The Witch's Taste

Chapter 220 Xia Qingyu's Mission

Chapter 220 Xia Qingyu's Mission
As people from the town took the dog and the crazy owner away, the mission of Chen Ziang and Yuegong Suzuna was finally declared complete.

The dog will be sent to a pet hospital in Chiba District, and after treatment, it will be returned to movie star Yui Miyamoto.

Not for anything else, the main reason is not to let Yui Miyamoto post any photos on the Internet, such as "my dog ​​was hurt like this", which will only make the negative public opinion on the Internet more and more violent.

The Gao Tianyuan government does not have the propaganda ability of the federal media, so it can only suppress it as much as possible, otherwise its reputation will be completely destroyed by a large number of uncontrolled self-media.

As for the owner who fell into madness, he was taken back to the Jibei City Intelligence Bureau, and Rio Hokaze personally checked the situation.

"So, it's all right now?" Tsukimiya Suzuna said helplessly in the light rail car heading to Shinjuku District, her tone seemed a little frustrated, "It's full of money, and it's less than two days away on business, so you're going back right away?"

"Otherwise, I participated in the festival last night, haven't I had enough fun?" Chen Ziang asked with a smile.

"Not enough." Tsukimiya Suzuna shook her head vigorously.

Speaking of which, she was depressed as hell.

It's a rare opportunity, if you bring a small umbrella or small pills with you, or even if you are more domineering and tough, you may have cooked rice by now!
In a moment of negligence, the cooked duck flew away!
Chen Ziang didn't know what Yuegong Suzuna was thinking, he just sat in his seat and played with his mobile phone leisurely.

Tsukimiya Suzuna quietly moved her body closer, first her thighs touched each other.

Sure enough, there was no response.

Although these offensives have no effect, they have successfully brought the senior's psychological distance closer, and now the slightly intimate and ambiguous touch will no longer arouse his resistance~
The next step is to continue to adapt him and see if he can find a second chance...

"Damn it!" Chen Ziang exclaimed suddenly.

He quickly realized that he was in a light rail car, and quickly closed his mouth, just staring at the phone solemnly.

Suzuna Yuegong leaned over to look, and saw an uncoded, bloody photo on the screen. The environment should be in a veterinarian's operating room, and the comments below reached tens of thousands in an instant.

Heh, although we prevented the TV station from filming, the insidious and cunning elves really have their backs.

She looked out of the window a little bored, and a large piece of scenery passed away quickly.

Hmph, it doesn't matter.

it's the same.


Extreme North City Intelligence Bureau.

I thought I would be scolded by Xia Qingyu, but to Chen Ziang's surprise, the other party did not lose his temper, but said coldly:
"This mission is over, you can go back to work."

"Uh, Qing Yu." Chen Ziang said tentatively, "I think I should bear the primary responsibility for this failure."

Xia Qingyu looked at him carefully from behind the desk.After a while, one leg dressed in black silk was lifted gracefully.

"Tell me."

"I didn't realize that the veterinarian would leak secrets." Chen Ziang said frankly.

"It wasn't the veterinarian who leaked the secret." Xia Qingyu said suddenly, "According to the investigation of the intelligence department, someone hacked into the computer of the Chiba District Veterinary Clinic and stole the records."

"So it's a computer hacker?" Chen Ziang thought about it.

"The opponent has a lot of cards in his hand." Xia Qingyu said leisurely, "No matter how defensive you are, the opponent has a countermeasure, so you can't defend against it."

"Since we can't prevent it." Chen Ziang said with a sigh, "Then what's the point of our business trip this time?"

"There is a request from above, so I put on airs." Xia Qingyu took a sip of tea, "If it is really an important task that is careless and loses everything, do you think I will trust you to do it alone?"

Chen Ziang: ……………

Sure enough, although it was not ironic at the beginning, which was beyond my expectation, but after the chat, I found that it was still the familiar smell.

"It's not just me." He tried to correct the other party's mistake, "and Suzuna went too."

"Is there a difference?" Xia Qingyu said with a sneer, "Taking a hamster is more useful than taking her."

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that hamsters really don't get into the bed at night and try to copulate with their owners... No, no, no, what am I thinking?

Chen Ziang tried his best to dispel the distracting thoughts in his mind, and asked again for confirmation:
"Then what should we do next? I see that there seems to be a wave of condemnation on the Internet..."

"Don't worry about it." Xia Qingyu said quietly, "Chen Ziang, you are an officer of the intelligence bureau, not the person in charge of the network monitoring team."

"But I'm very entangled in this matter." Chen Ziang didn't play any tricks with her, and simply said frankly, "Ever since you told me that the mining ship sent by the Federation elves was actually a Star Destroyer, I have had a lot of headaches .”

Imagine that one day you know the earth is going to end, but you don't know when, and there's nothing you can do about it...

"Really?" Xia Qingyu showed a gentle smile, "The reason I want to tell you is to achieve this effect, and now I am very satisfied."

Chen Ziang didn't speak, but showed an expression of "Can you fucking be a human being?" without concealing it.

After thinking about it for a while, he felt that Xia Qingyu didn't seem to intend to tell him the truth, so he bid farewell and left tactfully.

"Since you are so obsessed with figuring out things beyond your responsibilities." When he put his hand on the doorknob, Xia Qingyu's voice sounded behind him, "Then I can also entrust you with a task beyond your responsibilities. .”

"Think about it carefully, if you are the top person in charge of the Gao Tianyuan government... what should you do?"

When he returned to his office, Chen Ziang was still thinking about this question.

He doesn't actually need to take on this task, but thinking about it will make him feel that "it seems that he can do something", which can be regarded as self-comforting to a certain extent.

Tsukimiya Suzuna was still as usual, watching soap idol dramas on the desk with her legs crossed, eating leisurely with a bag of melon seeds - she didn't care about showing her big white legs at all.

Chen Ziang sat down silently at the seat next to her, resting his forehead with one hand, and clicking the mouse with the other hand.

Sensing that her favorite senior had something on her mind, Tsukimiya Suzuna immediately felt that the melon seeds in her hand were no longer fragrant, so she could only ask cautiously:
"Senior, that bastard... what happened after she called you over?"

"It's nothing." Chen Ziang didn't hide anything from Yuegong Lingna (at least most of the things), so he explained to her in detail the "homework" that Xia Qingyu assigned to him.

"It's not that simple?" Yue Gong Suzuna first subconsciously criticized, and then suddenly realized, "No, it's not that simple, she must have some kind of conspiracy."

"What kind of conspiracy could there be?" Chen Ziang asked puzzledly, "Although she speaks very bluntly, has a poisonous tongue, never considers the audience's feelings, is cold-blooded, and lacks sympathy, but at least she can tell clearly about right and wrong, and there is no real truth. She did something that harmed us, otherwise, who would dare to continue to work with her?"

"Yeah." Yuegong Lingna replied absently, and after a while she managed to figure it out, and said in a low voice, "It's really not that difficult, senior."

"Think about it, why didn't the Federation and the Empire encounter similar problems?"

"Because the empire rules public opinion with an iron fist." Chen Ziang is not a novice with no knowledge of interstellar space, although as an aborigine who has never left the Gaotianyuan star region, his understanding of the Federation is not as good as that of Xia Zili and Yuegong Suzuna, and his understanding of the empire Not as good as Xia Qingyu, but you can generally say one, two, three, four, five about the situation in the Milky Way. "The Federation is a highly capital-ruled society. Capital has completely infiltrated the media, and people can be prevented from discussing things that capital does not want to discuss."

"Exactly." Tsukimiya Suzuna agreed.Although she led Chen Ziang to say this conclusion, she cleverly ignored it, and instead stood in the position of "I agree with your point of view", and said with a smile, "In this case, there are ready-made cases, as long as you copy them Isn't that all right?"

"Copy it?" Chen Ziang thought about it, "If you learn from the Federation... No, most of the Internet media now come from companies from the Federation, and they will never allow the Gaotianyuan star region government to dictate to them."

"So we can only change in the direction of the empire." Tsukimiya Suzuna agreed, "First announce the expulsion of all federal companies to eliminate the possibility of the other party stirring up trouble in the public opinion field, and then hold down the rebound from the people, it's over! "

"But they can't do that." Chen Ziang said with a sigh, "If they fight against the Federation, it will affect the foreign trade economy."

"Choose one or the other, money is still a fatal issue." Tsukimiya Suzuna said in a relaxed tone, "Although in reality most people want both, but in the end they can't get both."

(End of this chapter)

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