The Witch's Taste

Chapter 185 The Miner's Daughter

Chapter 185 The Miner's Daughter

"I was born in a very ordinary family of miners."

"My father was a miner, and my grandfather was also a miner. If there were no accidents, my younger brother would also become a miner. It seems that ore is destined to flow in our family's blood."

"Being a miner is very tiring and bitter, but he earns a lot of money. My father often taught my younger brother to 'be proud of suffering', because that's what my grandfather taught him at the beginning."

"Heaven rewards hard work, God will not disappoint those who work hard...Grandpa often said similar things. After all, he lived in an era when the mining industry was booming, and the effort was indeed directly proportional to the harvest, so he also regarded labor as a must for success." through the road."

"But after my father was 30 years old, the mines he worked in dried up. Fortunately, he had climbed to the position of production team leader at that time, and was not fired by Dijing Group, but was assigned to other mines."

"We moved seven or eight times, big or small. Every time we moved, my father's face became more sad. When I was young, my brother and I didn't know the reason for my father's distress. But now, it seems that my father It has probably been found that there are fewer and fewer mining spots, and the fact that this industry is declining has been foreseen."

"Life is getting worse day by day, and some unemployed colleagues in the past have contacted my father, hoping that he can join the armed guerrillas... But my father is the kind of honest character, and he still wants to make a living through legal work. , so he refused without hesitation."

"But in this world, there will never be a way out for kind people, will it?"

"Until I was 19 years old, my father never found a job again. After the family's savings were almost cut off, my father, my mother, and I discussed all night, and finally decided to leave this world without causing trouble to society."

"My parents committed suicide by taking poison, and I was responsible for tricking my brother into taking the medicine, but he thought the medicine was too bitter, so he refused to drink it after only one sip. If the dose is not enough, he will suffer a severe stomachache before death. Painful, so as the eldest sister, I can only, I can only do it myself..."

The voice seemed to be unable to continue, but it gradually quieted down.

Chen Ziang didn't speak either.Having learned from the previous two lessons, he knows that listening is the best response at this time.

"In short, with the whole family dead, I finally broke the promise I made to my parents and met them under the Nine Springs." The female voice continued, "It's not because I'm afraid of death, but because my hands are covered with blood. , When I just wanted to end this pain as soon as possible, I suddenly had a strong thought."

"If this world is destined to be cruel and merciless to us, why would it favor another group of people? We are all human...why some people can enjoy a life of luxury, while others are destined to be tortured in poverty, even Are you forced to end your own life?"

"So I chose to continue to linger on. I wanted to find out what was driving our family to such a dead end."

Chen Ziang listened silently to the female voice calmly telling about her life, and gradually a strong chill rose from the bottom of her heart.

What the other party asked was also a topic that was not allowed to be mentioned.If people at the bottom of society start to think about this stuff, then chaos will not be far away.

But in terms of his current sense of morality and values, he can't persuade the other party to look away... Being forced to kill her family with her own hands, there is nothing that can restrain her.

The law is not good, and morality is not good, she no longer has any concerns and sustenance.

"In recent years, I have used some secret means to get what I want." The female voice said in a ethereal voice, "I went to university to study the necessary courses, and then sneaked into the inside of the Crystal Group , to understand the history of the development of the entire mining industry.”

"In the end, I discovered that this world has never been a world of 'God rewards those who work hard', but a world of 'class domination'—chess players dominate everything through games, and chess pieces can only be slaughtered by others."

"Shi Jintang wanted to compete with the empire, so he chose to invest in the federation and use the mineral resources of Gaotianyuan to strive for an international environment that is both right and left."

"He also knows that there are not many superficial minerals in Gaotianyuan. The more vigorously the mining industry is developed, the more people will suffer in the future industrial transformation, but he doesn't care at all... whether it is the earth crystal that takes off with the wind Groups, or our humble and ordinary bottom of society, are just pawns that can be used and sacrificed."

"I saw the cruel reality of this world clearly, and voluntarily took on a heavier mission. My father worked as a miner all his life, but he fell into poverty and had to commit suicide. At that time, I was unable to save my poor family. And now... I will never allow so many families of miners to be discarded like pawns by the superiors at will."

"Chen Ziang, I'm not an avenger like Mie Nishikawa, who only vents his hatred through killing; I'm not a defender like Seiko Takano, who wants to use killing to change the social atmosphere."

"I am the miner's daughter, an ordinary low-level citizen, leading these unemployed miner families who are about to be abandoned by society, trying to fight for the right to live in a cruel and ruthless world dominated by the superiors. .”

"In fact, I have long been afraid to trust anyone, but since Mie Nishikawa and Seiko Takano are willing to trust you, maybe you really have some special qualities... So, can I trust you?"

"Chen Ziang, are you willing to try to help me like trying to convince them? Or more precisely..."

"……save me?"

Chen Ziang pondered for a moment, then said:

"I'm not sure I'm going to save anyone, but if you'd trust me, I'd consider trying to help you. What do you need me to do?"

"It's very simple." The female voice said in an emotionless voice, "I don't trust Dijing Group, and I don't believe they will pay us or settle us down."

"I don't trust Gao Tianyuan's upper management even more. I don't believe that they will force Dijing Group to solve the problem, instead of forcing us to submit."

"The only ones who can save the miners are ourselves."

"I hope you can find a way to persuade your boss Xia Qingyu to help us arrange for mining ships to station in Gaotianyuan."

"The mining ship is the property of the Federal Bakht Group. I can't trust those mercenary elves. But I have some secret means to control the elves on the mining ship, and then master the ownership of the entire mining ship."

"If we can't get deep mining technology, there will be no cheap mineral resources available for mining, and we miners will have no value in continuing to exist, so getting this interstellar mining our only hope for survival."

Chen Ziang pondered again.

She intends to use the means of the witch to control the mining ship, obtain equipment for mining deep minerals, and even reverse-crack the above technology, thereby completely changing the mining structure of Gao Tianyuan.

I have to say that what this witch is going to do sounds more planned and purposeful than "I will drag Extreme North City into hell" or "I will cut off all their tentacles".

But also more difficult...

As for the answer to this witch, there is naturally no need for any hesitation.

If she is rejected here, how the other party will react is uncontrollable. After all, there are so many unemployed miners sitting quietly in the ground floor lobby of Dijing Group!

Whether you want to help her sincerely, or you want to stabilize her first, you must agree to her request.

"Xia Qingyu is not in Gao Tianyuan at this time." He finally explained frankly, "When she comes back, I will help you ask her what she means."

(End of this chapter)

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