The Witch's Taste

Chapter 125 The Imperial Family

Chapter 125 The Imperial Family
Although he tried his best not to focus on the other side, when Chen Ziang was talking with Yuegong Suzuna, his ears could not help but hear a few words from the other side.

What he cares about is not "Xia Qingyu is suspected to be dating a man", but "someone dares to sit opposite Xia Qingyu for dinner".

Is that man some sort of masochist?Eat with sarcasm and sarcasm, eh?

"This fish tastes pretty good." Tsukimiya Suzuna raised her eyebrows and said.

"Indeed." Chen Ziang nodded, and heard Xia Qingyu say "impossible".

What is impossible?What is impossible?Is the other person begging you to be polite?

"I remember my sister Jiang likes to eat fish belly?" Yuegong Lingna cut open the fish belly and fed it to Chen Xiaozhu's mouth.

"Yes, she likes to eat fat-rich meat." Chen Ziang said casually, "But in order to control her weight, I basically won't let her eat more—after all, she hardly does any exercise every day."

Then I heard Xia Qingyu on the opposite side sneering, "Are you an idiot?"

This sentence is not very curious, because no matter what you say to her, you may get this answer-but the elf young man obviously knows nothing about her bad character, so he just said it with a gloomy face What.

His voice was not as cold and recognizable as Xia Qingyu's, and it was difficult to hear clearly from a further distance, so he could barely make out sporadic words such as "exchange", "agreement" and "respect".

After the elf man finished speaking in a low voice, Xia Qingyu uttered two words coldly, which could be heard very clearly: "Stupid."

Well, although I don't know what I'm talking about, but judging from the aura and aggressiveness, the human side obviously beat the elves.

Tsukimiya Suzuna sighed and said:
"How about I help the seniors listen to what they are talking about?"

"Cough, no need." Chen Ziang was a little embarrassed, and said after a moment of hesitation, "I'm just a little curious, because... You see, Xia Qingyu is a very difficult person to get along with, right? Unless it's a masochist, I don't think so. One would want to sit across from her and listen to her humiliation, sarcasm and cynicism, so it must be talking about work."

"It makes sense." Yue Gong Ling Nai smiled inwardly, "Senior, continue."

"And even if it's a work negotiation, it's unwise to irritate your partners frequently, right? With her proud mind, she shouldn't have missed this point." Chen Ziang continued to analyze, "Then speculate There are two possibilities: one is that Xia Qingyu does not expect the negotiation to be successful, and the other is that the other party wants something from her, so she can open her mouth unscrupulously."

"That's right." Tsukimiya Suzuna rested her chin with one hand, held the spoon with the other hand, stirred the ice cream in the cup, and said with a smile, "From what I've heard, there should be both. "

"Oh?" Chen Ziang became curious.

"That elf..." Tsukimiya Suzuna said slowly, "It seems that she is planning to do something... and is negotiating with her."

"Want to cooperate with her?" Chen Ziang was thoughtful.

"No." Tsukimiya Suzuna said with a chuckle, "It seems that she is asking her not to interfere."

Non-interference... This is complicated.

What kind of situation will "cooperation" mean?For example, if there is something I can't handle, you can't handle it, then we will work together to solve it, and the benefits will be shared equally; but if I can handle it alone, then of course I will not cooperate with you - in the real business society, most It's both cases.

The situation of "non-interference" is more subtle: for example, there is something that I can handle, but if you intervene, I can't handle it, so I am willing to pay some conditions in exchange for you not to sabotage secretly-that is to say, first of all, both parties agree It's competition or even hostility. Secondly, Xia Qingyu's strength is enough to make the other party feel afraid, so the other party chooses "negotiation" instead of other methods.


The more I think about it, the more complicated it becomes.

"Forget it." Chen Ziang waved his hand and said, "It has nothing to do with us anyway, right?"

"Maybe~" Yue Gong Suzuna said in a light tone, "Anyway, based on my experience, it's definitely not a good thing to have a relationship with that woman."

"Lingna." Chen Ziang said suddenly, "Although I promised you last time not to ask about the past grievances between you and her, this time you brought it up on your own initiative."

"So if you're willing to tell me...Of course, it's okay if you don't want to."

"Uh." Yue Gong Suzuna was dumbfounded for a moment, then smiled helplessly, and said, "I don't know where to start..."

"Senior, do you know the 'royal family' of the empire?"

"I've heard of it." Chen Ziang said humbly, "It's the relatives of the children and relatives of the emperors of the past... right?"

"Ah?" Yue Gong Suzuna was a little dazed, and then said with a smile, "No, of course not."

"The royal family of the empire is actually the product of a group of genetic engineering." She patiently explained, "The empire is very arrogant and believes that the blood of the royal family must be superior to ordinary people, so the children of the emperors of all dynasties will receive special genetic optimization during the embryonic period. "

"For these genetically optimized royal families, only the most powerful person can become the next emperor, and the rest will be included in the royal family tree. In order to prevent the genetic plan from leaking out, all members of the royal family are never allowed to marry without authorization. Permitted birth is an absolute prohibition... Can you understand, senior, what does this mean?"

"It means... uh, very unreasonable?" Chen Ziang said hesitantly.

"Representing the royal family is a group of perverts." Suzuna Tsukimiya said firmly, "They have been brainwashed since childhood to be 'noble elite humans' and 'represent the future of mankind', so they look down on all mortals except the royal family. And because they are in a competitive relationship with each other, and they are not allowed to marry and have children freely, so they have no family relationship, nor love and friendship. Treating the people around them is like treating tools and pawns. Is there any use value to classify and treat separately... Seriously, they are a bunch of monsters without blood and tears."

Chen Ziang: ……………

"So, Xia Qingyu is from the royal family?" He asked incredulously, "A product of genetic engineering? A new human?"

"It's actually easy to judge." Yue Gong Suzuna said coldly, "Not everyone with the surname Xia is from the royal family, and this surname is not uncommon among the common people of the empire, but... Look, the way you look in your eyes is like looking at insects. You don’t need to be sarcastic or even ignored, and when you are used, you will use all kinds of methods, as if you have no morals, conscience and humanity at all... And then you happen to be named Xia, so basically It must be the imperial family."

Chen Ziang thought seriously.

"Toe high and proud", in line with;

"Looking like an insect" is a bit off. She usually uses the word ape, but it is barely valid;

"Sarcasm", in line with;

"Do whatever it takes" to meet;

"Inhuman"... I'm a little skeptical, but it doesn't matter.

So Xia Qingyu is still an imperial princess?
What about Xia Zili?
(End of this chapter)

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