The Witch's Taste

Chapter 145 Winning

Chapter 145 Winning

A week later, the results of the midterm elections came out.

For the first time, the Democratic Pioneers won 14% of the seats in the parliament, which can almost be said to be a complete victory.

The proportion of MPs without party affiliation is 7%, which is only 1% lower than before, which means that the 14% share is almost all obtained from the British Party.

Of course, the British Party still has a complete advantage in the parliament, but the public's distrust of the British Party is rising rapidly, and the total number of voters has dropped by 12% - these people are unwilling to vote for the Democratic Pioneer Party. But because of this incident, he also lost trust in the British Party, so he simply gave up voting.

For the British party, the situation can be said to be very bad.

It is said that several bigwigs took the blame and resigned because of this, and it is not known which forces were cheaper in the end, but the counterattack of the British Party came soon:

The notorious "party stick" of the Democratic First Party, Iwata Qingchuan, was arrested by the Jibei City Public Security Department today on suspicion of operating illegal jigo business.

Chen Ziang used his contacts in the Public Security Department to inquire about some news from his colleagues in the second class.

It is said that Iwata Qingchuan has committed almost all the crimes that a superior can commit, such as accepting bribes, abusing power, keeping mistresses... and most of them have conclusive evidence. Now the Public Security Department calls him a "scumbag", but the department Nagayuki Izumo strictly forbids any disclosure to the outside world, so it is only discussed internally.

Of course, the fighting among the superiors is too far away from the lives of the people at the bottom, so Chen Ziang's inquiry is only to satisfy his curiosity.

What makes Chen Ziang feel even more strange is that Yue Gong Ling Nai has started to ask for leave frequently recently.

Of course, she usually goes to work to watch dramas and watch short videos, so the absence of her will not affect her business...but it does affect her mentality.

Every time she asked her while she was in the unit, Tsukimiya Suzuna would smile and perfunctory, or say something like "Ah, senior, you really care where I go".

The two were not close enough to establish a relationship, so Chen Ziang didn't like to ask too many questions, and he himself didn't like the habit of asking the bottom line, so he gradually let it go.

let her go!

"Speaking of which." In the office, Tsukimiya Suzuna suddenly said, "Senior hasn't fully answered the topic last time."

"If you have to move to another planet, what kind of environment do you like, senior?"

"Uh." Chen Ziang hesitated, "Why do you have to move to another planet?"

"Senior, have you heard of it?" Tsukimiya Suzuna raised her finger and said with a sweet smile, "People in modern cities have to move house once or twice in their lifetime on average."

"That's why I want to ask, what will Senior think about if he moves?"

"I haven't thought about this issue." Chen Ziang replied, "Actually, in my opinion, the most important thing is people, followed by the environment."

"I understand." Suzuna Yuegong opened the desk drawer and took out a stack of cards, which seemed to be the kind of astronomy encyclopedia cards that teach children about the universe. "Senior, look here."

She drew out a card with planets full of green on it:
"How about moving to a jungle planet? For example, the Cangwu star region in the Sirius constellation of the empire, the climate is warm and humid, and more than 90% of the surface is covered by vegetation, and the ecological environment is very good."

"I heard that there are a lot of mosquitoes over there." Chen Ziang said.

"Indeed." Suzuna Tsukimiya wrinkled her small nose, "I hate mosquitoes too, skip this one."

She draws a second card, a snowy planet:
"Polar planets, such as the Stonaria star region in the federal constellation Cygnus, have temperatures hovering between minus ten degrees and plus ten degrees, and will not be as extremely cold as ours."

"If I could choose, I would definitely not consider polar planets anymore." Chen Ziang said frankly, "At least go to a place where you can bask in the sun comfortably... Of course, no mosquitoes."

"There are no mosquitoes in Gao Tianyuan?" Yue Gong Ling Nai asked strangely, "Why are you afraid of mosquitoes, senior?"

"It's just a physical disgust." Of course, Chen Ziang couldn't say it was a habit in his previous life, he was really afraid of being disturbed by mosquitoes when he slept at night.

Tsukimiya Suzuna nodded, and drew out a third card:

"Urban planets, most of the areas are highly urbanized. For example, the Aegilaos star area of ​​the Federal Canis constellation has a very developed economy, and the cultural and entertainment industries are prosperous. It is suitable for the type who likes to stay at home and play games."

"Am I the type who likes to stay at home?" Chen Ziang asked wonderingly.

"At least before I got to know Senior, I heard that Senior doesn't go out on weekends or holidays." Tsukimiya Suzuna Youyou said.

"That's to take care of Xiaozhu..." Chen Ziang also felt that his defense was weak, "What other choice?"

"Ocean planet." Tsukimiya Suzuna pulled out the fourth card, "Planets with more than 90% ocean coverage, such as the Dalchi star area in the federal constellation Narcissus, have excellent scenery and pleasant climate, and are said to be famous interstellar resorts. "

"There is a problem with living by the sea, things at home are prone to damp and mold." Chen Ziang said thoughtfully, "If the local area still has a monsoon climate, it will be even more troublesome."

"I understand." Tsukimiya Suzuna said with a smile, "Senior hopes to live on an aquaplanet that is neither too cold nor too hot, and where land and water are evenly distributed, such as the Earth in the solar sector."

"Earth?" Chen Ziang asked suddenly, "Has Suzuna heard of Earth?"

"I know." Tsukimiya Suzuna said, "On the side of the Orion Arm, it used to be the origin planet of human beings, but it is completely deserted now."

Chen Ziang pondered, he was not sure whether he really liked such a planet, or just suffered from homesickness.

"In short, I probably understand it!" Suzuna Tsukimiya put away the card, "Next time if I want to travel to the stars, I will give priority to the aquaplanets."

Her words seemed to have some deep meaning, which made Chen Ziang feel that something was wrong.

To use an analogy, it's like preparing to run away secretly.

But after all, Chen Ziang is not someone who likes to ask questions, and he knows that if Ling Nai doesn't want to talk about it, he can't try it around the bush... It's not an important thing, if people don't tell you, you still ask desperately, that would be too annoying.

"After get off work, are you going to eat? Or do you have other things?"

"Go, but I have something to do after dinner, so I won't go back with Senior."

"Then let's go." Chen Ziang nodded.

Tsukimiya Suzuna observed carefully and confirmed that there was not much displeasure on the senior's face, so she sighed secretly.

There are too many things to do, and less time to spend with seniors, but the timing is right here, and some things must be done by her personally, otherwise, on the one hand, it will not be safe enough, and on the other hand, she may not be able to make it in time.

After eating, Yue Gong Ling Nai bid farewell to Chen Ziang, returned to her office, and turned on the computer.

In the mailbox, an email has been received from the Interstellar Internet Communications Company.

In the universe, interstellar communication is very difficult, and the Federation's technological level in this area far exceeds that of the Empire.

But Tsukimiya Suzuna neither trusted the Federation nor the Empire, so she could only find a professional quantum communication company in the third camp to help her make regular contact with the scientific expedition team far away in the Rose Nebula.

After clicking on the email and reading the work report of the scientific expedition team, Tsukimiya Suzuna knew that they had found that special artificial celestial body in the Rose Nebula.

The next thing must not be handed over to any outsider, so she thought to herself that she had to go there herself.

You have to take at least half a year off.

However, half a year is too long, and I am afraid that there will be changes on the senior side.

Fortunately, so far, there has not been a rival in love who can threaten him.

Xia Qingyu refused to accept that memory, and her relationship with her senior was extremely bad;

Xia Zili didn't get that memory, and she didn't have any contact with her seniors.

Even if the two of them suddenly changed their sex and wanted to sneak away when they were not around, but with senior's conservative character, it is impossible to capture him in a short time.

Of course, Tsukimiya Suzuna is not the type to pin her hopes on the stupidity of her enemies.

Tonight, the seniors will be directly taken down, the raw rice will be cooked, and their last chance will be completely cut off!

(End of this chapter)

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