The Witch's Taste

Chapter 199 Sisters Love

Chapter 199 Sisters Love
"And you." Xia Qingyu shifted her focus, glared at Chen Ziang and asked, "You know her identity, and you dare to let her go shopping alone?"

"You're right." Chen Ziang was also a bachelor, and he admitted his mistake directly, "This is because I didn't think carefully. I'm sorry, Zili."

"It's all right." Xia Zili quickly waved her hands, "I'm also responsible for this. I've let down my vigilance recently..."

The interaction between the two was so tacit that Xia Qingyu's face became more gloomy, as if he would explode on the spot if he was stimulated by the slightest bit.

Chen Ziang quickly winked at Xia Zili, telling her to accept it as soon as she was happy.

"Sister, calm down." Xia Zili smiled flatteringly, "Eat some water spinach."

Xia Qingyu looked at her sister expressionlessly.

"Leader calm down and eat a piece of pork chop..." Chen Ziang wanted to follow suit, but just as he lifted his chopsticks, Xia Qingyu interrupted him with a terrifying look.

After finishing the supper in a hurry, Chen Ziang got up quickly and slipped to the kitchen to pack up the dishes to avoid the flames of war. Xia Zili was a little uneasy and said in a low voice:
"Sister, it's very late now, and I heard that the outside is still chaotic, can we..."

"You want to live here?" Xia Qingyu narrowed her eyes.

"Yes." Xia Zili said seriously, "If my sister is worried, you can stay with me!"

She quickly turned around and asked:
"Chen Ziang, can you let my sister live with me tonight?"

"Yes." Chen Ziang said subconsciously.

But when he turned around, he felt some instinctive regret: Do you really want Xia Qingyu to live in?
It's understandable to keep cats at home, but keeping there a risk of being bitten?
"Look!" Xia Zili happily took her sister's hand, "He also agreed, my sister will stay tonight."

Xia Qingyu frowned, as if she didn't want to agree, while Xia Zili took advantage of the victory to pursue her, using the long-preserved coquettish method:

"Is it okay, is it, is it, is it..."

Her control over her voice is already very strong, and at this time, she deliberately made it into a soft and waxy cotton candy voice. Even Chen Ziang, who was far away in the kitchen, couldn't stop it. Of course Xia Qingyu also had a headache, so she could only back down and say :
"Okay, but you have to come back with me tomorrow morning."

"Yeah! Sister is the best!" Xia Zili hugged her joyfully, rubbing her arms vigorously.

In the kitchen, Chen Ziang, who was washing dishes, sighed sadly.

If Xiao Zhu can regain her health, with the indestructible love between our brother and sister, she will probably act like a baby in my arms...

However, I was worried that Xia Qingyu would be angry with her, but now that the relationship between the two sisters is so good, I feel relieved.

Looking at the reflection of the two hugging each other in the window, Chen Ziang smiled slightly, and continued to wash the dishes with his head down.

After washing the dishes, while Xia Zili went to the bathroom to take a bath, Chen Ziang quickly walked to Xia Qingyu's side, and said in a low voice:
"Talk about the witch?"

"Sit." Xia Qingyu pointed to the opposite chair.

This style makes it look like you are in your office... Chen Ziang secretly slandered, of course he didn't care about such trivial matters, and quickly talked about Suwon Saori's matter.

He knew that Xia Qingyu didn't like to dwell on the details, so he just focused on the key points. Xia Qingyu listened expressionlessly, nodded and said:

"I see."

Uh, you get it, so what?

Chen Ziang was a little puzzled, because according to the past practice, Xia Qingyu should first say "what do you think", and then after expressing his point of view, use sharp language and merciless tongue to refute it to nothing, and finally come "An ape is an ape" or "I shouldn't expect you to have a human IQ" blah blah blah blah...

It's getting weirder and weirder!

"Then what do you mean?" He tentatively asked again, "Have you seen?"

"What if we don't see each other?" Xia Qingyu raised his eyebrows.

"If it disappears, it means that Suwon Saori's original plan cannot be implemented." Chen Ziang analyzed, "There is not enough confidence to make the mining ship dock at Gao Tianyuan, and she cannot teleport to the mining ship, so she should take other measures. Measures... But it means that we have lost the only channel of cooperation with her, and we cannot continue to grasp her intelligence."

"So it's not difficult to guess, right?" Xia Qingyu said with a sneer, "Then why do you still ask me? It's because you're not sure about your own analysis, so you have to find some confidence from me, right?"

Chen Ziang: ……………

It smells right.No matter whether you answered correctly or incorrectly, you will be disgusted or ridiculed by her, this is Xia Qingyu!
"Let me talk to Mizuhara Saori." He ignored the venomous attack just now, and said quickly, "Try to let us set a time and place for the meeting."

"No, let her decide." Xia Qingyu said.

"Why?" Chen Ziang asked puzzled.

"Because she won't agree to let us make an appointment." Xia Qingyu said coldly, "Don't waste time."

"Okay, you have the final say." Chen Ziang said indifferently.

"Where does my sister sleep these days?" Xia Qingyu asked suddenly.

"The guest room at the end on the second floor." Chen Ziang replied, "Shall I get you pajamas?"

"it is good."

With Xia Zili's lessons learned, Chen Ziang chose the biggest size in his sister's spare clothes this time.

When Xia Qingyu came out of the bathroom after changing into her pajamas, she really didn't feel tight in any size. The only shortcoming was that the pants seemed a little short, revealing a white ankle.

"These are already the longest pajama pants at home." Chen Ziang said in embarrassment, "I'll look for them again."

"No need." Xia Qingyu thumped upstairs, probably to find her sister.

Looking at her figure, Chen Ziang suddenly had a strange illusion:

Just now... was she being shy?

Well, it's unlikely, or I just simply dislike being seen by me.

Sending Xiaozhu back to the bedroom, Chen Ziang finally turned off the light in the living room, and when he returned to the second floor, he saw that the door at the end of the corridor was not closed, and the light inside was still on.

He walked to the door of the guest room, knocked on the door, and said in a clear voice:
"Remember to lock the door at night."

"Understood." Xia Zili's voice came from inside. She was lying on the bed side by side with Xia Qingyu, as if she was whispering to her sisters.

The legs of these two sisters are really longer than the other. Why does the royal gene work hard in such a strange place?
Chen Zi'ang drove the thoughts out of his mind, and went back to his bedroom silently.

Lying on the bed, he took out the pendant given to him by Mizuhara Saori, and soon a female voice echoed in his mind:
"How to say?"

"She agreed, you decide the time and place."

"As expected of that Highness." Mizuhara Saori sighed, "I was actually asked to decide the time and place of the meeting... I thought you would never let go of this aspect."

"Because we also attach importance to this meeting." Chen Ziang said seriously, "I hope you will not disappoint this kindness."

"I understand." Saori Mizuhara replied, "When I make a decision, I will inform you as soon as possible."

After the conversation was over, Chen Ziang put the pendant aside, and began to check the messages on his phone before going to bed as usual.

In the guest room on the other side, Xia Zili hugged Xia Qingyu affectionately, and murmured:

"It's been a long time since I slept with my sister."

She rubbed her sister's chest hehehe, Xia Qingyu frowned and pushed her away, but she quickly clung to her again.

Xia Qingyu leaned back against the pillow and silently looked at her sister beside her.

The pillows of the two are on the same level, and Xia Zili's feet are just below her calves, which means that she must be the winner in terms of length; but judging from the feeling of her sister hugging her, she seems to be slightly inferior in terms of size and weight She is ahead.

Although they have the same mother, the father's genes are too different, which leads to the obvious physical differences between the two sisters.

Perhaps it is for this reason that the Xia clan's attitude towards Xia Zili has been ambiguous so far, neither recognizing her as a member of the royal family nor intending to take her back.

"Go to bed early." Xia Qingyu pulled up the quilt.

"I want to sleep in my sister's arms." Xia Zili said coquettishly, sticking to her side.

But Xia Qingyu didn't answer, just closed her eyes wordlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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