The Witch's Taste

Chapter 124 Dating and Breaking In

Chapter 124 Dating and Breaking In

Very happy today.

I played Star Wars with my seniors and got the highest score.

Next up is delicious ice cream.

Seeing Yuegong Suzuna's fingers crackling like lightning across the phone screen, Chen Ziang was stunned: Is there really anyone in the world who can type so fast?

"What are you doing?"

"Oh, I'm writing in my diary."


Tsukimiya Suzuna quickly hid the phone behind her back, and said seriously:
"Seniors are not allowed to look at it."

"I'm not interested in your diary." Chen Ziang waved his hand quickly.

"Although I know that senior wants to explain, can you say it in a more tactful way?" Tsukimiya Suzuna raised her finger and said cutely, "For example, you can change to 'the diary records the girl's thoughts' and 'I But you won’t go to peep at Suzuna’s secret, girls will accept it more easily.”

"You can publish a textbook in the future called "The Art of Speaking." Chen Ziang joked.

"Well, it seems to be okay." Tsukimiya Suzuna rested her chin with one hand, "I feel that many people may not know how to communicate with girls. Maybe such a writing will really have a chance to sell well."

"Then should I ask you for an autograph in advance?" Chen Ziang said with a chuckle, "I'll sell it for money when I don't want to do this job anymore."

"I want to write this sentence on the first page of the book." Tsukimiya Suzuna said angrily, "As the most classic negative case."

While chatting, the ice cream ordered has arrived.

In a zero-gravity zone, most normal food is almost impossible to eat because it floats everywhere, so the shop sells special ice cream in bags-semi-melted ice cream in a sealed, only out of the box. Visitors can squeeze them out of the bag like sucking jelly.

Chen Ziang didn't like this kind of semi-fluid ice cream very much, but his sister and Ling Nai seemed to be very satisfied with it, so he "finished" it without saying a word.

After eating dessert, everyone went to play "Cruiser Fleet" (carousel), "Mining Tycoon" (bumper car) and "Nebula Brave" (drifting), etc., and finally probably earned back the ticket price.

Of course, the amusement park also provides dinner service, but it is said that in order to allow tourists to squeeze out of the sealed bag easily, no matter what kind of food is chopped, and mixed with rice for a long time, so that Probably only curry rice can not lose the original taste.

Therefore, Suzuna Yuegong has already reserved another restaurant on the outer edge of Xinggang, which is said to be good at all kinds of dishes from different planet civilizations, and it is also the type that Chen Ziang would never patronize alone.

Although he didn't expect much from this trip, Chen Ziang felt a little guilty and sorry considering that Ling Nai had almost taken care of all the itinerary for him.

The most difficult thing to bear is the beauty, he always feels that he has to find an opportunity to repay.

Of course, it's not the kind of reciprocation that is promised by the body, but also taking her out to play and eat. After all, a good interpersonal relationship needs to be maintained by both parties.

The name of the restaurant that Suzuna booked is "Fis Chikat", which means "noble meal based on fish" in Elvish language.

It is said that the boss used to live in the Agilaos star area and worked as a chef in an elf noble family for more than ten years, so the dishes cooked have the flavor of elf civilization, and there are many red tape rules... For example, no matter No matter how many guests there are on the day, you need to call in advance to reserve the location and dishes, otherwise they will not be accepted.

After arriving at the restaurant, the waiter led the three of them to their reserved positions.

This location is also by the window, and the plateau planet can be seen outside the window, like a huge, round white cotton candy.

Occasionally, starships can be seen taking off and landing nearby.Most of the human starships have sharp edges and corners, mainly gray and black coatings, with a strong industrial style; while the outlines of the elf starships are more rounded, slender and elegant, as if they have been carefully designed by an artist.

The waiter quickly delivered the menu, Chen Ziang flipped through it, and was soon shocked by the prices of various dishes.

Could it be that the fish ingredients used here are all grown up eating gold leaf?

"It's a bit expensive." Tsukimiya Suzuna seemed to have anticipated his thoughts in advance, and said with a smile, "The boss insists on bringing the ingredients from the Federation, so the price will be higher."

"Is there any difference between the fish ingredients shipped by the Federation and the aquatic products from our hot lake?" Chen Ziang asked in confusion, "Has experienced the baptism of cosmic radiation?"

"Materially speaking, there is no difference." Suzuna Tsukimiya thought for a moment and replied, "But many rich people just like to eat things that poor people can't afford, so the high price itself is one of its selling points."

"I understand." Chen Ziang said with a sigh, "My expectations are not high, I just hope that Xiao Zhu can be satisfied."

"Sister-chan will like it." Tsukimiya Suzuna said with a smile, "Anyway, it's definitely not unpalatable. Friends have recommended it to me many times—it's that Mimi, you saw it last time."

The waiter came over to confirm the menu and taboos, Yuegong Suzuna was in charge of communicating with him, and Chen Ziang looked around boredly...huh?

Ah, this, isn't that... Xia Qingyu?
At the dining table diagonally opposite, there was a man and a woman sitting and eating together. They should have come here earlier than themselves and Suzuna.

The man seemed to be an elf, with blond hair combed meticulously, and the clothes on his body were also neat, but his face seemed to be quite ashen, and he was cutting the fish on the plate with a knife and fork.

Although the woman only showed half of her back, she looked quite slender and slender, especially her elegant calf curves and black stockings, which were almost the same as Xia Qingyu's.

There are no identical fingerprints in the world, and there are no identical calf curves... Of course, it is mainly because Chen Ziang's hearing has been strengthened by the fire, and he can barely hear her voice when talking to the other party. It should be the boss with a vicious tongue.

"Senior?" Yue Gong Suzuna put down the menu and asked in surprise.

Chen Zi'ang raised his finger to his lips, made a silent gesture, and then pointed diagonally to the opposite side.

Yuegong Suzuna looked back, her face turned dark immediately, she frowned and said:

" did she know we would come here?"

"It should just be a coincidence." Chen Ziang suggested, "How about we switch tables?"

"No need." Yuegong Suzuna shook her head, her eyes were on the man at the table opposite her, suddenly her thoughts moved slightly, and she said with a sneer, "I never thought she would be so good."

"That bite?" Chen Ziang asked in surprise.

"It's the elves." Yue Gong Suzuna said contemptuously, "Aren't many women in the society now eagerly going to the elves when they see an elf man, eager to be brought back to the Federation to get married and get a permanent residence permit?"

"Look at her... She usually looks arrogant and arrogant in front of us, but in the end she is not a cheap thing that worships foreigners, which is ridiculous."

"I don't think she is what you said." Chen Ziang said in a low voice, "Because the elf man opposite seems to be very angry with her."

"Senior." Tsukimiya Suzuna said with a smile, "If you want to listen to their conversation closely, we can change the table closer to them."

"Cough, no, I just took a look." Chen Ziang quickly explained, "Besides, if she finds out that we are here, it will be very embarrassing, right?"

"Who are you talking about being embarrassed?" Tsukimiya Suzuna asked innocently with her eyes wide open, "Her? Or us?"

"Of course it's us!" Chen Ziang said in amazement, "Can you imagine how embarrassed she would be?"

" seems impossible."

(End of this chapter)

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