The Witch's Taste

Chapter 184 The Second Witch

Chapter 184 The Third Witch

Dijing Group is currently the only large enterprise in Gao Tianyuan that can be called a "chaebol".

Of course, it’s still not enough to compare with the galaxy-level super monopoly companies such as Klublef and Bacht, but it is already a well-deserved giant in the plateau star region, and even dared to carry out layoffs of [-] people under the pressure of the government. The government can only negotiate with it.

In the communication at the meeting last night, Chen Ziang had roughly learned about Dijing Group's attitude from Yuuki Izumo.

Re-employment is impossible;
placement fee, nor;
The miners surrounded the company and caused trouble. We hope the government can help solve the problem as soon as possible. We are willing to provide any support except "re-employment" and "relocation fee".

This matter sounds like the capitalists are starting to play tricks again, but according to some news channels in the system, Dijing Group also has reasons to do so.

For resource-based enterprises, the exhaustion of resources is the most fatal fatal point. No business wizard can save them. Industrial transformation is the only way out.

Dijing Group's choice is to invest in new energy research and development, hoping to break through from this direction.If you want him to spend enough funds now, he can only withdraw from the R&D project, which will directly interrupt his transformation process.

Only when his transformation is successful will new jobs be created.If it is not successful, more mines will be exhausted every year, and more miners will be laid off. This is equivalent to "drinking sea water to quench your thirst". The more you drink, the thirstier you become, and the problem becomes bigger and bigger.

Therefore, the people above weighed it from the perspective of utilitarianism, and in the end they must stand on the side of Dijing Group. As for the unemployed miners, although everyone is indeed pitiful, it will not do any good if they continue to fight, and it will only hurt both sides.

The leader of the unemployed miners must be found, and the communication and discussion must be clear.

When Chen Ziang arrived at the headquarters of Dijing Group in Shinjuku District, he saw that the hall was crowded with people.

Judging from the appearance, figure, and clothing, these unemployed miners are mainly men, usually around the age of 40 to 50. If you count, this group of unemployed miners are basically in the late Governor Shi Jintang's administration. into the mining industry.

Of course, at that time, the superficial mineral resources of the earth's crust were not exhausted at all, and the entire industry was thriving.The Dijing Group is also well-funded, expanding wildly, and even established [-] mining towns within a month. The media exaggeratedly described it as "Once the mine is opened, ten thousand taels of gold. The money is used to lay the floor and the sacks are used to pack it." "

The income of the miners is also quite generous, and there is even a saying in most towns and towns: the husband goes to the mine, the wife takes care of the family, has worked hard for ten years, and has a garage and a house.

The income of a miner can support a family and buy a car and a house. It is indeed a high-paying occupation.

Who knew that with the passage of time, it would end up in such a situation now?

For these miners, they have spent most of their lives in the mines. They do not know anything except physical work, have no professional skills, and most of them are not even good at communicating with others.How can you let them find a job by themselves?I will definitely fight you to the death.

Chen Zi'ang glanced at the miners who were sitting quietly. Their faces were numb and indifferent, covered with dust and ravines, which made him think of Mie Nishikawa and Seiko Takano for no reason.

Someone from the side came over, but it was Ayaka Sawada, a colleague from the intelligence department.

"Section Head." She whispered, "We have checked, and there are no mysterious traces in the hall, but the results given by the divination system are completely opposite."

"Did the divination system give you the result?" Chen Ziang asked in a deep voice, "Send me your phone."

"it is good."

After getting the results, Chen Ziang quickly browsed through them.

The divination system in Jibei City is very complicated, and the accuracy rate is not very high. The only advantage is that it can directly give corresponding answers without any existing evidence, so it is usually applied to many ambiguous things, such as Is there a mutation somewhere.

On the question of "is there any mysterious force involved in the Dijing Building", the divination system gave a clear and positive answer: yes.

But where exactly?In what form?What is the result of the impact?There is no way to answer these, otherwise it will become a universal question answering machine.

However, it seems possible to guess by "reasoning".

First of all, assuming that there is indeed a mysterious force involved, what is it doing here?

Answer: Organize miners.

The unemployed miners do not have the ability of telepathy, and the reason why they can maintain the same action must be the unified command of some kind of information.

Because of this, it attracted the attention of the Public Security Department, and Yuki Izumo found the Intelligence Bureau.

Second, what form does this ability take?
Intangible, silent, unknown form, and unknown method, it fits the characteristics of most mysterious forces.

But it is not completely impossible to start, at least for miners, it should be a form of information that is easy to receive and understand.

Then the answer is simple.

First try to find an unemployed miner, and then conduct a mystical investigation on him, and you should be able to find traces of this power.

Although it is obvious logic, but without Yuegong Suzuna and Xia Qingyu around to help discuss it, it was a lot slower to figure it out by myself.

Next, send a message to Yuki Izumo and ask her to help arrange it.

Chen Ziang came to the toilet, washed his hands next to the sink, thinking about how to communicate with Yuki Izumo.

Although the other party is Xia Qingyu's retainer, he is also from an outside unit, and he cannot communicate casually like he did with Hoikaze Rio, so he still has to choose his words carefully.

He turned off the faucet tightly and was about to leave the toilet when he suddenly felt dizzy in his head.

"...Chen Ziang." A voice said in his mind.

Chen Ziang shuddered immediately, and asked vigilantly:


"I can't see through your thoughts." The other party sounded like a female voice, with a certain ethereal and ethereal tone, and it seemed to be mysterious, "It's really interesting, there is something protecting you."

"Are you the organizer of those unemployed miners?" Chen Ziang asked tentatively.

"No." The female voice quickly denied, "The people who organized them were actually themselves. I just provided some necessary help."

"Chen Ziang, do you know? In fact, I have been observing you... From Nishikawa Meihui to Takano Seiko's death, you have been subconsciously trying to save them, but every time you try to stop, and finally succumb to the weight of powerlessness Reality. It’s like having two personalities living inside you at the same time, one is an idealist and the other is a realist.”

Chen Ziang was silent for a moment, then said:

"You...are all witches like them?"

"Is it strange?" The voice laughed, "Three witches appear at the same time in the small Gaotianyuan star region."

"Considering the conditions of the witch's birth, it can be easily concluded that the human society in Gaotianyuan is bound to face an extremely serious crisis, but it is hidden in the deliberately created environment of singing and dancing."

"If you can't solve the problem, go and solve the person who asked the problem, and then pretend that the problem doesn't exist. Is this really a good way?"

Chen Ziang was speechless, but quickly activated his inspiration and scanned the inside of his body.

"Nishikawa Mie and Takano Seiko, they both told you their stories." The female voice continued quietly, "Then, how about listening to my story?"

"...See if you can find a way, hehe, save me?"

(End of this chapter)

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