone's eyes were blindfolded, and nothing happened in such a big battle.

"Huh? What's going on?"

Lu Meimei herself was out of the situation.


She glanced at the item in her hand in confusion, and it showed that it had been successfully used.

"Let's just say it's effective for weird walls, why don't you drill the wall and drill the ground!"

Zhang San couldn't help making complaints.

Think of the character design he got: Dai Hao, tall, cold, bold, young and tame.

Originally, he couldn't complain, but he couldn't hold back.

Dai Hao stared at Zhang San in surprise, "Zhang San, you!"


Zhang San's body is stiff, he wants to GG.

"You are so right!"

Zhang San's hanging heart dropped.

The words were out of breath, and he couldn't bear it.


With nowhere to vent his anger, he stomped his foot hard, and the cracks began to collapse.

Wen Ning, who was thinking about how to escape from the inevitable situation, only felt that his feet were empty, falling with countless stones.

Wen Ning: (ω`)
Forget about her serious cards, why are her teammates so unreliable!
"Wen Ning! Wen Ning!"

Manshu's voice came.

Wen Ning raised her hand, and the stone that was pressing on her rolled down.

The crisp sound of stones echoed throughout the night.

Man Shu followed the prestige and saw the white arms raised up.

She rushed forward, but Zhang San was the first to dig Wen Ning out.

"Wuuu, sister Ning, I thought you were dead!"

Wen Ning's eyes turned white from being strangled, she was not dead at first, but now she is dying.

Zhang San, you are a generation of crouching dragons!
Wen Ning's lips moved slightly, and Zhang San listened.

"Sister Ning, you said..."


Zhang San looked solemnly, "You..."

"I tell you to let go!" Wen Ning punched Zhang San in the abdomen.

Zhang San was thrown out and landed heavily.

Manshu followed Zhang Sanzhong and nodded.

Hua Ye: Scared!

Dai Hao: ∑(;°Д°)
Lu Meimei: (⊙ω⊙`)!

Liushen: I shouldn't have done too much to her!
Lu Liang: Worship the face
[Ding dong, it is detected that the player does not match the human settings, and will be wiped out soon! 】

Xiaowei learned fast this time, speaking at X10
Wen Ning turned her wrist, and dismissed it indifferently: I want to complain, according to the objective of the dungeon mission, the role setting cannot be broken and the people in the original story can't find out that you are not in the story.

May I ask how this dungeon determines the collapse of a character.


Xiao Wei answered in silence for a moment
[The gods and gods once reminded: based on the character setting, the story development in the horror live broadcast room, combined with the reactions of dungeon players and dungeon barrage viewers]

Wen Ning: Then I will continue to ask questions 1. I was drawn as a weak little white flower, but the rabbit will bite when it is anxious. The punch I just made was self-help
2. According to the requirements of the gods, please watch the barrage, the audience thinks that I have not collapsed

Wen Ning smiled.

Now her eyes are full of bullet screens, "Is this the weak little white flower? I love it."

After three seconds of silence, Xiaowei popped out a sentence.

[Monitored the emotional fluctuations of the NPC dungeon in the horror live broadcast room, and judged it to be a collapsed character]

Wen Ning sneered: It's all a story, have you heard of a growing heroine?

It's about going from weak to strong step by step, understand?

Focus on a sense of contrast.

According to the analysis, Xiaowei thinks that Wen Ning's growth-oriented heroine makes sense.

【...Don't move now, I'll ask the gods for instructions】

[The following is the god's reply: What you said is very reasonable, so I will do as you said, and I will not kill you]

The danger to her life was lifted, and Xiao Wei disappeared.

Wen Ning couldn't help but sigh with emotion: Fortunately, God's IQ is not high.

She picked up Zhang San from the ground, looked up at the big hole in the collapsed second floor, and looked at the rest of the people.

She stepped forward, and the copy npc took three steps back.

"Don't come here!"

"Don't come here!"

Wen Ning stopped in her tracks, tears streaming down her face, "You guys... are so annoying, they just have a little bit of strength naturally."

Manshu suppressed a smile and took a step forward, "Are you human or crafty!"

Wen Ning suddenly realized that Manshu was giving her a reason to pretend to be possessed.


Wen Ning smiled.

Dai Hao jumped out: "Fart, murderers don't say they killed themselves."

Wen Ning's expression was like a bolt from the blue, with moist eyes, "You can say I'm not human, but you can't say I'm a murderer!"

The two sides were deadlocked, Master Hua coughed lightly, "How do you prove that you are human?"

"You ask questions, and I can answer them all!"

Wen Ning was full of confidence.

"Okay." Manshu responded directly, and started to ask the question "I love you walking alone in a dark alley!"

"I love the way you don't kneel!"

When she heard Wen Ning's answer, she pretended to let out tears and said, "Sister, it's really you!"

Manshu only took two steps forward when he was stopped by Liushen.

"Wait, this is too popular and easy to fake."

"Then I'll come up with the questions." Lu Liang had seen Wen Ning violently play tricks before, and he knew that it was Wen Ning who was real.

But now he bears the tag of Lu Meimei's younger brother who is a high school student with a dog, a dog, a love, a brain, and a heart, and he can't collapse.

So he decided to show his worth.

In the end, Lu Meimei vetoed it, "You're in love, no, I'll do it!"

Lu Meimei stretched out five fingers and asked, "How do you pronounce this in English!"


Wen Ning was speechless. Although she wasn't cunning, if she was possessed by a cunning, she would be able to tell any cunning with a little culture.

Lu Meimei put away a finger and asked, "How do you pronounce this in English?"


Lu Meimei bent her four fingers slightly after receiving Wen Ning's answer, "What about this one?"

"Curved four!"

"Beautiful!" Lu Meimei looked excited, "You are human!"

"and many more!"

Dai Hao said, "It's so simple? What if this ghost has learned English? I'll do it."

(End of this chapter)

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