The Witch's Taste

Chapter 144 Countermeasures and Alienation

Chapter 144 Countermeasures and Alienation

In the afternoon, after Chen Ziang finished sorting out his work, he went to report to Xia Qingyu.

Normally, before he was going to talk to Xia Qingyu, he had to do three things well:

One, drink a cup of hot tea.

Second, watch an episode of animation.

Third, read "Don't Get Angry" again.

Adjust your mentality to "very peaceful" before knocking on the door of Xia Qingyu's office.

Of course, I already learned a few tricks from Xia Zili last night, so I'd better give it a try this time.

"Qing Yu." Chen Ziang pushed the door open and said quickly, "I put the work report on the table, and there are two more questions."

"Ask." Xia Qingyu said.

Today's leader of the poisonous snake beauty is wearing a black coat, which is rare, wrapping her body tightly, and it is impossible to tell whether she is wearing a skirt, trousers or black silk.

"The first question." Chen Ziang already knew that Xia Qingyu liked to pay attention to the important things, and didn't like to understand the details, so he simply said in a straightforward and fluent manner, "The last time we negotiated with Takano Seiko, what should we do next?"

"Did Seiko Gao Ye come to ask you?" Xia Qingyu raised an eyebrow and asked him.

"No." Chen Ziang said.

"Then why do you care about her?" Xia Qingyu asked with a sneer, "Is there nothing more to pay attention to in your usual work?"

"You're right." Chen Ziang quickly used the big move "Ah yes yes yes" to block all the venom she was about to erupt, and then continued to ask, "Second question, regarding the ability of Takano Seiko, what did I say earlier? I saw 'living dead' written on the material, what does it mean?"

"Have you asked Suifeng Lixu?" Xia Qingyu asked again.

"No." Chen Ziang said quickly, "but the information provided by Li Xu didn't involve this, so I don't think she came to the judgment that 'Seiko Takano's ability is related to the living dead'. Asking rashly may induce her Associating with this aspect will affect her normal judgment."

Xia Qingyu was silent for a moment, then quietly said:

"Have you got a brain?"

"It's because the leaders are well trained." Chen Ziang quickly added.

"I didn't teach you to flatter." Xia Qingyu said with a sneer, "Or, you..."

"You're right." Chen Ziang interrupted her again, "I don't want my mistakes to waste your time, so can you explain the information about the 'living dead' as soon as possible so that I can continue planning work?"

Xia Qingyu remained silent for a longer time this time, but to her surprise she was not angry, she just raised her legs slowly (finally confirmed to be black silk), and said:

"The living dead, the lower race, believe in the god 'Nest of the Drowned'. Since you don't want to waste my time, then you can go to the big information database and check it yourself."

"Okay." Chen Ziang nodded, turned and left.

It wasn't until he left Xia Qingyu's office that he secretly rejoiced.

Sure enough, Xia Zili was right.

As long as you use the "ah yes yes yes" big move, you can quickly seal Xia Qingyu's poisonous tongue!
I have completely understood!

Back in the office, Chen Ziang was still immersed in the sense of accomplishment of "defeating the dragon", and sent a message to Xia Zili.

[Is there any urban legend]: Did you go back?

[Good at singing]: I have already gone back, thank you for taking me in last night.

[Is there any urban legend]: It's okay, the main reason is that the situation last night was quite special.

[Good at singing]: I still have to thank you for enlightening me, otherwise I don't know how long it would take me to figure it out.

[Is there any urban legend]: Let's not talk about that, I used the communication skills you taught me yesterday, and found that it is especially useful for your sister!
【Good at singing】: Really?Let me tell you, my sister is not the type that is difficult to communicate with.

Chen Ziang: ……………

Did the two of us have some subtle deviation in our understanding of Xia Qingyu?

It doesn't matter, as long as Xia Zili can continue to provide me with information.

After closing the chat window with Xia Zili, Chen Ziang saw Lu Yunfeng and Chong Tian Heiwu carrying a desk.

"What are you two doing?" Chen Ziang was puzzled.

"Deputy Section Chief Yue Gong said that she will move here to work with you." Okita Heigo replied, "Her office will be converted into a conference room."

Chen Ziang:? ? ?

"Help put it next to senior's desk, thank you~" Tsukimiya Suzuna came in from the outside and instructed Lu Yunfeng and Okita Hirao to make their positions close together.

"Lingna." After the two left, Chen Ziang asked, "Do you want to explain?"

"That's right." Tsukimiya Suzuna replied lightly, "Because everyone doesn't have a conference room, and then I thought that Senior's office is quite big, so I moved here to work with Senior, so that everyone can also have a conference room~"

"We have a conference room upstairs." Chen Ziang asked puzzled.

"It's too far away." Tsukimiya Suzuna said.

"Is it far?" Chen Ziang couldn't understand, "It's just above our heads, and we'll be there by going up the stairs?"

"The stairs have eighteen steps." Tsukimiya Suzuna said.

Chen Ziang: ……………

"Okay, senior, don't dislike me." Tsukimiya Suzuna sat down beside him, "I'll give you potato chips."

She took out a napkin, spread it out in front of Chen Ziang, and poured some potato chips on it.

Chen Ziang didn't have the strength to get angry with her, so he continued to read the work report.

He casually ate the potato chips that Suzuna gave him.


After get off work, Chen Ziang stood up and asked:
"Suzuna, are you going to eat?"

"Oh, senior, I have something to do tonight." Tsukimiya Suzuna smiled, "You go first."

Miss Yuegong is also a bit strange. When we first met, we wanted to get tired of being with me every day, but these days, we suddenly became busy.

Chen Ziang even had a faint guess in his heart: Could it be that Miss Yuegong is getting bored?Has the freshness of love at first sight faded?

Thinking of this, he felt a little unspeakably lost and frustrated, but he quickly convinced himself to accept the facts.

No matter what Suzuna thinks, I will respect her opinion.

Chen Ziang went to the staff cafeteria, while Tsukimiya Suzuna sat in front of the computer, slowly scrolling the mouse wheel, browsing the statistics of the mid-term elections, her expression gradually becoming serious.

They set to work.

Gao Tianyuan's fate has already begun to walk on the destined path.

Then, I have to start preparing too.

"Uncle Weimon." Tsukimiya Suzuna dialed the phone, "Is there any result to what I asked you earlier?"

"Miss, I have already hired a scientific expedition team to go to the Rose Nebula to confirm." Emmon Goro said hesitantly, "But...even if you give the coordinates, the cost of interstellar travel and space exploration is very high , the master must not be able to hide it..."

"It's okay, I will tell him." Tsukimiya Suzuna said calmly.

After hanging up the phone, she slowly lay down on the desk, closed her eyes with her arms on her pillow, and slowly fell asleep.


"This time..."

"I will, I will..."

(End of this chapter)

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