Become a god in the horror world

Chapter 2 The Mouse Finds the Cat

Chapter 2 The Mouse Finds the Cat
"From now on, after you leave the door, don't trust anyone anymore, follow me closely, and don't run around." Han Jinyu's voice was very low, Gu Zhi leaned slightly closer, her breath hit her ear, especially into her heart Heart.

It has been the third day since Gu Zhiwei came here, and everything seemed normal in the first two days. Ye Jinyao told her that it was because the rules of the world had not yet been formed.

After nightfall last night, when I returned to the room, everyone seemed to have tacitly agreed that when the sun rose and the door opened, it would be the battlefield.

Gu Zhiwei is no longer what she was on the first day. At that time, she had just encountered the double betrayal of her newlywed husband and her own sister. The accident happened too fast, and she, who was on the verge of death, happened to be dragged here.

This world doesn't seem to have any rules of humanity, everyone just wants to live, she should be glad that when she opened her eyes and woke up, she met two good people.

I heard that today the owner of the castle is coming back from afar.

After opening the door, everything looked so peaceful and beautiful. The castle, which had been empty for the past two days, suddenly became lively.

The maids shuttled back and forth, and the cleaning servants all had smiles on their faces.

Gu Zhiwei's room when she woke up was at the innermost end of the third floor of the castle, not a very good location, but she could see the beautiful scenery outside from the window.

Doing as the Romans do, each of them changed into the dresses they had prepared before going out. The invitation card found on the cabinet this morning was now in the hands of the man.

As soon as the door opened, the three met face to face.

Looking at Gu Zhi's slightly red face, Ye Jinyao joked, "Tsk tsk tsk, I didn't expect you to sneak into girls' rooms when you are usually silent. This is a revolutionary teammate, so you can't..." Ye Jinyao hadn't said anything yet. After finishing speaking, Han Jinyu flashed the invitation card in his hand, and then he stopped talking.

Gu Zhiwei didn't understand what it meant, Han Jinyu stuffed the invitation card into her hand, and then said: "Hold it well." There was no more to say.

This person doesn't talk much, and he always has a drooping face, but Gu Zhiwei has to admit that he is very good-looking.

"In the future, you must keep things with your own name on them, and it's best not to let others take them for you." Seeing Han Jinyu who was walking in front, Ye Jinyao reminded her.

The invitation card has a very retro style, with my own name on it gilded, which is a little weird in its gorgeousness.

There are not many "outsiders" in the entire castle. Gu Zhiwei's memory is not bad. After all, he is also the person who manages the entire company. Even if he always does thankless things, his potential is obvious to all.

She noticed that there were people in the hall, some were secretly observing, some were blank, and some were talking and laughing. It seemed that there were not a few combinations of three people like them.

Before she could observe carefully, the girl's screams resounded all over the castle. The sound came from the second floor, and people walked towards the place where the sound came from.

Han Jinyu and Ye Jinyao did not move.

"Aren't we going to take a look?" Gu Zhiwei was of course curious.

"Don't worry, let's go eat first." Ye Jinyao no longer acted foolishly. When the three of them arrived at the restaurant, there were not many people eating. These people were obviously more experienced than those outside.

In the past two days, the restaurant will prepare food as soon as it's time to order. Gu Zhiwei tried to find the kitchen, but to no avail. She couldn't even see a servant who was cooking, but the door of the restaurant always opened on time, reminding them It's time to eat.

There are not a few people like Gu Zhiwei who temporarily form other teams. Ye Jinyao explained to her that they all woke up from that room, but the order of the front and back was different, so they formed a team automatically.

The two of them came alive from the previous world. As for the details, they kept silent in front of Gu Zhiwei.

Although Ye Jinyao is always the older brother and the younger brother, Gu Zhiwei can tell that Han Jinyu is not very gregarious, at least he thinks so, but would a person who is not gregarious care about whether others bring invitation cards?
"What are you thinking? You can laugh so happily after eating?" Ye Jinyao asked her with his head tilted.

Gu Zhiwei blushed with guilt, "It's nothing."

The two of them taught her a lot in the past two days. It is best not to go out at night, and you must not stay alone in the room at dawn.

The former has countless possibilities, while the latter is because if a new teammate appears and there are people in the room, they may be sent to an unknown place, although no one has really tried it.

Who passed down such a rule, no one will really pursue it, everyone's only purpose is to survive.

The people who came down from the second floor were talking about what they had heard. It seemed that the girl's companion disappeared inexplicably. The two of them were still talking privately between their girlfriends the night before, and she was the only one left in the room at dawn.

Han Jinyu finished his last mouthful of rice, put down his spoon, and said only one sentence: "The game has begun."

The girl was still crying, the serious hall was even more lifeless, the crowd was divided into two factions, in Gu Zhiwei's own way, probably one side is people who don't know the whole story, while the other side is waiting for an opportunity people.

The servants who were busy cleaning up the castle in the morning disappeared again. When did they disappear from everyone's sight, and no one cared about it, as if time stopped at the moment they disappeared.

"Hey, I'm going to start working again." Ye Jinyao threw a pair of gloves to Gu Zhiwei who didn't know where to find them.

Gu Zhiwei asked doubtfully while putting on the gloves: "What's the situation now?"

"Huh? How should I put it, did you ever play peek-a-boo when you were young?" Ye Jinyao asked.

Gu Zhi thought for a while, then nodded.

"The girl who disappeared didn't disappear completely, but hid somewhere in this castle."

Gu Zhiwei: "Why is she hiding?"

"The rules of the world are like this. If someone hides, someone will look for it. She is the cat, and we are the mice."

Gu Zhi didn't understand slightly, and repeated again, "Why did she hide?"

"Wait for you..." Ye Jinyao was just about to say, but Han Jinyu stared back and swallowed his saliva before continuing: "The rules of the polar world are like this. After dawn, someone will be selected and become the one who is forced to hide." people."

"Don't you want us to find it?" The three of them walked all the way, and the corridor seemed to have no end.

Ye Jinyao: "I think it's better to find it, although it's more cruel to her."

From these words, Gu Zhiwei heard the meaning of danger, retreated a little and stopped, "Then... it's better not to look for it."

Both Han Jinyu and Ye Jinyao were taken aback. After a while, Ye Jinyao said jokingly: "If you are not afraid of ghosts at night, then we can go back and wait now."

"Ghosts at night? Are they scary?" Gu Zhiwei was not afraid of ghosts, she never believed in them, but Han Jinyu told her, "It's scary."

(End of this chapter)

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