Chapter 3 Basement

The sun rises, will you be next to be called?
Gu Zhi hesitated for a moment, but followed the two to find the "hiding girl".

"Brother, you really need to change this habit, we have female compatriots here." At the corner at the end of the corridor, there is a staircase going down, which seems to go to the basement, and there is an unpleasant smell coming from the underground, Ye Jinyao Covering his mouth and nose, he said with some disgust.

Han Jinyu paused for a moment, seemingly hesitating, but he didn't change his mind in the end.

The retro dress was too troublesome for Gu Zhiwei. Before going out, she cleverly cut off more than half of the heavy inner hem with scissors. Now she gently picked up the hem and tied it in a tight knot. It is very flexible. few.

There was no light in the basement, so Han Jinyu turned on the lighter, and the musty smell came over his face. Gu Zhi coughed slightly, bringing up dust in the air, which made people feel a little nauseous.

"Why are we here? Didn't we say to find the girl who is hiding? Will she hide here?" Gu Zhi slightly covered her mouth and nose, and asked her doubts.

Ye Jinyao: "There's no rush to find someone. Let's see where we are now, so we can have a countermeasure."

Hearing what he said, Gu Zhiwei inexplicably thought of cheating in games.

The basement is not big, and the three of them searched for a while, but they couldn't find anything useful.

"Brother, your intuition has always been accurate, and you shouldn't make mistakes." After getting used to the breath in the air, the three of them were able to speak calmly.

That the basement is so empty is the problem, and they all know it, but they just can't find the answer.

Gu Zhiwei looked around again, and then said, "Do you feel that something is staring at us?"

These words successfully made the two men present look at each other, and Han Jinyu asked with a serious expression, "How do you say it?"

"Just feel, a woman's sixth sense?" Gu Zhiwei was not too sure, and then walked towards the wall behind the two of them, just now she felt that there was something here.

Han Jinyu shook his head at Ye Jinyao, and followed the direction Gu Zhiwei was looking at.

The light in the basement was too dark, and Han Jinyu's lighter followed suit, and the old walls were dotted with spots.

Fortunately, with gloves on, Gu Zhiwei groped on the wall for a while, wiped off a layer of dust with his hand, and the three of them noticed a portrait hanging on the wall.

It was an oil painting, and it seemed to be a family portrait of a noble family. Although the whole family was smiling, for some reason, Gu Zhiwei always felt that the child standing in the middle was smiling a little bit, and the child It seems to be looking at yourself.

Han Jinyu moved forward and got a little closer. After seeing clearly, his pupils shrank slightly, "If I guess correctly, this should be the owner of the castle, Duke William's family."

"Oh, this is called Castle William, so the owner must be called Duke William?" Gu Zhiwei wanted to piss him off rarely.

Han Jinyu was not angry, "Then what do you say his name is?"

"Can't it be Zhang San Li Si Wang pockmarked?"

"Pfft..." Ye Jinyao laughed beside him, feeling that they had picked up some real treasure.

Han Jinyu's cheeks twitched, obviously he didn't expect her to say such nonsense, but he was quickly attracted by the surroundings of the oil painting frame.

Stretching out his hand to touch it, the dust fell off and stuck to the glove, Han Jinyu put it under his nose and smelled it, "Human blood."

"Human blood?" Gu Zhi frowned slightly. In this basement with nothing but outsiders' castle, there might be human blood around the oil painting frame of the owner of the castle?What a magical plot.

"Brother, what's the matter?" Most of the time, Ye Jinyao looked unreliable when facing outsiders, but when there were only three of them, Gu Zhiwei felt that he was quite safe. .

Gu Zhiwei: "Your brother is not omnipotent, why do you always like to ask him everything?"

"The situation is not optimistic. I suspect that this family is a vampire family. We have to be prepared."

"Hahaha..." Gu Zhiwei suddenly laughed when he heard this, "Hahaha, no, brother, do you know what you are talking about? A vampire? Are you paranoid after watching too much TV? possible……"

"Then why did you appear here?" Han Jinyu only needed one sentence, and successfully stopped Gu Zhi from laughing slightly.

"But don't you think it's absurd? People who are about to die are suddenly dragged into this shitty world, and then you tell me that there may be vampires here? Brother, can I stop playing with you?"

In the past two days, Gu Zhiwei had digested too many things. The two of them had talked to him a lot, but no one had ever told her what they might face.

"If you want to live, it's what I told you this morning, follow me closely and don't trust anyone." Han Jinyu's expression was extremely serious.

"Including you?" They all understood what Gu Zhiwei was referring to.

"If necessary." Han Jinyu answered her question positively, and then took the lead to go upstairs.

Ye Jinyao pulled Gu Zhiwei, the two looked at each other, and followed them upstairs.

"My brother is serious about what he said."

"Seriously? He told me that he can't be trusted either. Okay, then I'll be serious too. I won't follow your head office." Gu Zhiwei's words were a bit heavy because she felt that Han Jinyu might abandon herself at any time , Just this thought made her a little inexplicably upset.

Hearing this, Han Jinyu paused for a moment before replying coldly, "As you wish."

Gu Zhiwei's personality has always been good, and he knows how to give in, but since that incident happened, before the fire in his heart had time to vent, an accident happened inexplicably, and he came to this troublesome place.

Now being so provoked by Han Jinyu, he wanted to say anything, "Do you think I want to follow you? Do you look better than others, or do you have more arms than others, I..."

" dear sister..." Ye Jinyao held Gu Zhiwei to prevent her from continuing, "At this time, there is no benefit for us to fight among ourselves, so can't we retreat one step at a time?"

After Han Jinyu finished speaking, he didn't walk too far. He leaned against the wall and closed his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Actually, my brother said that for your own good."

Gu Zhiwei: "Huh?"

"Everyone who enters this world will inspire a potential."

"Huh? Potential?" Gu Zhiwei didn't quite understand.

"To put it simply, it is a kind of skill. Some people will be very strong, some people will prophesy, and some people will become anyone he sees." Han Jinyu briefly explained to her .

Gu Zhi was slightly startled, thinking that if a person becomes whatever he wants to be, then what Han Jinyu said just now is really not unreasonable.

(End of this chapter)

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