The Witch's Taste

Chapter 146 Invite You to Be a Guest

Chapter 146 Invite You to Be a Guest
Chen Ziang brought food home from the cafeteria, fed his sister dinner, and then sat on the sofa to watch TV.

Indeed, as Suzuna said, he tried not to leave the house in order to take care of his sister.Over time, I developed the habit of staying at home.

I was watching TV when I suddenly received a call.

"Senior, are you free?" Tsukimiya Suzuna's sweet voice sounded, "Can I visit your house tonight?"

"Of course." Chen Ziang was a little surprised, but he didn't think too much about it.After all, Suzuna had a record of running over early in the morning before, so it's not surprising that she came here at night.

He continued to watch TV when he suddenly heard a strange noise from upstairs.

There seemed to be the sound of something falling on the floor, but the above was the bedroom of himself, Xiao Zhu and his parents, so logically there should be no one to be right.

Chen Ziang stood up, already aware of something abnormal.


If the present world is compared to the floating ice above the sea, then the abyss is the bottomless sea below the floating ice.Occasionally, monsters in the sea would jump out of the water and attack humans on the ice floes.

But if the spiritual vision is high, it is equivalent to a diver who has dived into the sea, and is naturally more vulnerable to weird attacks.

Chen Ziang has a shadow cloak to lock his vision, but his vision is not zero, so it is normal to encounter strange things.

He quickly carried Xiao Zhu to the toilet, closed the door, and then took the Mandala sword with him, and walked up the stairs lightly.

When he came to the second floor, Chen Ziang saw a figure shrouded in robes standing quietly in the middle of the corridor.

The opponent was tall and tall, his robe was dark ink, the neckline and cuffs were embroidered with intricate gold thread, and he was holding a strangely shaped staff in his hand.

Under the hood of the opponent's robe is a delicate and hollow bone mask.

Chen Ziang recognized this attire: previously in Xichuan Meihui's kingdom of God, in the dark altar beneath the decaying city, he once fought against these four ghoul priests dressed in this way with the cooperation of his teammates.

Before he pulled out the mandala magic sword, he said to the convenience:
"Mortal, you have already obtained the understanding of the King of Ghouls, why haven't you come to Zubasa for a visit?"

At that moment, countless thoughts flashed through Chen Ziang's mind, and he quickly confirmed that the other party's tone did not seem to be a question, but an inquiry.

So he said cautiously:

"I have not received any news that I am going to visit Zubasa... In human etiquette, visiting without an invitation is offensive in most cases."

The other party didn't answer, and Chen Ziang could feel a creepy and cold gaze projected from the eye sockets of the hollowed-out bone mask.

After an unknown amount of time, the ghoul priest spoke slowly:
"In this case, it is our fault."

Before Chen Ziang could answer, he continued to say:

"Mortal, I will give you a piece of advice."

"Never take your luck for granted. Because any gift that fate bestows on you often has a corresponding price secretly marked...or someone has already paid for you in advance."

"Let's go, mortals, let's go to the Dying Realm, I have an oracle from the King of Ghouls to tell you..."

"Wait a moment." Knowing that this trip could not be avoided, Chen Ziang said hastily, "I will report to my family."

The ghoul priest fell silent, but this time he didn't make him wait long, and the cold voice sounded again:
"I can wait for you for a moment."

Chen Ziang didn't know how long a moment was, so he quickly turned around and ran to the first floor, and briefly explained to his sister:

"Xiaozhu, my brother has a very urgent mission to go on a business trip. I don't know how long it will take to come back. I will ask Sister Suzuna to take care of you..."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Xiaozhu suddenly stretched out his hand and pressed it on the back of his hand:
"Xia Zili." She said softly.

"You want Xia Zili to take care of you?" Chen Ziang asked in shock.

Chen Xiaozhu didn't speak.

"But..." Chen Ziang said in embarrassment, "Xia Zili is a star, I don't know her schedule, but I can guess that the schedule may be very tight, and she may not be able to come in time..."

Of course, the main reason is still unfamiliarity.

However, Chen Xiaozhu still didn't speak, she just quietly looked at Chen Ziang with empty eyes, as if she didn't intend to make any compromise in this respect.

"Okay, let me ask first." After all, Chen Ziang had nothing to do with her, so he could only bite the bullet and take out his mobile phone, and dialed Xia Zili.

The bell rang for about 3 seconds, and the phone was picked up.

The other side seemed to be in a very noisy environment, only Xia Zili asked loudly:
"Hello? Chen Ziang?"

"That's right, I know it's presumptuous, I'm just asking what you mean." Chen Ziang was a little embarrassed, but he still tried to say, "I have an urgent mission to go on a business trip, and my sister Chen Xiaozhu has no one to take care of her at home. If you're free recently..."

"Okay!" Xia Zili did not hesitate, and immediately agreed, "What do I need to do?"

"Bring her food once a day." Chen Ziang said quickly, "She is blind and can't go shopping or cooking, so please bring her some food. The extra can be put in the refrigerator, and she will get it by herself when she is hungry. "

Intensive voices came from the other side, as if someone was talking to Xia Zili.

Then she leaned back to the microphone and said aloud:

"Okay, what time do you need to take it every day?"

"It's convenient for you." Chen Ziang said, "My spare key is under the carpet. It's best to come in the morning, so that the food can be fresher, but if you buy frozen bento, you can come here anytime."

"Frozen bento?" Xia Zili asked suspiciously, "Can my sister use a microwave?"

"Probably not." Chen Ziang said awkwardly, "But I don't want to trouble you too much, or...can you teach her?"

"How about it." Xia Zili said quickly, "I'll try to come over at mealtime and bring her meals."

"I'm really sorry to bother you so much..."

"It's okay, I don't have any major concerts to rush recently, so I can still spare some time." Xia Zili said with a smile, "I won't tell you, the commercial time over there is over, urging me to go back to the show .”

"Excuse me, excuse me." Chen Ziang was also a little ashamed, and then he reacted belatedly:
The opposite is a big star who can appear on TV shows!What kind of medicine did I take wrong to ask the other party to take care of my sister?
In the end, the other party really agreed!It's outrageous!

He didn't have time to feel too much, so he hurriedly called Tsukimiya Suzuna.

"What's the matter, senior?" The energetic voice sounded from the opposite side.

"The priest of the King of Ghouls came to see me." Chen Ziang whispered, "Invite me to visit Zubasa."

"Ah?" Tsukimiya Suzuna seemed a little caught off guard, "Are you... going now?"

"I feel like I can't refuse, unless I directly offend the ghouls." Chen Ziang said with a wry smile.

"That's right." Yue Gong Suzuna forced a smile, "Senior, be careful, don't offend the king of ghouls again? That god is very narrow-minded and loves to hold grudges!"

"Stop." Chen Zi'ang quickly stopped, "He's still upstairs!"

"Yeah." Yuegong Lingna was silent for a moment, then whispered again, "Then I'll come over and bring Xiaozhu something to eat before I leave."

"Okay." Chen Ziang said with a sigh, "I was invited this time, and I don't know how long I will stay there. Maybe I can come back tonight, or maybe... Forget it, I will contact you when I come back. "

"Yeah, senior, be more careful."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Ziang finally edited a text message, briefly explained the situation to Xia Qingyu and asked for leave, then went back upstairs again, and said to the ghoul priest:

"Let's go."

"Have you finished?" the ghoul priest said sadly, "Don't miss anyone who didn't explain, when the time comes, the backyard will catch fire..."

"There are a lot of things on my side." Chen Ziang said calmly, "I hope it won't take too long."

"If this trip goes well." The ghoul priest said meaningfully.

(End of this chapter)

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