The Witch's Taste

Chapter 200 My Flagship

Chapter 200 My Flagship
Rosette Nebula, location unknown.

In the universe, most objects revolve around their own stars.The so-called "galactic exploration" is essentially exploring every star system.

As for the regions beyond the star system?Most of them are gas, dust, radiation, and endless void, there is no need for any exploration, so they usually use superluminal leaps to travel there.

However, the coordinates given by Tsukimiya Suzuna are not located in any star system, but in a vast expanse of gas and dust.

At first, Treasure Hunter thought that the boss was too rich to make fun of them, but for the sake of the down payment, he went to explore temporarily, and found a strange celestial body near the coordinates.

To be precise, it is a strange man-made celestial body, which can never be a natural product, and should come from the handwriting of an unknown alien civilization.

There was a huge controversy inside the Treasure Hunter at that time: whether to continue to fulfill the contract with the boss and report back, or sell the news to richer customers.

In the end, I decided to report to the boss. The main reason is that the boss gave too much, and I feel that it is impossible to find a better victim... As for how many crew members regretted their mistakes after the boss arrived on the Treasure Hunter, that is another time. It's over.

In short, after a long journey in the universe, the Treasure Hunter finally arrived at this strange man-made celestial body again in the Rose Nebula.

Judging from the detector scan, this celestial body should be a regular octahedron with an extremely smooth surface.

Its volume is also huge, about 200 times larger than the largest human battleship, and there does not seem to be any nozzles on the surface that eject matter, so it does not look like a ship, but more like some kind of strange space station.

"We have already explored it." The former captain Lin Yuan introduced respectfully, "The octahedron has an unknown material, and the surface is smooth and seamless. There are no cracks that can be entered, and there are no mechanisms that can be operated."

"We have tried most of the means of communication, such as electromagnetic waves, particle beams, gravitational waves...or the simplest physical vibrations, but there is no response."

"It's like an ignorant bird pecking at the shell of an airplane, expecting the other party to respond with a corresponding chirp." Suzuna Tsukimiya commented.

"Cough, this is the first time everyone has seen this kind of thing." Lin Yuan carefully apologized, "Do you need me to arrange an outboard service so that you can get close to this celestial body?"

"No need." Tsukimiya Suzuna said leisurely, "Take me directly to the decompression chamber."

A few minutes later, the crew on the bridge saw Suzuna Tsukimiya leaving the decompression hatch, dragged by a cloud of shadows without any space suit protection, and flew towards the strange artificial celestial body .

Although no one dared to say it clearly, everyone couldn't help but groan in their hearts:
This girl who looks like a human woman is actually an alien under the skin, right?

So... this is for us to send her back to her lair?
Tsukimiya Suzuna came to the vicinity of the celestial body, looked at the huge blue-gray metal creation in front of her, put her right hand covered by the shadow on it, and began to speak strange words:
"Lava, Chita, Lava Guaya, I am talking to your entire race."

At that moment, a tiny electric current began to beat on the metal surface.

At the same time, a certain voice directly acting on the soul appeared in Tsukimiya Suzuna's mind:

"Flesh visitors, why come to find Zeta?"

"In the name of chaos." Tsukimiya Suzuna responded in a deep voice, "Give Zeta to me."

no respond.

But Tsukimiya Suzuna could sense that countless consciousnesses in the metal body began to wake up, and they were arguing fiercely and irritablely with each other.

"What do you want our Zeta to do?" The other party responded quickly.

"I need you as my family's shelter. As compensation, I will protect your survival." Tsukimiya Suzuna didn't hide it either. She knew that this alien race called "Zeta" was actually an alien race. This kind of strange "electromagnetic pulse life" does not have as many complex thinking as human beings, but simply judges the pros and cons of the moment.

They used to belong to the lower races in the abyss, and their technological level far surpassed that of humans, but they were almost extinct for some reason, leaving only a few hundred remnant strongholds scattered in every corner of the galaxy.

The huge octahedron in front of you is the residence of these electromagnetic beings—a planetary metal creation called "Zeta", the name is actually an onomatopoeic word for electric discharge.

"As you can see." Suzuna Tsukimiya continued, "The life composition and shape of my family are completely different from yours."

"Your race is an electric life, and you need Zeta as a conductor to inhabit; while my race is a physical body, you don't need to occupy the inside of Zeta, you just need it to form a barrier to isolate us from the harmful outer space of the universe."

She released the information she had prepared in the form of brain waves, and displayed a huge starship structure diagram in front of the Zeta life.

This huge starship can accommodate almost 2000 million people.Each structure, such as life support area, storage area, engine area, energy area, living area, etc., is divided into orderly and clear at a glance.

But the Zeta life obviously cannot understand these structures. After all, they do not need oxygen and food, nor do they need to move or other energy sources. They usually just stay inside the Zeta to generate electricity silently.

So there was a lot of quarrels again, some of the EMP wanted to learn this design drawing and get more information from Suzuna Tsukimiya, while the other part of the EMP was still vigilant, and they had already keenly detected that, The physical life in front of him is a very dangerous high-level existence, so try not to offend him if you can.

Countless debates and quarrels finally resonated into a collective consciousness:


At least from the design drawings, the Zeta family still lives inside the metal, while humans live in a space surrounded by metal, and there will be no conflict between the two sides... There is even no way to communicate directly.

The only thing the other party asked them to do was to re-melt and knead the Zeta metal into another complex structure. For them, it was like redecorating their own home.

Soon, the huge octahedral metal began to vibrate violently.

The crew on the Treasure Hunter were almost out of their wits.They saw that countless cracks had already appeared on the surface of the metal creation, and red-hot glare appeared from the cracks.

At the same time, the spacecraft control center began to alarm frantically because it detected a sharp increase in the external temperature.

Lin Yuan had to direct the crew to keep the Treasure Hunter away from the metal object, so as not to melt the outer coating of the spaceship.

However, Tsukimiya Suzuna remained where she was, a thick shadow enveloping her, making her look like a wriggling mass of chaos.

Fortunately, Zeta didn't make her wait too long, and quickly melted the octahedron into a fluid by unknown means, and then used some method similar to a strong magnetic field to re-knead the metal fluid into the outline of the starship.

The crew members of the Treasure Hunter in the distance were completely dumbfounded at this time, but Tsukimiya Suzuna did not show any surprise. She looked through the layers of squirming shadows, quietly watching the prototype of the giant ship, slowly moving in front of her. emerge.

Long time no see, forever number.

my flagship.

 There was a girl fighting downstairs and watched it, but I forgot the release time, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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